Starting from Monday March 6th, we are changing our early morning schedule to add two more Yin Yoga classes!
Yin Yoga: New - Mondays: 8:15am-9:30am New - Fridays : 8:15am - 9:30am Saturdays: 1pm - 2:15pm
Available on all memberships or a �15 Drop In.
Buy a 10 class card valid for 6 months - �115 in March and get 2 FREE class vouchers to be redeemed Monday-Friday for a Yin Yoga or Yoga Nidra/Restore & Renew Class.
Monday-Friday 'Drop In' to:
hot yoga class + yin yoga
or hot yoga + yoga nidra classes back to back and get them
both for �20.
(normal price for both yin & hot yoga �30
for a nidra/ restore & renew & hot yoga �25)
The Not So Small Print:
T's & C's apply.
The 2 FREE class vouchers can only be used Monday-Friday at a Yoga Nidra, Restore & Renew or Yin Yoga class until 30th April 2017.
If you buy your 10 class card online, please pick up your vouchers from the BYC reception desk the next time you come in to practise.
You must physically present the voucher to BYC reception to claim free class.
Only one 10 Class Card + 2 free class vouchers purchase per customer.
�20 Drop Ins must be purchased and used on the same day. The two classes must both be practised on the same day, by the same person.
Only one purchase per day per customer.
No concession price available.
Neither offer can be used in conjunction with any other deals, offers or discounts.
Both offers only available to purchase in Studio until 31st of March 2017.
All BYC class cards are non refundable, non exchangeable & non transferable.
NEW Timetable!
Starting March 6th
Starting March 6th, we have a fancy new timetable: The 6:30am class, will now start at 6:15am! Doors will now open again at 6:00am.
Wanted to try an early morning class, but couldn't fit it in before work? Now's your chance! Giving you 15 extra minutes, class will now finish at 7:45am, so no more excuses!
Please note the doors will close promptly at 8:15am.
6:15amers please make sure, if you are not practising Yin Yoga you are ready to leave by this time, thank you. |
 Yoga Nidra with Ben Wolff Sunday 5th March 1pm-1.45pm
Lie back, relax and let Ben guide you to relaxation! Sounds to good to be true, but it isn't. Join us this Sunday 5th March and experience the amazing power of Yoga Nidra for yourself!
- Yourself
- A block (this is an optional addition for comfort - we will provide these free of charge)
- Towel (�1.50 if you want to hire from us)
- Mats (we provide these free of charge)
- Comfortable clothing
If you are practising a BYC hot yoga class before the Nidra, please bring a change of clothes to wear for your Nidra class.
What you will be doing:
Yoga Nidra is a guided mediation, so lie back and let Ben guide you to relaxation.
Don't forget Helen's regular Yoga Nidra every Thursday 4:45pm-5:30pm!
How long:
Each Yoga Nidra class will last for 45 minutes.
Price: �10 Drop In Yoga Nidra is included in all memberships, except the 10 class card.
If you are on one of these memberships and wish to book your place, please do so either at BYC reception or over the phone.
Also don't miss Ben's Yoga Nidra: Restore & Renew - A completely unique style of Yoga Nidra created by Ben Wolff, combining Yin postures and guided mediation: to regenerate, rejuvenate and relax. Every Wednesday 1:45-2:30pm at BYC
Cancellation Policy:
There is a 12 hr late cancellation policy. If you cancel anytime prior to 12hrs before the start of class, the �10 drop in fee will be credited to your account if you email: to inform us. If you cancel within 12hrs before the start of class you will be charged for the class.
Mothers Day - Sunday 26th March
Show your mum some love BYC style this Mothers day (with a free class!)
I think we can agree mothers in general are pretty awesome!
This Mothering Sunday we are celebrating mothers buy offering them a FREE class or a �10 Drop In and an hour and half of freedom in the form of yoga!
Mothering Sunday, 26th March 2017, bring your mum with you to class and she will practise for FREE!
