February 18, 2015

Letter from the Director


This week we wanted to give you a newsletter that is meant for someone new to vitamin D. For most of you on our subscription this is old news. But wait... don't delete just yet...


We wrote this newsletter for you to take grassroots action. Please take a moment and forward this newsletter to 5 people. Forward it with a short note asking them to:

  1. Read the newsletter
  2. Sign up for future newsletters
  3. Email you back any questions right away
  4. Email you back their vitamin D level after they are tested

Why do we ask this of you? You are one of over 8,000 recipients of this newsletter. If each of you forward to 5 people, this message would reach 40,000 new people. If this new group of 40,000 people take action then we could help prevent disease and increase their quality of life. Spreading the word to this new group of 40,000 could prevent 20 women from developing breast cancer and 208 new diagnoses of type1 diabetes. (Source: CDC incidence charts, GrassrootsHealth disease incidence prevention chart). 


We did it!

I am pleased to announce that a new sponsor, Danaum Co., Ltd.,has completed our fundraising and funded our letter to the IOM. Danaum is a pioneer who is running a vitamin D campaign and selling vitamin D products in Korea. This sponsorship of over $750 along with donations from many of you will help us publish a paper in open access mode that uses the GrassrootsHealth cohort to argue that the recommended RDA should be 7000 IU/day to get 97.5% of the population to 20 ng/ml. Thank you for the help! This effort provides scientific evidence to promote a change in the RDA for the US and Canada.




Carole Baggerly 

Director, GrassrootsHealth

A Public Health Promotion & Research Organization

Moving Research into Practice NOW!

How to Start with Vitamin D 


Scientists have found that most of the world is vitamin D deficient.


If you are new to our newsletter you are most likely vitamin D deficient as the average person has a vitamin D serum level around 25 ng/ml. In today's world it takes effort to get within the recommended range of 40-60 ng/ml because most people are predominantly inside; use sunscreen when outdoors; rely on multi-vitamins with low dosage (due to incorrect RDA); and cannot get enough from food.


Why is the RDA too low? Why is milk not enough?


The US RDA is too low because the Institute of Medicine (IOM) made an error in their analysis of the scientific data when they adjusted the RDA in 2010. Currently there is a petition to encourage the IOM and Health Canada to review the guidelines based on a paper describing the error. Suffice it to say that the US government has not yet caught up with the published science. When talking to your doctor do not be surprised if they think 20 ng/ml is enough, or if they discourage you from taking over 2000 IU/day of vitamin D supplementation.


The government first supplemented milk with vitamin D to prevent rickets. Rickets is a disease caused by a lack of sunlight (vitamin D) which leads to softening and weakening of developing bones in young children. It was prevalent in the early 1900s as people moved from farms to the cities and got less and less sunlight. Children with vitamin D levels less than 20 ng/ml are at risk for rickets. This is a serious problem and to best supplement all children the government decided to fortify milk (and some breads). It worked! Despite the fact that a vitamin D level of 20 ng/ml is enough to prevent rickets in children, it is not enough to support overall good health throughout our lifetime.  


Why do I need more?  


To understand why the amount necessary to prevent rickets is not enough for overall good health, you need to understand more about vitamin D and how it affects your body. Vitamin D is actually a hormone that affects over 3000 cell processes within your body. Without enough vitamin D circulating regularly in your blood, your body simply does not function as it was intended (ridding the body of intruders, fighting disease, repairing cells). This presentation from Michael F. Holick, PhD, MD - "D-Lightful Vitamin D: Bone and Muscle Health and Prevention of Autoimmune and Chronic Diseases" is a great introduction to how vitamin D affects your body's systems.  


Around the 1960s scientists started doing studies on vitamin D and disease prevention. While these studies are not as prolific as the studies on bone health, there are many that have found that vitamin D serum levels well above 20 ng/ml, in the range of 40-60 ng/ml, are necessary to prevent a number of diseases and cancers. Some of these studies have been randomized control trials (RCTs) and others have been epidemiological studies (looking at trends to determine cause and effect). GrassrootsHealth put together this chart to explain how vitamin D can prevent disease.


Disease Incidence Prevention Chart - Click to Enlarge

In the past ten years, there have been some successful RCTs that showed how beneficial vitamin D supplementation is with pregnant women. Please see this disease incidence prevention chart for pregnancy.

Pregnancy - Disease Incidence Prevention - Click to Enlarge

I have a specific condition, can vitamin D help me?


GrassrootsHealth, working with over 40 leading vitamin D scientists, has amassed many videos (from conferences, webinars and interviews) that can explain in more detail how vitamin D can prevent a certain disease. Please consult this chart for the video that might be pertinent to you or your family.



Video Link




Possible 75% less cancer deaths with vitamin D 

Results of Prostate Cancer/Vitamin D trial 

Vitamin D and sunlight for cancer prevention 

Cancer risk factors 

Vitamin D and breast cancer 



Prevention of type 1 diabetes with vitamin D and sunshine 

Diabetes and vitamin D 



Meeting the vitamin D needs of pregnant women 

Vitamin D requirements for breast feeding mothers 

Vitamin D and pregnancy 


Colds and Flus

Vitamin D and the Immune System 

Upper Respiratory Infections 1 

Upper Respiratory Infections 2  


Cystic Fibrosis

Vitamin D and Cystic Fibrosis



Vitamin D and Alzeimer's Prevention



Vitamin D and Autism




OK, I'm convinced. Now what do I do?


