Newsletter April 2014

Deercreek Owners Association
Volume XVIII     Issue 4        

In This Issue
The Joys of Deercreek Living
ARB Reminder
Welcome New Residents
Tennis News
Deercreek Flag Project
Bargain Avenue
CPAC Meeting Dates
Business Advertising
Literary Circle
Meeting Highlights
Deercreek Ladies Golf Association
Deercreek Home and Garden Club
A Word From the Gatehouse
Deercreek Women's Alliance
Back Porch Night
DWA Annual Diaper Drive
Deercreek: We Care
Join Our Mailing List





Thursday, April 3
ARB 7:00 PM

Wednesday, April 9
Access Control 6:00 PM

Thursday, April 10
Common Property  6:30 PM

No Meeting

Thursday, April 17
Covenant Enforcement 6:00PM

Thursday, April 17
Finance  7:00 PM

Thursday, April 24
Board  7:00 PM


Monday, April 21
Literary Circle 10:00 AM

Tuesday, April 22
Garden Club 10:00 AM

Thursday, April 24
Bunco 10:00 AM
The Joys of Deercreek Living

Around the creek abound scenes of nature in various forms - plants, water, animals and birds. This month we bring you some pictures of pets caught enjoying the scenery and the weather out in their owners' front yards; as well as pictures of male and female hawks as caught by Justus Colby around hole 11. The Colby family loves their neighborhood, with its calm picture perfect landscapes and variety of birds and animals that live in the preserves. Enjoy!

Miss Diva
Miss Diva relaxing on the hood of her owner's car on a foggy February morning.

Dog in Yard
Misty the poodle relaxing on the lawn in front of owner's home.
Male Hawk
Male red shouldered hawk balancing on one foot in the late afternoon above the swamp at Hole 11. Courtesy J.Colby
Female Hawk
Female red shouldered hawk cawing around noon at the swamp by hole 11. Courtesy J.Colby

Access Control Committee
By Tommy Walter


Please inform the gate house if you get new license plates which have new numbers. It is very important that we have your current license plate numbers on file in case something should happen to the vehicle.

Please keep all car doors locked and windows up if the cars are parked outside.

Keep all garage doors down and all residence doors locked. If you leave the garage door up for pet access, be sure it is not high enough for a human to slide under it as well.
Safety is the watchword!
Welcome New Residents

Brett & Michelle Abner
8203 Ashworth Court

Robert & Hazel Clayton
7888 Heather Lake Court East

Gregory & Amanda Kieck
7852 Groveton Hills Place

We Say Goodbye

Jonathan Hiott & Gabriele Willemsen

Darrell & Bev Mitchell
Tennis News

Congratulations to our Deercreek USTA 55+ 3.5 women's team for winning the city championship!  They were undefeated and are headed to Daytona for the Sectional Championships in May! 

The Team consisted of Nancy Anderson, Nancy Blacker, HyBohlinger, Robin Braddock, Adele Givens, Diane Heacox, Buffy Joyce, Lane Lowry, Martha Parker, Judy Peace & Patty Toole and was Captained by Cheryl Rowan. It was a great season played in cold & windy conditions, but the team hung tough in many 3rd set tiebreakers!  Way to go team!  Here's to Daytona and beyond!

Pictured here are some of the team members:
Deercreek USTA
Deercreek Flag Project

American Flag

The Jacksonville Exchange Club will once again offer Deercreek residents the opportunity to participate in our 2014 Flag Project. Participating residents can choose to have the Exchange Club place a US Flag in their yard on the Memorial Day, Independence Day, and/or Veteran's Day holidays. These flags are approximately 3ft x 4ft in size, and are mounted on 5ft poles. Exchange Club members will place the flag in your yard a day or two before each holiday, and will remove the flags a day or two following each holiday.

CLICK HERE to download the official flyer and order form.
Bargain Avenue



More new items for sale>> 


Want to sell an item?


Deercreek residents can advertise items for sale on Bargain Avenue on the Deercreek website. Click on the Bargain Ave link on the site for more details.


By Natalie Jackson

DWA 2014/2015 Officers
The DWA is proud to present our new leadership team which was elected at the Back Porch Party on March 5. Thank you, ladies, for your dedicated service to this incredible organization which gives so much to those in need and has fun doing it.
President Debbie Grosnick
VP Carney Kirtley
Treasurer Catherine Wood
Secretary Jan Malick

Support our Sponsors!