If you yourself are the mum and no one will bring you in for your FREE class, don't worry, Mothers Day Drop In price for Mums is only �10 (normal price �15)!
How do you prove you're a mum to claim this �10 Drop In, a picture of you with your family (on your phone) will do just fine!
If you or your mother has never been to BYC before, please arrive 20mins before class to register her.
Offer valid at all classes on Sunday 26th March 2017, while there are available spaces in class.
You need to practise with your mother to claim her FREE class! T & C's apply.
Back to Basics Workshop Sunday 9th April 12.45pm - 2:30pm
This April BYC hot yoga is running a Back To Basics Workshop with senior teacher Heidi Muschallick. This workshop will focus on an array of postures, breaking them down to help new students understand the alignment and regular students to gain a deeper understanding.
Location: BYC hot yoga, The Studio, 1st Floor, Essex Place, London, W4 5UT.
Date: Saturday 9th April
Time: 12.45pm-2.30pm
Price: �20
Capacity: 30
What is the focus of the workshop?
Heidi will start with a short warm up and then will cover some of the main postures from the Bikram sequence, specifically ones that students want to focus on or have questions about.
The workshop will be very relaxed and questions/queries are encouraged.
Who can attend this workshop?
The workshop will benefit those who are still fairly new to the class - as you will spend more time breaking down the poses that people are unsure about. Equally, more experienced practitioners will also have the chance to focus a little deeper on their practice.
Should I do class first?
It is not necessary to do a class before the workshop, however, you might find you are more warmed up and ready for the clinic if you do.
About Heidi:
Heidi has been teaching hot yoga for almost 14 years. She trained with Bikram Choudhury in Los Angeles in 2003.
"What I absolutely love about teaching is seeing how yoga benefits those who dedicate their time and energy, helping them to improve their mental, physical and emotional health. I believe yoga can be for everyone at any age or any standard. A healthy body is a healthy mind."
Cancellation Policy:
If you need to cancel out of the workshop and do so any time prior to 24hrs before the event, please email the studio at and the �20 will be credited to your account. If you late cancel under 24hrs prior to class you will be charged in full.
You can either book online or in studio.
Vinyasa hot flow yoga Coming April 2017!
We are very excited to announce that Hot Vinyasa Flow will be coming to BYC hot yoga this April!
Our wonderful student Natalie, will be treading the BYC board only this time as a teacher! We are so very happy to share her fantastic class with you all- trust us you're going to love it!
This NEW CLASS will provide a great compliment to your Hot Bikram yoga practise. Vinyasa hot flow is a constantly moving and flowing sequence of postures. In contrast to the Bikram series, these postures change class to class. Movements are cued by the breath; allowing you to execute the dynamic postures seamlessly.
Containing downward dogs and sun salutations, along with arm balancing postures; Vinyasa hot flow allows you to focus more on the upper body, as well as core. It is an all round body/mind workout- whats not to love- we'll see you there!
This class will be done in a heated studio around 36 degrees, slightly cooler to Bikram Yoga, using bricks and blocks to aid your practise.
What you will need:
Mats/ bricks/ blocks will be provided by BYC hot yoga.
This class is included in all memberships.
Drop in price: �15
Class times: Starting in April every Tuesdays & Wednesdays 8:15am- 9:30am
Posture Clinic
Locust Pose

Locust pose, named as such because our body looks like that of a locust while doing this posture. Although we are yet to come across any locust that looks like its in locust pose... if you find one please send us a pic!
So rather then getting stuck trying to look like a locust, lets instead channel our inner locust: a room full of awesome powerhouses that move together. So lets get going!
1. Lie on your mat/towel, stomach down, chin on the floor, throat stretched, feet and heels touching together. Body relaxed, breathing normal (in and out through your nose).
2. Move your arms to rest under the weight of your body, in a position as though you were playing volleyball with the mat. The full length and breadth of the arm under the body, with your elbows and hands disappearing underneath you. Palms side by side (so your baby fingers are touching) turned down facing the floor, fingers apart. The wider you stretch your fingers apart, the more you will be able to engage your tricep muscles.
