And I... will always love BYC hot yoga, ooh
Will always love BYC hot yoga
My BYC hot yoga, you...
Backbending memories -
That and locking my knee.
Such good times.
Please don't cry:
We both know that yoga, yoga is what you need
And I... will always love BYC hot yoga
I... will always love BYC hot yoga
Yoga, ooh
(sung Whitney style to I will always love you, lip wabble and all)
So for the love of you this February we are offering:
3 months of UNLIMITED yoga for just �300.
Valid at all classes.
And here's the maths.... 3 x One Month Unlimited = �420 (Total saving �120).
If you practise 3 times a week = �8.34/class.
10 times a month = �10/class
The (not so) small print:
Ts & Cs apply.
One purchase per student.
Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers,
discounts or concessions.
Offer available online and at the studio until 28th February 2016.
This card will activate on day of purchase.
Valentines Day At BYC hot yoga
Love is love is love and
there is nothing more powerful!
This February 14th, in memory of BYCer BYC Sophiya Haque, we are showing our love by donating �1, on behalf of everyone who comes to class to charity.
We will be standing with Standing Rock, and will also have a donation tin at reception should you wish to stand to.
There is nothing better than sharing what you love. So why not share BYC hot yoga with those that you love this Valentines day!:
Bring a special someone in your life (whoever that may be) to practise this February 14th and they can practise for �10!
(and a �1 of that goes to charity!)
Show your love and appreciation by giving the gift of yoga - a gift for the mind and body! T & C's apply: Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers/promotions. 1 purchase per student Valid only on the 14th February 2017 only If the person is new to BYC, please make sure they arrive 15 mins prior to the start of class to register.
'To love oneself is the beginning of a beautiful romance'
Oscar Wilde
Easier said then done, right Oscar!
As February is the month of love, here are a little simple steps to help us on that journey to loving ourselves:
1 - Be kind to yourself, as kind as you are to others.
2 - Be yourself & only yourself (unless you can be a unicorn and then, of course, be a unicorn)
3 - Come to yoga. Congratulate yourself for coming & everything you have achieved. Be patient with yourself & let go of the negatives.
4 - Take time to just breathe, relax and let go: be that 5 mins at home or 45 mins in a BYC hot yoga nidra/ restore & renew class!
5 - Accept your feelings; allow them to come, breathe through them.
Your mat is here ready and waiting for you to take this journey of self love & self acceptance, step by step, sweat drop by sweat drop, no judgement.
We'll see you in class!
We've been nominated!
(voting ends 31st of Jan, so please today!)
The Mother-hood have nominated BYC for best 'Yoga Studio' and 'Best Fitness Class' in West London- woohoo!
So if you agree, which hopefully you do, please give us a vote!
What a Yoganuary!!
A great start to the year, with so many of you trying out our new classes- fantastic!
Haven't tried them yet..?
See details below:
Saturdays 1-2:15pm
�15 Drop In
Yoga Nidra:
Thursdays 4:45-5:30pm
Sunday 12th February 1-1:45pm
�10 Drop In
Restore & Renew:
Wednesdays 1:45-2:30pm
�10 Drop In
A loving treat to your body this February: Neat Nutrition!  This February Neat Nutrition are offering BYC hot yoga customers an exclusive deal of 10% off their amazing suppliments
Just put in the code BYCXNEAT at checkout to receive your
10% discount!
Founded by GB Olympic swimmers, Neat Nutrition provide responsibly sourced, cleanly produced and well sourced protein powders & supplements. With no added sweetners, flavouring or fillers.
Posture Clinic Cobra pose
The time has come for a series within a series: the spine strengthening series (or as many of our teachers here refer to it affectionately: the belly down series).
Dr Alyisa Vishram "Love them or hate them, the postures of the Spine Strengthening Series are one of the best things you can do to maintain a lovely, healthy back!" If you want to know why Dr Vishram believes these 4 postures are the key to a healthy spine CLICK HERE for blog article.
Healthy Spine = Healthy Life ...
... So we had better get started with Cobra.
1 - Lie down on your stomach, chin on the floor & place your hands (5 figures together) flat on the floor under your shoulders. Your fingers should be in line with the top of your shoulders. Not any higher, think thumb nipple alignment.
2 - Distribute your body weight equally over your hands. Elbows touching the body, so your shoulders roll back and down.
3 - Create your cobra tail, by engaging your leg muscle and bringing your feet and heels together. If your legs are fully engaged your knees should be lifted off the floor. Think about lengthening your legs and pushing your hips into the floor, whilst squeezing your inner thighs together. No one said being a Cobra was easy, but we promise its worth it. The underside of you feet should remain flat on the floor throughout the posture. You may find you need to gently press your feet down to prevent them lifting off the floor. Your legs from hip to toe should be engaged, concrete, one leg, like the cobra that you are!
4 - Look up towards the ceiling. This is a little trick for you: where your eyes go your body will follow, so look up!
5 - Inhale, through your nose and lift your body up. This lift should come solely through back strength, your arms should play no role, other than in supporting you. You want to be using 100% back strength but to get you started allow 1 or 2% in your hands and arms, as your back strengthens, to help you lift. Come up half way, until only your from belly button is touching on the mat. For some people, the belly button may lift of the mat, it's a body proportion thing. The instruction to have your belly button down on the mat, is to make sure we are utilising the right areas of our back and make sure we aren't creating most of the bend in the lower back.