ATlantic Powder Coating

JTS Cleaning Services South LLC logo

Bug Pro logo 


2014 Southeast CPAC Meeting Dates


Meetings are held at 6: 30 p.m. in the St. Vincent's Southside Hospital

4201 Belfort Road, Main Hospital, Auditorium C, Jacksonville, FL 32216 on:

Monday, April 28, 2014

Monday, May 19, 2014

Monday, June 23, 2014

Monday, July 28, 2014

Monday, August 25, 2014

Monday, Sep. 22, 2014

Monday, Oct. 27, 2014

Monday, November 24, 2014

December 2014, Date and Location to be Determined

If you have any questions please contact Rosemary Wesolowski, Neighborhood Coordinator at 255-8261 or Rosemary@coj.net


Business Advertising


Advertising on the Deercreek web site www.deercreekcc.com is available through December 2014 for $295.  


This includes your business logo on the Deercreek home page as well as a link to your individual advertising page and web site.

Please review the ad rate sheet on our web site for details.

Literary Circle
By Elizabeth Curtin


Round House  

by Louise Erdrich   


The Round House  

One Sunday in the spring of 1988, a woman living on a reservation in North Dakota is attacked... CLICK HERE for more.


Interested in joining the Literary Circle? contact Elizabeth Curtin, 519-7937, elizabeth28451@yahoo.com
Highlights from the Board Meeting


The DCCOA Board of Directors assembled at Deercreek Country Club on February 27, 2014 for a regularly scheduled meeting.  A quorum was established with the presence of George Partin, Doug Klippel, Danny Becton, Jim Lowell, Margie Blake, Doug Matthews, and Nick Simonic.


Property Manager's Report
  • Property Visits: By Rich Curran-Kelly 2/3, 2/10and 2/18.  Rich does an inspection of the entire property for me on Mondays to inspect for yard debris.  Cathy Cox inspects all other compliance issues.
  • Cathy Cox will meet with Nicola Fulford (Club Manager) to start a good working relationship between MAY Management and the club and discuss the possibility of borrowing a cart on occasion in order to do property inspections from the golf course views... etc.

Finance Report
Danny Becton
  • The Board reviewed and discussed the January Treasurer's Report, which showed additional revenue as a result of increases in Late Fees and Cable Income.
  • Expenses were $58,896 based on a budget amount of $60,351.
  • Allowance for doubtful accounts remained at $64,116 based on Assessments Receivable of $85,651. Aged Receivables for the 1st month of the 1st quarter is $85,651 down from $139,424 based on the same time last year... etc.   

Access Control

Aaron West / Bill Beitz 


  • Doug Klippel spoke on behalf of the Access Control Committee. The Committee would like to see comparable, apple-to-apple bids regarding repairing and painting the Guard House.
  • The Committee discussed the recent rash of complaints regarding reckless driving in the community. Access Control officers will monitor the situation and if a trend is also noticed in the month of February, a recommendation will be made by the Committee as to a solution.

To read more about the meeting CLICK HERE to view the full minutes.  

Deercreek Ladies Golf Association

The Deercreek Ladies Golf Association (DLGA) hosted 80 players at their annual Member Guest Invitational "Rock Around the Clock," on February 18. Songs of the Fifties and Sixties played throughout the Clubhouse. The day was picture perfect, the weather cooperating to a tee! Food, drink and golf were in abundance- what more could you ask for? Well maybe a hole in one! Hard to believe that this event has been going strong for over twenty-two years! Keep it going ladies!


Golf Invitational  

Golf Invitational  Golf Invitational


Golf Invitational  

Deercreek Home and Garden Club
"Going to Pot" Container Gardening
Tuesday, April 22 10:00am
By Patty Tomka

Anyone who has moved to Jacksonville from another part of the country has had to adapt to the very different gardening seasons here. The usual system of planting in the spring, harvesting in the summer and doing nothing in the winter doesn't work here. We now have 3 planting seasons and they are all brutal. In spring the plants are drowned, in summer they are broiled and in winter they freeze.  And if they do manage to grow, the deers eat them!  This is Florida, the land of sunshine, so why should gardening be so complicated? 

On April 22nd, Mary Puckett a Master Gardener, will come from the Duval County Extension Service to help us with our dilemma.  Container gardening is one solution to the problem and she will tell us about growing herbs and compact vegetables in planters, where you will have more control over the growing conditions than if they were planted in the ground.  I've seen many gorgeous flowering container gardens that can easily be changed out by season and are easy to tend.  One year I planted tomatoes in 'Earth Boxes' with specially formulated fertilizer and watering instructions and the plants grew 5 feet tall!  We had homemade salsa all summer!