This posture is amazing for tennis elbow etc but your arms have to be underneath you for it to help. Of course, if it is painful to lie on your elbows you can bring you arms out to the side, but keep trying to get them under your body class by class (any further questions, please consult your teacher).
3. Deep breath in, as your exhale lift your right leg up. Your right leg is strong, knee locked, quadriceps engaged and toes pointed. Make sure the hips stay square and always touching the arms. While you lift your leg, you simultaneously want to push down through your palms, moving your body weight forward by pushing down through your palms, locking your elbows and using your biceps and lower back strength.
4. Your leg should by lifted a minimum of 45 degrees off the floor, all the time your hips stay connected to your arms, right hip bone touching right arm. Keeping breathing, lifting the leg higher, pushing the floor away from you though your palms.
5. Change, slowly lower you right leg down and repeat with the left leg.
6. Right leg done, left leg done, now its time for both legs together. So in the immortal words of our teacher Rachel, "chin in kiss the towel, imagine your towel is Ryan Gosling or Eve Mendes- now kiss it!"
7. You may want to readjust your arms at this stage, moving your fingers tips further down towards your knees, elbows closer together, fingers open ready to push the floor away.
8. Bring your legs together and engage them like in Cobra, so its like you only have one leg. Lock your knees and point your toes. Engage your glutes & quadriceps. The tighter you are, the lighter your legs will be when they lift.
9. Take a deep breath in, pushing your palms into the floor, and tightening your biceps move your body weight forward.
10. Exhale, lift both legs up.
11. Breathe normally, do not hold your breath it will not help!
12. Keeping pushing your hands, arms into the floor, keeping your legs engaged, locked out, feet together, moving up as one. Push down, lift up, push down, lift up! The tip here is the more you focus on your upper body strength the higher your legs will lift.
13. Change - keep your upper body strong, so you can slowly (with control) lower both legs to the floor.
14. Move your arms back out to the side and relax. Savasana- you have earned it!

 No Headstands or Handstands!!
Dear BYC Students,
It has come to our attention that some students have been practising headstands and handstands, either before or after their class at BYC.
We do not teach headstands and handstands at BYC, they are not part of the Beginners Bikram Yoga series and, therefore, we ask that you do not practise them in this studio.
Headstands have many wonderful benefits, when done correctly, however, if done incorrectly, they can result in serious injury, not only to yourself, but to others too, if you fall out.
Thank you for abiding by BYC's policy on this.
Helen Currie
BYC Owner
WE WON!!!!!!!
Thank you!

A big thank you to everyone who voted for us in The Mother-hood Live Love Local awards 2016, we won Best Yoga Studio & Best Fitness Class!!!
We wouldn't be us with out you, so thank you to all our rock star BYCers who continue to make us the only place to BYC!
Luxury Hot Yoga Weekend Get Away.
Prices Start from as little as �350,
to see rooms and Rates
to book or for more information
This luxury weekend includes all food & drinks as well as:
The Weekend
- 2 nights LUXURY accommodation with all meals and drinks provided.
- 2 hot yoga classes per day: in the morning 1 classic 90 min hot Bikram class followed by short relaxation. The 2nd class of the day, in the afternoon, will be an extended Bikram class. This will focus more in depth on the postures you would like to tackle and will be a more personalised class with hands on adjustments. A wonderful chance to deepen your understanding and practice.
- Yoga Nidra, every evening to help you relax and unwind.
- Fresh, delicious locally sourced food, fresh juices daily and raw food snacks. All dietary requirements can be catered for.
- For a bit of extra pampering, massages are available at an extra charge of �60.
- An opportunity to relax and unwind. Wonderful walks and woodland to explore; or for those who wish to be still, you can curl up with a book in front of a log fire.
- All towels and water are provided for classes.
The Venue
You will never have this day again, so make it count!
See you in class very soon.
and the entire Team at BYC