6 - Engage your abdomen. By engaging your abdomen here you are helping to protect the lower spine, whilst working to open the upper back.
7 - Make sure your elbows are still in close touching the body. Move them further down towards your hips, so you in turn bring your shoulders down and help to create the beautiful arch backwards. Focus on contracting your upper-back muscles and pressing your shoulder blades into your back, to create space in the spine and open your chest. Your arms want to look like a L from the side. Keeping your abdomen engaged to support you, continue to press your upper spine in towards the front of your chest, creating a beautiful backbend - you are a cobra!
8 - Lift your chest up.
9 - Keep breathing.
10 - Shoulders down, feet pressing into the floor, legs engaged, locked out and together. Chest up, eyes looking up, go up one more time, freeze, breathe.... and gently come down.
11 - Left ear on the towel, arms down by your side & relax.
Dear BYCers,
We have a few little housekeeping notes for you this February, so thank you all very much, in advance, for your help!
1- Parking Vouchers.
Do you have one of our orange Sainabury parking voucher hiding in your wallet, car, purse, yoga bag, down the back of the sofa? As the barriers have not been working in Sainsburys for a few weeks now, we have almost run out of vouchers. If you could please return any you have hiding to us or Sainsburys asap, thank you.
Also please note when the barriers are broken, please still adhere to the BYC/ Sainsburys parking arragnment and spend your �5 in store. Then hand the voucher over to customer services, even if you do not have a white card to validate. Also, please always leave a BYC hot yoga timetable, logo facing out, visable in your car, so that the parking attendants know you are practising and do not ticket you for staying over Sainsburys normal 2hrs limit
2 - Aerosols.
Please refrain from using Aerosols in the BYC changing rooms, they set off our fire alarm, thank you.
3 - If in doubt, don't sweat it out!
Starting to feel under the weather? Bad cold, flu or a nasty bug?
Your body is telling you to stop, rest and recover. So give yourself the opportunity to do so, before jumping back into your practice.
Also please be mindful of your fellow Yogis and if you do think you are contagious, please remember 'sharing isn't always caring'.
Get well soon and we will see you on the other side!
p.s. a little housekeeping request, please dispose of your tissues in the bins provided... we love you, just not your used tissues.
The Golden Slice!!
The new deliciously natural treat from Raw Bonbon,
launches on 2nd February at BYC!

Golden slice is the new addition to the Raw Bonbon range of all natural, healthy, raw, treats! Joining its yummy predisesours the matcha & the berry slice the Golden Slice boats a host of super ingredients & a taste thats so naty you hardly believe they where so nice! So what makes this golden slice so golden: it has superfoods such as cacao, maca and turmeric.
Raw Cacao benefits:
- Highest Plant-Based Source of Iron
- 40 Times the Antioxidants of Blueberries - Full of Magnesium for a Healthy Heart & Brain (one of the highest plant-based sources of magnesium, the most deficient mineral in the Western world) - More Calcium Than Cow's Milk - A Natural Mood Elevator and Anti-Depressant
Maca root benefits: - Energy Boost while Reducing Anxiety & Stress - Improves Stamina & Athletic Endurance - Reducing the Effects of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - Boosting Libido & Enhancing Fertility - Hormone Balance
Turmeric benefits: - Antioxidant - Relieves Arthritis - Immunity Booster - Heals Wound - Improves Digestion
GOLDEN SLICE (Maca & Turmeric) - Artisan & Handmade in London
INGREDIENTS: cashew nuts, dates, maple syrup, coconut butter, raw cacao butter, raw tahini (contains sesame), raw cacao powder, carob powder, water, maca powder, turmeric, cinnamon, vanilla powder, cayenne pepper
ALLERGY ADVICE: see ingredients in bold. Produced in an environment that handles peanuts & other nuts.
NUTRITION INFO PER 100g: Energy 2026.5kJ/487.1kcal, Fat 36.4g (of which saturates 14.1g), Carbohydrate 32.1g (of which sugars 22.7g), Protein 9.8g, Salt 0.04g
STORAGE ADVICE: keep refrigerated 0-5�C. Best before your friends eat it J
Gluten, Dairy, Wheat FREE ; ECO
Congratulations Heavenly Challengers Sweating your way to success! We just wanted to say a massive congratulations to all our BYCers who have completed or are still on their Heavenly Challenge. You are true rock stars and a massive inspiration!
30 classes in 35 days!!!!
Well done and if you are still going, just know with every class you are inspiring us and with every class your body is changing! Thinking of doing your own Yoga Challenge, but need some motivation, have a little read about what 30 classes in 32 days did for BYCer Tim CLICK HERE .
 Congratulations Darielle & Mark!!
Our lovely teacher Darielle, has welcomed beautiful, little Violet Storm into the world- welcome to the BYC family! We can not wait to meet her and we are so happy for you all!
Love and light Xx
Love is love is love is love is love!
Stand together, sweat together and believe in the power of love!
See you in class very soon.
and the entire Team at BYC