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May's Magnificent Deal! 


Yes 6 months of unlimited yoga at BYC, 
any class and any time!

1st May ONLY �450 

and then
2nd May - 31st May �500.

Bank Holiday Monday 1st of May get 6 months of unlimited yoga at BYC for ONLY �450 

The Maths:

2 classes a week = �9.38/class
10 classes a month = �7.50/class

The �450 6 Months Unlimited has to be purchased in studio or over the phone (020 8995 9955) 
only available from 9am-8pm.

Then, for the remainder of May, the 6 Months Unlimited will stay, at this still fantastic deal, of only �500.

More Maths:

�500 for 6 months is �83.30/month
if you average 12 classes a month ONLY �6.94 a class! 

 CLICK HERE to buy online for �500.

The (not so) small print:
Ts & Cs apply.
Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other discounts/concession rates.
Offer available until 31st May 2017.

On the 1st of May ONLY the offer of 6 months unlimited for �450 will only be purchasable in studio or over the phone from 9am-8pm. 

You have one month from date of purchase to activate this class card.

Only one purchase per student.   

The 6 Month Unlimited is valid at all classes!
 Including our new Yin Yoga, Hot Vinyasa Flow, Yoga Nidra and Restore & Renew classes. 

CLICK HERE for more info on Yin Yoga. 

CLICK HERE for more info on Yoga Nidra.

CLICK HERE for more info or Restore & Renew. 

CLICK HERE for more info on Hot Vinyasa Flow.  

Last Few Days!!!

20 Classes ONLY �200


20 classes valid for 6 months �200

(that's only �10 per class!)

saving �1.50 per class compared to the 10 class card
a total saving of �30 compared to 2 x 10 class cards!

To make this class card work for you, you would only need to practise 3.3 classes a month over 6 months.

(although there is no such thing as a 0.3 of a class,
 you see our point, it's bargain!!)


The Not So Small Print:

T's & C's apply.
Only one purchase per customer. 
No concession price available.

Cannot be used in conjunction with any other deals, offers or discounts. 

Available to purchase online or in Studio until 30th April 2017. 
Activate from the date of purchase. 
All BYC class cards are non refundable, non exchangeable & non transferable.

Valid at all classes!

May Bank Holiday Schedule 2017

Posture Clinic 

(Floor) Bow Pose 

The final posture of the spine strengthening series, working the total spine! 

1) Lying on your mat with your chin down, make sure your weight is distributed equally over both hips, bend your legs, with your feet pointed.

2) Reach back with your fingers and thumb together. Hold your feet from the outside, 2 inches below your toe cleavage, yes your toes have a cleavage! If you are unable to reach your feet please speak with your teacher before or after class, we have tricks to help until your body opens up enough for you to get there. 

3) Try not to tense up your arms and shoulders, keep them relaxed. Your wrists should stay straight. If you are only holding your feet with your fingers, the palm of your hand should not be touching your foot. 

4)  Your knees and feet, should begin and stay 6 inches apart throughout 
the duration of the posture. Toes always pointed.

5) Inhale, look up and exhale. Gently kick both legs up towards the ceiling, allowing this kick to also lift your upper body up. There should be 6 inches between your knees & feet, so if they have kicked apart wider, try to bring them back.

6) Continuously keep kicking, don't stop kicking.

7) Check your weight is still even through both hips. If your hips are not aligned, you will 
probably tilt to one side and one leg will be higher than the other when you kick up. Check out your alignment in the mirror and if this applies to you, try redistributing your weight. Also make sure your toes are not turning in towards each other, making a shape like the letter A. If they are, turn them back out, so they are parallel.

8) Slowly roll forward, so the top part of your abdomen is touching the floor. Do not rock backwards and forwards. Relax your head and allow your head to drop back as much as possible. 

9) How far you can kick up is dependant on the flexibility of your spine, this will change over time, it is important to kick up equally through both legs and try to look back for your toes, no matter the height.

10) Gently release. Coming out of the posture is still part of the pose, so slowly lower your legs, drop your head down, chin to your towel, relaxing your arms down by your side and your feet to the floor, with your ear resting on the towel. 

11) Relax, breathe... we are about to do it all again.  

Have you tried our 
NEW - Vinyasa hot flow yoga

Hot Vinyasa Flow has arrived and we are LOVING it!
Come join us every Tuesday & Wednesday 08:15am-09:30am 

Our wonderful teacher Natalie, is helping all us beginners master the new and exciting postures that encompass a hot flow class. From downward facing dogs to arm balances like crow, we are learning a new world of yoga, together. 