5 Foot Tall Tomato Plants

The idea of growing fresh herbs interest me since the bunch of herbs at the grocery store are always much too big for a one dish recipe and then they just sit in the fridge until I toss them.  I love the idea of going out on the porch to snip off some cilantro to make my peach/mango salsa or fresh basil to go in the bolognaise sauce or chives to go on baked potatoes.

The Duval County Extension Service offers a wealth of information for gardeners of all kinds. They are connected to the University of Florida and have so many programs:  4 H Youth Development, Commercial Horticulture, Lawn and Gardens, Nutrition, Urban Forestry, a Canning Center and a Master Gardener Program!  So come to the meeting on April 22 to hear Mary Puckett and ask her all your gardening questions; you'll find out how to become a successful Florida gardener.  She oversees four Community Gardens, maintains a demonstration garden for classes, shows schools how to set up gardens for their students and conducts workshops for homeowners on vegetables, culinary herbs and edible flowers!  I think she can answer any question you may have!

If you are interested in joining the Home and Garden Club please call Anne Klueppel at 519-5368 or Lee Ann Phillips at 519-6931. They will be glad to tell you about us.

"Deercreek Home and Garden Club where no one is a stranger for long."
A Word From The Gatehouse

By Lt. Kirby

Panic!!! An e-mail arrives from DwellingLive stating that you have a barcode that is expiring!  No need to worry, the resident barcodes only wear out, they do not expire.  However, if you have a family member or a caregiver that has a barcode, it must be renewed every year.

The DwellingLive system sends out automatic renewal notices a month prior to the expiration date of the non-resident, family member/caregiver barcode. They can be renewed with a check for $20.00 per year.

The best way to renew is to have the owner of the vehicle bring the $20 check or money order to the gate between 7:00 AM and 3:00 PM, Monday through Friday. At that time, the security officers can verify that the barcode is still in good condition and that the information on the paperwork is still correct. The computer record will then be updated immediately.

After three years, new paperwork is required since there are limited spaces for renewal. If you call in advance, Capt. JP or Lt. Kirby can tell you whether you will need to fill out new paperwork or not.
Additional Information...

If you need help in accessing the DwellingLive system, you are welcomed to call Lt. Kirby at the Security Gate.  She can update the system with your current e-mail address and password.

Authorization Needed for:

Authorization NOT needed for:


Dish Network


Food Delivery: ie Pizza, Sushi...


Community Hospice

Vietnam Vets

Salvation Army

American Veterans

Thrift Shop Donations 


...and guests, family and workers




Process Servers

Flower Deliveries

Swan's Food Delivery

Gas Company Delivery/Repair

Laundry Delivery

Mail Delivery

Fed Ex



Courier Services

School Buses

Garbage Trucks


Newspaper Deliveries

By Natalie Jackson

DWA 2014/2015 Charities and Projects

The DWA would like to thank our wonderful DCC community for all of the support received over the past 15 years!  You have believed enough in the DWA to become active members, to attend fund raisers and to graciously donate to the various charity drives.  Because of your generosity, we are now able to make contributions to ten outstanding local charity organizations and projects!

The 2013/2014 Community Connections Committee and Board met on Thursday, February 6, 2014, and based on the recommendations made, the Board has chosen the following charities and projects for the 2014/2015 year:

 1. Wolfson Children's Hospital: $1,500 This donation will be used to purchase diapers for the Children's Hospital. The DWA will sponsor a community Diaper Drive that will be held April 1-13. Chairperson: Mary Stelbrink 363-2360.

2. Books-A-Go-Go: $1,000   Books-A-Go-Go, Inc. is a non-profit organization that collects new and used books for children from low income families.  The books are distributed to children through schools and organizations which serve these children. The donated funds will be used to purchase new books.  A community-wide book drive will be held in September with date (TBA).  Chairperson: Natalie Jackson 519-5802.

3. The Bag Ladies: $1,000 The Bag Ladies will use their donation to purchase supplies and material for bags that are made and then filled with items such as gold fish snacks, toiletries, coloring books and crayons, flashlights, batteries, and a stuffed toy.  These bags are given to children upon arriving at Hubbard House to make their stay a little more comfortable.  Chairperson: Jan Malick 519-5013.

4.  Jacksonville Humane Society: $1,500 donation given to the center.  The DWA will continue our support the JHS with a focus on adoptions of rescued pets.  Chairperson: Pam Overbay 363-6483
5. Mandarin Food Bank: $1,500 The Food Bank will use the donation to purchase food or other necessary items for those in need.In the near future the DWA will be organizing a community food drive to assist the Mandarin Food Bank.  Chairperson: Carmen Kelly 519-0622.

