December 2, 2015

Director's Letter 
Carole Baggerly 
Director, GrassrootsHealth 

Dr. Robert Heaney was presented with a Lifetime Recognition award at the US House of Representatives on his birthday, November 10th. 

Dr. Heaney is our Research Director and has been very instrumental in helping guide everything from our thinking processes about research to the writing and production of the research. In addition, his presentations are some of our most popular. He is an excellent educator! Please take a look below at this week's topic, of Why Test? for a key video with him.

We are assembling a 'GrassrootsHealth Recognition' Award for Dr. Heaney. By this Friday, December 4th, please take a moment and share your personal appreciation for his service to GrassrootsHealth, vitamin D eduction, or anything you wish!  You may respond to this email with your comments and your signature.  We will assemble, decorate and, share with all in just a few weeks!

It is very hard to write briefly about such a fantastic person--he is among the most brilliant people I know, he is incredibly kind and respectful of all people, a peace advocate, determined to make a difference (he has!), and, exhibits a sense of gratefulness for life that is catching.  I very, very much appreciate knowing him and working with him.  Robert, many, MANY thanks to you for you!


Carole Baggerly
Director, GrassrootsHealth
A Public Health Promotion & Research Organization
Moving Research into Practice NOW!

Some Well Deserved Recognition

About Dr. Heaney

Robert P. Heaney, BS'47, MD'51, is a clinical endocrinologist specializing in nutrition. Until 2014 he held the John A. Creighton University Professorship. He is world-renowned for providing nearly 50 years of advancements in our understanding of bone biology, osteoporosis, and human calcium and vitamin D physiology.  He is the author of four books and has published over 400 original papers, chapters, monographs, and reviews in scientific and educational fields. At the same time, he has engaged nutritional policy issues and has helped redefine the context for estimating nutrient requirements. Dr. Heaney also currently holds the position of Research Director at GrassrootsHealth.

Some Well Deserved Recognition

On November 10th, in the House of Representatives, Representative Brad Ashford, a democrat from Nebraska's 2nd District, spoke to the House to recognize Dr. Heaney. Here is the text of his speech:

"Mr. Speaker I rise today in honor of Dr. Robert Heaney on the occasion of his 87th birthday. It is an honor to share a birthday, November 10th, with such a distinguished member of our community. Dr. Heaney is a world-renowned researcher in vitamin D deficiency. He is one of the most published researchers in the United States. Dr. Heaney has published over 400 original papers, chapters and reviews on science and education. His accomplishments speak to his perseverance and commitment to innovation in his field.  From 1971 to 1984, the doctor served as Professor Emeritus and Vice-President of Health Sciences for my law school alma mater, Creighton University in Omaha. In addition to his achievements in his own field, he is no stranger to nutrition policy. Dr. Heaney helped re-define nutritional requirements by providing the link between malnutrition and long-term health problems. Most recently he served as research director of GrassrootsHealth, a non-profit organization committed to solving global vitamin D deficiency.  I wish Dr. Heaney a very happy 87th birthday and here's to many more." 
- Representative Brad Ashford, Nebraska's 2nd District

Watch Video
Video of the Week--Why Test?

This week we encourage you to take a look at this 20-minute webinar with Dr. Robert Heaney and Carole Baggerly which highlights the importance of testing vitamin D.

"Therapeutic adequacy of vitamin D
depends not on dose but on
achieved serum level which can only be
ascertained by measurement."

Why it is important to measure 25(OH)D
  • There is a wide variance of vitamin D serum levels for any given supplement dose. This variance in serum levels is illustrated by highlighting individuals who took 5000 IU/day and had serum levels ranging from 20 ng/ml - 140 ng/ml.
  • Whatever criterion of adequacy one may choose, adequacy of repletion can only be ascertained by measurement.
Why is vitamin D important?
  • Vitamin D is necessary to help us absorb enough calcium from our diet.
  • Vitamin D functions as part of the biochemical apparatus that enables our body systems to respond to routine, ordinary signals and stresses.
  • When vitamin D status is inadequate, none of our body systems work at peak efficiency.