While this class is perfect for first time hot Vinyasa yogis, Natalie can still keep all your regular Vinyasa flow practitioners challenged every class.  

This NEW CLASS provides a great compliment to your Hot Bikram Yoga practise. Vinyasa Hot Flow is a constantly moving and flowing sequence of postures. In contrast to the Bikram series, these postures change class to class. Movements are cued by the breath; allowing you to execute the dynamic postures seamlessly.

Containing downward dogs and sun salutations, along with arm balancing postures; Vinyasa Hot Flow allows you to focus more on the upper body, as well as the core. It is an all round body/mind workout- whats not to love- we'll see you there!

This class will be done in a heated studio around 36 degrees (slightly cooler than Bikram Yoga) using bricks and blocks to aid your practise.

What you will need:


Mats/ bricks/ blocks will be provided by BYC hot yoga.

This class is included in all memberships. 

Drop In price: �15 

Class times: Tuesday & Wednesday 08:15am- 09:30am

Helen Currie Image
May's Yoga Nidra with Helen
Sunday 28th May 1pm-1.45pm 

 Ben Wolff's Nidra this Sunday 30th April 1pm-1.45pm 
                           BOOK NOW  

Lie back, relax and let Helen guide you to relaxation! Sounds to good to be true, but it isn't. Join us Sunday 28th May and experience the amazing power of Yoga Nidra for yourself! 

What you will need: 
- Yourself

- A block (this is an optional addition for comfort - we will provide these free of charge)
- Towel (�1.50 if you want to hire from us)
- Mats (we provide these free of charge)

- Comfortable clothing 

If you are practising a BYC hot yoga class before the Nidra, please bring a change of clothes to wear for your Nidra class.

What you will be doing:

Yoga Nidra is a guided mediation, so lie back and let Helen & Ben guide you to relaxation. 

Don't forget Helen's regular Yoga Nidra every Thursday 4:45pm-5:30pm! 

How long:

Each Yoga Nidra class will last for 45 minutes.

Price: �10 Drop In 

Yoga Nidra is included in all memberships, except the 10 class card (you can of course use your 10 class card if you so wish, but your 10 class card works out at �11.50/class).

If you are on one of these memberships and wish to book your place, please do so either at BYC reception or over the phone. 

Also don't miss Ben's Yoga Nidra: Restore & Renew - A completely unique style of Yoga Nidra created by Ben Wolff, combining Yin postures and guided mediation: to regenerate, rejuvenate and relax. Every Wednesday 1:45-2:30pm at BYC hot yoga.

Cancellation Policy:
BYC operates a 12 hour late cancellation policy. If you cancel anytime prior to 12hrs before the start of class, the �10 Drop In fee will be credited to your account (Please email: to inform us).
If you cancel within 12hrs before the start of class you will be charged for the class. 

Total Reset Workshop 

Sunday 04th June 2017

Yin restore yoga + sound healing + mini sound bath

Yin restore yoga + sound healing + mini sound bath
Restorative yin yoga + 'massage style' assists
Individual singing bowl placement 'healing'
Special short sound "bath" relaxation
Mini 'Raw Bonbon' tasting to close our time together
This revitalising afternoon has been crafted for people who are always 'on the go' to provide a way to carve out space for calming and connecting you back to your full charge.
Harnessing every level of the senses, Pennie will lead you through a blissful stretchy sequence in an atmospheric, aromatic setting to encourage deep release and a reset of your whole system.
Physically using massage style hands on assists and the vibration therapy of Tibetan bowl placement on each person, her intention is to ease you out of the need to constantly be 'doing' and into the body's own 'reboot' mode. 
Ending with a sound 'bath' relaxation experience (an immersion in a variety of sounds made by vibrational instruments: gong and sansula) to promote wellbeing on a number of levels or 'koshas' and a 'Raw Bonbon' bite as you leave.
A truly indulgent few hours of movement, sound, smell and taste, a great chance for all to get reconnected with inner calm, invite spaciousness and totally refresh.

Spaces limited to 20 

Price: �25


"Dreams and dedication are a powerful combination." - William Longgood

See you in class very soon

and the entire Team at BYC

          BYC hot yoga                                    020 8995 9955

BYC hot yoga | 1st Floor, The Studio | Essex Place | Chiswick | W4 5UT | United Kingdom