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April's Amazing Deal! 

What do you want from your yoga practise? 
To lose weight & tone up?
Alleviate pain?
Increase flexibility?

All these and so much more can be yours, 
with a regular yoga practise. 

'If exercise were a pill, it would be one of the most 
cost-effective drugs ever invented.'
says Dr Nick Cavill, a health promotion consultant.

In the words of our very own NHS: 'Step right up! It's the miracle cure we've all been waiting for. It can reduce your risk of major illnesses, such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and cancer, by up to 50%. It can lower your risk of early death by up to 30%. Its name? Exercise.'

'To stay healthy, adults aged 19-64 should try to be active daily and should do: at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity such as cycling or fast walking every week, and strength exercises on two or more days a week that work all the major muscles 
(legs, hips, back, abdomen, chest, shoulders and arms)' NHS

So, two BYC hot yoga (or Vinyasa hot flow) classes 
every week covers that! 

We have the perfect class card to help you up your number of visits, 
without effecting your pocket too much!

20 classes valid for 6 months �200
(that's only �10 per class!)
saving �1.50 per class compared to the 10 class card
a total saving of �30 compared to 2 x 10 class cards!

To make this class card work for you, you would only need to practise 3.3 classes a month over 6 months.
(although there is no such thing as a 0.3 of a class,
 you see our point, it's bargain!!)

The Not So Small Print:
T's & C's apply.
Only one purchase per customer. 
No concession price available.
Cannot be used in conjunction with any other deals, offers or discounts. 
Available to purchase online or in Studio until 30th April 2017. 
6 months activate from day of purchase. 
All BYC class cards are non refundable, non exchangeable & non transferable.

Valid at all classes!
 Including our new Yin Yoga, Hot Vinyasa Flow, Yoga Nidra and Restore & Renew. 

CLICK HERE for more info on Yin Yoga. 
CLICK HERE for more info on Yoga Nidra.
CLICK HERE for more info or Restore & Renew. 
CLICK HERE for more info on Hot Vinyasa Flow.  

Vinyasa hot flow yoga

We are very excited to announce that Hot Vinyasa Flow will be coming to BYC hot yoga this April!
Every Tuesday & Wednesday 08:15am-09:30am 

Welcome Natalie, BYCer turned Hot Vinyasa Flow teacher. We are thrilled to welcome her and her wonderful classes to the regular BYC schedule, every Tuesday & Wednesday mornings from 4th April 2017. Trust us, you're going to love these classes! 

This NEW CLASS will provide a great compliment to your Hot Bikram Yoga practise. Vinyasa Hot Flow is a constantly moving and flowing sequence of postures. In contrast to the Bikram series, these postures change class to class. Movements are cued by the breath; allowing you to execute the dynamic postures seamlessly.

Containing downward dogs and sun salutations, along with arm balancing postures; Vinyasa Hot Flow allows you to focus more on the upper body, as well as the core. It is an all round body/mind workout- whats not to love- we'll see you there!

This class will be done in a heated studio around 36 degrees (slightly cooler than Bikram Yoga) using bricks and blocks to aid your practise.

What you will need:


Mats/ bricks/ blocks will be provided by BYC hot yoga.

This class is included in all memberships. 

Drop In price: �15 

Class times: Starting 4th April every Tuesday & Wednesday 08:15am- 09:30am

NEW Timetable!
Starting 4th April

Please note: Doors open half an hour before class 
(15 mins before the 06:15am & 45 mins before the 6:15pm & 8:15pm.)
Doors close promptly half an hour after class has finished.
Please make sure you are ready to leave by this time, to allow us to keep the studio running smoothly. Thank you.

Easter Schedule 2017

Posture Clinic 
Full Locust Pose 

Is it a bird, is it a plane or is it a BYC hot yogi in full locust pose or, as our awesome teacher Andy calls it, the No One Puts Baby In The Corner Pose...! Why? Well, she might have a Patrick Swazye under her, but how beautiful is Jennifer Grey's mid-air full locust! So everytime you prepare to go into locust, why not play 'Time Of My Life' in your head and give Baby a run for her money! We know for some of you this is going to be of no help at all... but for all your Dirty Dancing fans... trust us, it adds a little magic to this tough little pose! So lets fly... 

1) If you are close to your neighbour, try to move yourselves one up/one down, to give each other room to spread your wings! Lying on your towel, chin on the floor, legs together, feet pointed. Bring you arms out, like the wings of a majestic bird or jet plane, or as the dialogue says a 'Boeing 747'. Palms down and fingers together. 

2) Engage your arm and leg muscles. The tighter (more engaged) you are, the lighter you are and the higher you'll fly! Legs and feet together as if you have one leg. Toes pointed, knees locked, solid.

3) As with all postures, breath is key. Look up to the ceiling, take a deep in through your nose and lift your head, arms, body & legs off the floor in one movement with the inhale.  
4) Continuously look up to the ceiling. Looking up helps to achieve the arc of the pose. 

5) To lift your arms, think of stretching your elbows back, then up. Your finger tips should be as high as the top of your head. The palms should still be facing the floor.