6. Ronald McDonald House: $1,000 This charity supports the health and well-being of children by providing lodging and other services for critically ill, chronically ill and seriously injured children and their families.  The DWA donation will go towards the purchase of items needed for the facility.  A DWA community drive for the children will be held at a date to be determined.

7.Pace Center for Girls: $1,000 PACE provides girls and young women an opportunity for a better future through education, counseling, training and advocacy.  The needs for PACE would include donation of items to be used in the strictly volunteer "Clothes Closet" and the donation of clothes, shoes, etc. for the girls to "buy" in the "Clothes Closet". Chairperson: Vicki Khan 519-7722.

8. RITA Foundation: $600  This donation will enable the RITA Foundation to purchase items needed for their SenioRITA Tennis Tournament silent auction.  The RITA (Research Is The Answer) Foundation, Inc. is an all-volunteer 501(c) (3) non-profit organization dedicated to raising money and awareness for cancer research.  RITA donates 100% of the net proceeds from special events such as the SenioRITA to this cause.   Chairperson: Carol D'Onofrio 519-0924.

9.  We Care: $1,000 This organization was founded by Deercreek residents who send monthly Care Packages to a 40 member Marine Corp Unit stationed in Helmand Province, Afghanistan.  The boxes contain items of necessity such as razors and lots of goodies to let these Marines know that they are very much appreciated and not forgotten.   Chairperson: Patricia Mast  223-3739.

10.  Gabriel House of Care: $1,000 The mission of this nonprofit organization is to provide an affordable extended-stay hospital hospitality house for caregivers and cancer and organ transplant patients receiving medical care away from home.  Gabriel House of Care is located on the Mayo Clinic Florida campus in Jacksonville.    The DWA will be
coordinating a Wish List Drive for the Gabriel House of Care.  Look for the date announcement in a future newsletter.   Chairpersons: Jan Malick   519-5013 and Dana Southall  210-6610.
Back Porch Night 
Happy 15th DWA
DWA Annual Diaper Drive
April 1 - April 13
Submitted by Mary Stelbrink

Wolfson Children's Hospital does not turn anyone away.  Because of this many migrant workers, families without insurance, etc. bring their children to us for care that they would otherwise not receive.  Often times the babies and toddlers have severe diaper rashes due to not being kept as clean as they should be and not being able afford disposable diapers.  Once the Women's board found this out we decided to have diapers available at the hospital to be given to anyone needing them.   We recommend that the parents come back for more diapers if the diaper related problem persists.

The Wolfson Children's Hospital Women's Boards started collecting diapers for the hospital on a regular basis in 1995.  Our drive is always in the spring and the Women's Board members usually donate around 400 packages of diapers.  The Deercreek Women's Alliance has been donating money and diapers to the hospital for almost eleven years.  Last year the Deercreek community donated over 200 packages of diapers.

crawling-diaper-baby.jpgWe usually run out of the larger size diapers (1-4 years) first.  We also need all sizes of the pull up type of diapers.  They can be any brand, but must be unopened.  If you do not have time to purchase the diapers, I would be glad to do that for you.  Just drop off your money donation to me at my home.
Drop off the diapers at the Guard House or at Mary Stelbrink's home at 7917 McLaurin Road North. 

Thank you from all the little ones who will benefit from your generosity.
Deercreek: We Care
By Patty Tomka

Deployed MarineOur Marines in Afghanistan have received new orders and will be returning home earlier than planned.  Their families, friends and the Deercreek: We Care group is so excited and praying for a safe return.  Since we will only have time to send one more package to them at the camp we plan to make it a BIG one.

On March 13 we put together an Easter box with plastic eggs, Easter candy, handwritten notes, packages of nuts, peanut butter crackers, microwave popcorn, Crystal Light packets, cigars, gum, more packages of Frito-Lay snacks, and candy bars - BIG ones, not just snack size.  Mary Tabor suggested that we send some blank greeting cards so that the soldiers could mail Mother's Day and Father's Day cards home.  They can't just go to Walgreen's and pick one up, so the group collected an assortment to send along with the treats.  Can't you just picture the guys pulling things out one by one and grinning from ear to ear?  Everyone loves to get surprises in the mail!

You all have been so generous and we want to thank you for opening your hearts - and your wallets - to this group of soldiers.  The Deercreek Women's Alliance donated $1000 from their charity funds, Patricia Mast's Facebook page collected $240 and Christine Middlebrook not only matched funds with a group of friends having lunch together, but was delighted when a group of Deercreek Burger Night regulars pulled out $240 after she explained why she was having dinner with the Deercreek: We Care group!  We gave them a standing ovation!  Deercreek has proven once again that we have big hearts - and that WE CARE!