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Sponsorship News 
November 2013 


Welcome to the ACC sponsorship E-News

In this issue we would like to focus on the orphanage we support in Cochabamba Bolivia  



Salomón Klein is an orphanage situated in Cochabamba, in the heart of Bolivia. It is home to 150 babies and small children, abandoned and at risk, many of whom have special needs. Salomon Klein is a not for profit organisation that provides shelter, care and a safe environment to children and women who live on the streets in Cochabamba.

During the recent global financial crisis, much of the aid that was being delivered to orphanages in developing nations was withdrawn by the World Bank. 
Bolivia is one of the poorest countries in Latin America with two thirds of the population living in poverty.  Women and children are the most vulnerable groups in society which is reflected by the number of infants and children that are abandoned each year and require shelter and care in homes such as Salomón Klein.  

Salomón Klein is in desperate need of funding to provide the children with improved health care, nutrition, access to education, and emotional support. They are working hard so they do not have to turn the home back to the State. Your sponsorship ensures that the children's fundamental needs can be met; allowing staff and volunteers more time to focus on their developmental and emotional needs.  As a sponsor you will receive photos, profiles and regular updates on the progress of some of the children at Salomón Klein.    


Additional sponsors are always needed. Please spread the word and encourage family and friends to sponsors a child at this  home. Click here to download a sponsorhsip form


Click to view a video of the home - View our videos on YouTube  


Photos below are of recent donations made to Salomon Klein with contributions from our donors and sponsors. 




Sponsorship and donations to the homes 

The total of $13470 was sent to the following orphanages in September and October 2013.

Carlos de Villegas 

La Paz Bolivia

$ 3690 in sponsorship

$1270 in donations

$4960 Total


Bogota Colombia

$720 Sponsorship 


Podanur India

$1440 Sponsorship 

Christ Faith Home  

Chennai India

$720 Sponsorship 

Salomon Klein  

Cochabamba Bolivia 

$630 Sponsorship  

$1682 Donations

Total $2312 

Virgen de Fatima  

La Paz Bolivia 

$2070 Sponsorship

$1250 Donations

Total $3320   

Additional sponsors
needed for FFC Podanur
Some of the kids our sponsors support in Podanur



Raghul is in 5th grade in FFC School. He is a brilliant student and is good at drawing, singing, yoga. Very smart. He always wants to know about new things and is in good health. 

Kousalya is in 2nd grade in FFC School. She is a slow learner and very talkative. Kousalya likes to play with puzzles, toys. Sports- running race she goes very fast. She mingles with others very well and is very friendly. Kousalya is a little bit careless in completing her home work. Health wise she is ok. 

More sponsors are needed for this home.  To sponsor a child at FFC home - download a sponsorship form
Additional sponsors
needed for FANA Bogota

Emiliano is one of the children in the FANA sponsorship progam.
You can read his story on the link below
Click to view FANA ACC sponsors report Aug 2013

If you would like to sponsor a child from FANA - download the sponsorship form and send it in with your contribution.
A special thank you to the team @ Curves West Ryde
for their ongoing support


Curves West Ryde has supported Salomon Klein ever since the owner's daughter, Anna, spent a year there as a volunteer.  While she was there we raised funds which we sent to her to buy milk for the babies, as the local budget did not stretch to the special milks that some of the children needed, nor indeed to the quantities of regular milk that they needed.  That was in 2008.  Since then we have had a Christmas fundraiser each year whereby members give a donation in exchange for cutting out and decorating a hand.  From these we fashion our annual Christmas tree.  Our fundraiser is called "Let your Hands Reach Around the World".  We usually put up a map showing where Cochabamba is located and put out a folder displaying the photos that Anna send back in 2008 with funny little anecdotes about some of the babies and their personalities.  Goodness, the 'babies' must be at least 6 years old by now and we do wish that we had recent photos of them and to know where they all are! There has always been keen interest in those particular children.  The members love this time of the year and we are happy to be able to send on our donations now via Ricky at ACC.  Thank you ACC for your valuable work to support Salomon Klein, a place that is special to our hearts. 

Linda, Deb, Nina, India, Sam and Mila

Download sponsorship form from our website   


Small change for us , big change for the kids

It costs less than $1 a day to sponsor a child through ACC and give that child a chance for a better future. Please considering sharing this with your friends and encourage them to sponsor.  A sponsorship form can be downloaded from our website  


Martel Green
On behalf of the sponsorship team

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Australians Caring for Children

P.O Box 7182
Bondi Beach NSW 2026  

Ph: 9389 1889 Fax: 9388 0226