The first thing to do is test your vitamin D level. You may check with your doctor for a test or join D*action. With D*action you will be asked to pay fpr the test and complete an online questionnaire to enroll in our study. Then you will receive a card and instructions in the mail. You will prick your finger and put blood on this card and return it to us. A couple of weeks later you will receive a link via email to view your vitamin D serum level. We recommend you test your blood level every 6 months, especially when you are new - as you will most likely be changing your habits and/or diet to achieve a higher serum level. Doing this through D*action will help provide us with more data and help fund vitamin D research and education.


Video of the Week 


My Data My Answers  

by Carole Baggerly

Director, GrassrootsHealth 


Watch Now 


Carole Baggerly took her background as a professional science educator and entrepreneur to form GrassrootsHealth in 2007 in order to address the tremendous need to do the "translational" step with Vitamin D - to get the message about its efficacy from the scientists out to the general public and healthcare personnel.  


Baggerly graduated from Texas Christian University with a BA in Math and Physics. She started her professional life as a physics teacher and become a credentialed Montessori teacher when she had children.  She then started and ran a Montessori Children's Center.  She entered the business world as the Director of Information Technology at an ITT division where she helped implement ITT's first on-time, on-budget MRP system, a multi-million dollar project. In 1983, she formed Baggerly & Associates, providing business process re-engineering services to Fortune 500 companies.  Due to market timing, she quickly became an expert in electronic data exchange and worked as the aerospace industry Vice-Chair with ANSI to define the emerging EDI standard. In 1992, she founded ESIS to provide aerospace companies a service bureau with EDI which allowed them to implement 1000's of partners quickly. She retired from ESIS in 2001 to start Building Points of View, providing teambuilding and conflict resolution to companies. Her personal experience with breast cancer led her to form GrassrootsHealth. Baggerly lives in San Diego with her husband, Leo L. Baggerly, a physicist who is also working on some research aspects of vitamin D, specifically with the kinetics, the movement of vitamin D through the body.


This presentation describes how GrassrootsHealth started, why it was created, how it is funded, some of its successes and what it will look like going forward. Baggerly tells how she got involved in vitamin D and the key message she wants the world to hear: 


"Increase your vitamin D serum level to 40-60 ng/ml!"


The presentation includes several graphs of the data that GrassrootsHealth has collected over many years from our D*action participants, addressing topics such as:

  • How much vitamin D supplementation should I take?
  • How much sun exposure should I get?
  • Can vitamin D prevent common colds?
  • Does vitamin D prevent breast cancer?
  • Does vitamin D cause kidney stones?
  • What is the impact of vitamin D on diabetes?
  • How can vitamin D help my pain?
  • Which kind of supplement should I take?
  • Where are most of the participants?

 Watch Now  

 Editor's Letter 


I remember the first time I heard about vitamin D. I was astounded that I hadn't hear about something so simple, and yet so effective. I was also angry that the doctors were not listening to the scientists. It is so simple and inexpensive - why not try it? What is the downside? What if these scientists were wrong? Maybe I would be out a couple of hours of Internet research and some money on supplements (or time in the sun).


Of course it has proved to be a big help in my family. It has kept away many of the common colds and flus. It has helped us recover more quickly. It has helped my father with his arthritis. It has helped some people in my extended family with their conditions. It definitely hasn't hurt anyone.


The science is so compelling.... aren't you curious what your level is?


Test today!


Susan Siljander       

Marketing Director, GrassrootsHealth

A Public Health Promotion & 

Research Organization  

Moving Research into Practice NOW!

Order Your Home Vitamin D Test TODAY!
Your participation in this project funds all the GrassrootsHealth research and promotion.
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Watch Interview
Do You Need a Vitamin D Supplement to Maintain Ideal Levels

Interview with Dr. Joseph Mercola and Dr. Robert Heaney



Leading Health Website

View vitamin D information  


Vitamin D Council

Non-profit vitamin D education and products

View web site  


Sunlight, Nutrition and Health Research Center

Research and education to help prevent chronic disease

View web site  


BioTech Pharmacal

High quality supplements

View web site 



FDA recognized Lamps for Vitamin D production

View web site 



Sun monitoring app

 View web site 



Wearable sun monitor

View web site  


Did you miss the seminar?

No Problem - watch the videos now!

Vitamin D for Public Health Seminar

December 9-10, 2014

La Jolla, CA


My Data My Answers 

Carole Baggerly

 Watch Now 


We want you! 


Are you a member of D*action?


We would like to interview a few people from D*action and report on their experiences in an upcoming newsletter.  


Email Susan Siljander if you would like to participate. 


Share this newsletter on Facebook! Click on the top left social share buttons to share this entire newsletter. 


You can prevent disease if just one more person finds out about the preventative properties of vitamin D and starts moving their blood serum levels to 40-60 ng/ml. 

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