6) To lift the chest, focus on activating the muscles of your upper back and feel like you
are pushing your spine down to your chest (only you're going up). Bring your arms up and back, squeezing your shoulder blades together. Make sure your arms are still out to the side like the airplane/bird/'Baby' that you are. For beginners, if this posture seems like a no-win battle, take a few classes focusing more on the upper body, lifting and arching the back. Once you have this you can then go back and pay equal attention to the legs again.

7) To lift the legs, make sure they stay together, squeeze them together, so you have one leg. Engage your thighs and your butt! Rajishree Choudhury's note on this posture is that the body should always be higher than the feet.

8) Legs are up and together, chest is up, chin is up, only your hip bones should be on the floor, but you still need to breathe. Holding your breath is not going to help your posture. If you are struggling to get full breaths, try 80/20 breathing; inhaling and exhaling only 20 percent of your lung capacity on each breath, keeping 80 percent in your lungs.

9) Now we are up, let's try to lift up that little bit higher, lift and peel your upper body of the mat, core engaged, spine arching, check your legs are still squeezing together and your bum is engaged, look up, body come one more time.....

10) Slowly release and come down. How we come in and out of the postures is just as important as the postures themselves. So lets not catapult ourselves out, flinging oursleves out for a crash landing on the mat. Slowly release the muscles and lower yourself down with control.

11) Relax, breathe... we are about to do it all again.  

Yoga Nidra with Ben Wolff
Sunday 30th April 1pm-1.45pm 

Lie back, relax and let Ben guide you to relaxation! Sounds to good to be true, but it isn't. Join us this Sunday 5th March and experience the amazing power of Yoga Nidra for yourself! 

What you will need: 
- Yourself
- A block (this is an optional addition for comfort - we will provide these free of charge)
- Towel (�1.50 if you want to hire from us)
- Mats (we provide these free of charge)
- Comfortable clothing 

If you are practising a BYC hot yoga class before the Nidra, please bring a change of clothes to wear for your Nidra class.

What you will be doing:
Yoga Nidra is a guided mediation, so lie back and let Ben guide you to relaxation. 

Don't forget Helen's regular Yoga Nidra every Thursday 4:45pm-5:30pm! 

How long:
Each Yoga Nidra class will last for 45 minutes.

Price: �10 Drop In 

Yoga Nidra is included in all memberships, except the 10 class card (you can of course use your 10 class card if you so wish, but your 10 class card works out at �11.50/class).

If you are on one of these memberships and wish to book your place, please do so either at BYC reception or over the phone. 

Also don't miss Ben's Yoga Nidra: Restore & Renew - A completely unique style of Yoga Nidra created by Ben Wolff, combining Yin postures and guided mediation: to regenerate, rejuvenate and relax. Every Wednesday 1:45-2:30pm at BYC hot yoga.

Cancellation Policy:
BYC operates a 12 hour late cancellation policy. If you cancel anytime prior to 12hrs before the start of class, the �10 Drop In fee will be credited to your account (Please email: to inform us).
If you cancel within 12hrs before the start of class you will be charged for the class. 

Raw Chocolate Workshop
A must for any chocoholic/chocolate lover out there!  

Raw Chocolate Workshop with Raw Bonbon - 10% discount for BYC students.

Love Chocolate - then you have to do this workshop! Learning how to make your own natural delicious chocolate and treats! 

One day Raw Bonbon Raw Chocolate Workshop upcoming dates:

Saturday 22nd  April 11.00-16.00
Saturday 27th May 11.00-16.00

This one day workshop will be held in 
Chiswick (West London) and a light raw lunch will be provided. We aim for the workshop to be as hands on as possible and to keep the groups small. 

* You will learn the essentials in the raw chocolate making - from ingredients to tempering techniques. 
* It's a foundation course that will give you confidence and knowledge to explore further your individual chocolate making style. 
* We will cover textures, flavours and aromas, decorations, how to sweeten your chocolate and how to make dairy free white, milk and dark chocolate. 
* You will learn how to activate nuts and seeds and use them with chocolate deserts.
* A simple raw "cheese" making recipe will be demonstrated (fermentation of nut cheese) and learn how to combine raw nut cheeses with chocolate.

You will receive a pdf eBook with all the information and recipes from the day and will take home a gift box with all your creations.

The price is �130.
Please email us for details and to book your space - 
Gift vouchers available.

We've done it and trust us it was an amazing, yummy, wonderful & fun experience that we can highly recommend!

Welcome Home Fed!!!!

Yes, Fed's back! After 5 months touring Germany and Austria with The 12 Tenors, we finally get him back, but who knows for how long, with his other career taking such wonderful flights, so you better get to his classes while you can! We are sure many more great things are just around the corner for him.

Fed's regular classes:

Monday 10am
Wednesday 12pm
Friday 12pm & 3pm 
Sunday 9am & 11am

But he will also be doing covers, so don't worry if you check out our full timetable we are sure you'll find your chance to experience the return of the Fed. 


Your only limit is you, so get out of your own way, 
 get your butt on the matt and lets take this journey together!

See you in class very soon. 

and the entire Team at BYC

          BYC hot yoga                                    020 8995 9955