Discussion of vitamin D serum levels

  • One study showed a 77% reduction in all cancers in participants who took 1100 IU of vitamin D supplements with calcium each day and achieved an average 25(OH)D of 38 ng/ml.
  • A tuberculosis trial showed a 100% sputum conversion for those within the treatment group, with an average serum level of 60 ng/ml.
  • Another study showed a 50% reduction in neurocognitive deficits in young children, after the pregnant treatment group received vitamin D and had serum levels between 30-60 ng/ml.
  • Native African studies have been used to show ancestral levels of vitamin D of approximately 48 ng/ml.
  • The Institute of Medicine has pegged 20 ng/ml as the lower end of "normal"; the Endocrine Society recommends 30 ng/ml; most clinical scientists would recommend 40 ng/ml.  The most recent GrassrootsHealth paper about vitamin D and preterm births has 40 ng/ml as an absolute minimum for the health of the child.
Watch Webinar

The Gift of Vitamin D Become a D*advocate

Do you have a passion for vitamin D? Are you wondering what to give your friends and family this holiday?

You can accomplish both by becoming a D*advocate. We are running a special until the end of this year which is the best offer for home vitamin D tests on the Internet --  for $300 you will receive:
  • Six vitamin D test kits
  • A letter you can customize for your recipients explaining the power of this gift
  • Six  5,000 IU bottles of Bio-Tech Pharmacal vitamin D
This is a retail value of $492, so you are getting over a 40% savings by buying now. If you would like us to ship separately to your friends and family, for $350 GrassrootsHealth will send your packages for you. Take advantage of this offer today!

Become a D*advocate today!

Editor's Letter 
Susan Siljander 
Marketing Director, GrassrootsHealth

The first time I met Dr. Heaney was in preparation for one of our seminars. He is humble and caring and you would never know from his demeanor that he is one of the world's best nutrition scientists. He is passionate about his work and helping others. He has helped define several GrassrootsHealth initiatives and he will be one of the key reasons the medical community changes its stance on vitamin D. Thank you Dr. Heaney!

On that note, I am sure that every one of you reading this news is just as passionate. You influence others not only by your actions, but by your words and deeds. You have probably talked to others about vitamin D, and maybe even sent this news or other links to friends and family. As you are prepping for the holiday season, I encourage you to take advantage of our offer of six vitamin D tests for $300. The first Christmas I worked for GrassrootsHealth I did something similar and I created life-long converts. It is very powerful to have a friend test their level and then enter into a discussion with them about how much is adequate and what they should do to get there. Check out our offer here.


Susan Siljander
Marketing Director, GrassrootsHealth
A Public Health Promotion & Research Organization  
Moving Research into Practice NOW!

Order Now
Your participation in this project provides information for your answers to D questions and helps fund the GrassrootsHealth projects.

To Robert Heaney for his lifetime recognition award from the US House of Representatives. Honoring his dedication to nutrition sciences and improving the lives of Americans. 
Join the
Protect Our Children NOW!
Vitamin D Forum


Ask and browse questions about how vitamin D will protect your pregnancy and the future health of your child.

Join NOW! 

Open to any US woman, 18 years or older, at 12-17 weeks of pregnancy

Why Test Vitamin D!?
Dr. Robert Heaney
Carole Baggerly
Webinar - with charts and explanations
20 minute lecture followed by Q&A
March 2013

YOU can help solve the vitamin D deficiency epidemic by throwing a D*party!


Robert P. Heaney 
Christine B. French 
Stacie Nguyen 
Mia Ferreira 
Leo L. Baggerly 
Ludovic Brunel 
Paul Veugeler

Robert P. Heaney 
Cedric F. Garland 
Carole A. Baggerly Christine B. French Edward Gorham

Leo L. Baggerly 
Robert P. Heaney


Dr. Heaney has published the following 4 books:

Research for Health Professionals: Design, Analysis, and Ethics

Calcium and Common Sense

Calcium in Human Health

Ethnic and Environmental Influence on Vitamin D Requirement in Military

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