April 22, 2015

Letter from the Director


This week Carole Baggerly is in Delft, Nethlerlands, for the Vitamin D Workshop. This is a yearly, international, scientific meeting that focuses on the biology and health implications of Vitamin D. This workshop brings together researchers, clinicians and nutrition experts from around the globe (including staff from GrassrootsHealth and scientists on our panel). It is a multi-day forum where the latest research on vitamin D is presented, shared and debated.

Carole will be presenting a poster on our Protect Our Children NOW! project in Charleston, South Carolina. Dr. Bruce Hollis, a scientist on our panel, is speaking on the benefits of vitamin D in pregnancy.

Since many of us can't attend in person, they publish the proceedings in the Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Click here to view past manuscripts.

If you want to attend next year it will be in Boston!


Vitamin D Success Story


Tell us a little bit about yourself: 



My name is Ana Claudia.  I'm 46 years old and I live in Albuquerque, New Mexico.


How did you hear about GrassrootsHealth?


I found the GrassrootsHealth page through vitamin D articles on Facebook.


How was your health before using vitamin D?


In the beginning of 2008 I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS). I was very sick when I heard about a treatment being prescribed in my home country, Brazil, which involved high doses of vitamin D. I heard about this from an old friend who also had MS and had already been on the treatment for 4 years with excellent results. At the time I did a lot of research on it and decided to try it, so I made an appointment, went to Brazil and started my treatment.


How much vitamin D do you take? Do you go out in the sun? 

I take 50,000 IU a day and also enjoy the sun whenever possible. I have been on this treatment for 7 years now and have had no further problems with MS. No flare ups, new lesions or disease progression, as shown in my MRIs.


What is your vitamin D blood level?


My levels are high but I don't know exactly how high because the lab only lists >160 ng/ml. The high levels of vitamin D are not considered a problem, the calcium is the problem. I follow a diet with no dairy, and every 6 months have a round of blood and urine tests for calcium levels, liver, kidney and thyroid function, etc. All my test results in these 7 years of treatment have been great. Before I started the treatment my D level was about 42 ng/ml.  


What would you recommend to others who are in a similar situation?


I'd recommend that they research about this option; in my opinion it sure beats all the conventional treatments for MS that are out there.


There is a Facebook group about this treatment; it's in Portuguese, but there are patients from all over the world there and posts in many different languages.   


How do you tell others about vitamin D?


I try to share my experience whenever I can; I'm also an active member of many social network groups.  



Thank you for sharing your story, Ana.  We will you further good health!


GrassrootsHealth does not currently have any data to support any additional health benefit of having a vitamin D blood  level of 100 ng/ml or above. The recommended serum level range, per our Scientists' Call to Action, is 40-60 ng/ml (100-150 nmol/L) for best overall health.


It is important to note that vitamin D related toxicity has been observed at levels of 200 ng/ml (500 nmol/L) and higher per J. Hathcock, Am J. Clin Nutr. 2007;85:6-18.

Video of the Week 


Edward Gorham, PhD
UC San Diego School of Medicine

Watch Now 


Dr. Edward Gorham is an Associate Professor in the Department of Family Medicine and Public Health at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine and member of the UCSD Moores Cancer Center. He holds a PhD in Epidemiology from the University of California San Diego, received in 1997.

Dr. Gorham was a co-recipient of the 1998 Arnold-Rikli Prize awarded in Basel Switzerland for his work in the area of vitamin D and cancer prevention. An international committee of distinguished scientists selects awardees for this prize every two years. Lately his work has focused on design and development of large-scale prospective epidemiological studies of the benefits of vitamin D in cancer prevention and treatment, and the risks that chemical sunscreen use may pose in exacerbating vitamin D deficiency and potentially increasing skin cancer risk.


Gorham has extensively studied the NHANES data. He starts his talk by explaining the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in the NHANES data, which is a representative sample of the United States. He also works with the US Department of Defense (DoD) and has access to their health data. Using this data he has correlated diabetes incidence with vitamin D blood levels.  


Gorham also presents population data from Finland. Being so far North, they always had a high recommended daily allowance (RDA) of vitamin D - as high as 4500 IU/day. But, in standardizing with the globe, they decreased their RDA to match ours - now 400 IU/day. Guess what? Diabetes incidence has skyrocketed!  


Listen to this talk to find out more about how vitamin D affects the incidence of diabetes and if vitamin D can help after diagnosis. 


Watch Now 


Editor's Letter 


We love to hear stories from you about how vitamin D has changed your life. I cannot think of a time when someone came up to me and said, "You know I had a condition and I took vitamin D and there was no change." Now, granted, maybe someone like that wouldn't follow GrassrootsHealth - but I am not sure it has happened. Instead, almost everyone who takes the plunge has noticed a positive change in their life.


Ana, thank you for sharing your story. If you would like to share your story in a future newsletter please email me at susan@grassrootshealth.org. 


Please share this newsletter with people you know who have MS or diabetes. This information could change their lives!  


Have a great week!


Susan Siljander       

Marketing Director, GrassrootsHealth

A Public Health Promotion & 

Research Organization  

Moving Research into Practice NOW!


Order Your Home Vitamin D Test TODAY!
Your participation in this project funds all the GrassrootsHealth research and promotion.
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This poster was presented at the Vitamin D Workshop in Chicago, IL, June 2014.
17th Workshop on Vitamin D, Chicago, IL, June 17-20, 2014.
View Here

Diabetes Data: Questions from Scientists
20-min video that describes the GrassrootsHealth data mentioned in the above poster
Watch Now

How could vitamin D prevent type 1 diabetes?
Cedric Garland, PhD
Carole Baggerly
30 min video about type 1 diabetes prevention
Watch Now

Vitamin D and Diabetes - can we Prevent It?
Video from seminar in 2009
Frank Garland, PhD
UCSD School of Medicine
Watch Now
Video of the Week
Association between sunlight, vitamin D, and diabetes.
Edward Gorham, PhD
UC San Diego School of Medicine

Watch Now
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