Deck the halls this Christmas with YOGA!
'Keep it happy, keep it hot, being thankful for what we've got.....There's only one place to've guessed it, it's BYC''
One hot yoga class Card �10/ One Nidra class card �8:
The Perfect Stocking Fillers!
The Christmas Voucher entitles the giftee to one Hot Yoga class or Yoga Nidra at BYC any time. A Hot Yoga Drop in is normal �15 (saving �5) and Yoga Nidra will cost �10 from 1st Jan, so another little saving. A bargain for you and an awesome gift.
Valid from 27/12/16 - 31/07/17.
BYC Christmas Bundle �855 Bikram Yoga Classes (6 months expiry)
1 Embroidered BYC Grip Mat Towel
1 Wet Kit Bag
All for the bargain price of �85 thats a total saving of �21!
Add an item of clothing and save a further �5!
Gift Cards - Gift anything from �1-�1000.
Want to give the gift of yoga but not sure what exactly you want to give? Our in studio or online gift cards are perfect. Simply pick the monetary amount you would like and then your lucky recipient can redeem it against, classes, clothing and products at BYC.
Gifts for Your Yogi (be that yourself or another):
Capris from �35 Bra Tops from �27 Leggings from �45 Women's Shorts from �25 Men's Shorts from �40 BYC Grip Mat Towel �24 Wet Kit Bag �7 Jason Shower Gel �9 Jason Hand Soap �5 This years BYC Christmas packages will be
available at BYC reception.
Reduced Festive Schedule!
Please note that we will be running a slightly reduced schedule from 12th December 2016 - 2nd January 2017, details below.
Ben Wolff's Restore & Renew will continue
Wednesday 1:45pm-2:30pm throughout the festive period as usual. Helen will continue her Thursday Nidra 4:45-5:30 however there is a slightly reduced schedule, please see our Nidra section for full schedule.
 Naomi is back!!
Back for her regular Christmas BYC fix, we welcome the amazing Naomi Clark to teach a double whammy on Wednesday 28th December at 10am and 3pm!!
Be sure to make it- she's Yogatastic!!
Yoga Nidra this December....

Yoga Nidra with Ben Wolff:
(Sunday 8th January 1:00-1:45pm BOOK NOW)
Yoga Nidra with Helen
Thursday 15th December: 4:45-5:30pm BOOK NOW
Thursday 22nd December: 4:45-5:30pm BOOK NOW
Restore & Renew with Ben Wolff
Wednesday 7th December 1:45-2:30pm BOOK NOW
Wednesday 14th December 1:45-2:30pm BOOK NOW
Wednesday 21st December 1:45-2:30pm BOOK NOW
Wednesday 28th December 1:45-2:30pm BOOK NOW
What you will need:
- Yourself.
- A block (this month we are providing these free of charge, but we do ask you put a towel over them and not lie directly on them.)
- Mats (we provide these free of charge)
- Comfortable clothing
If you are practising a BYC hot yoga class before the Nidra, you will want to bring a change of clothes to wear for your Nidra class.
What you will be doing:
Yoga Nidra is a guided mediation, so lie back and let Helen & Ben guide you to relaxation.
How long:
Each Yoga Nidra class will last for 45 minutes.
Number of Spaces:
Price: �8 drop in till 31st December.
�10 drop in starting 2nd January 2017
*Yoga Nidra is included complimentary, as part of the following memberships:
- 12 Month Autopay (Peak only),
- Yearly Unlimited
- 6 month Unlimited
- One Month Unlimited
- 3 months Unlimited
Spaces are limited so please book in advance. *If you wish to book your spot please do so either at BYC reception or over the phone. Cancellation Policy:
There is a 12 hr late cancellation policy. If you cancel anytime prior to 12hrs before the start of class, the �8 drop in fee will be credited to your account if you email to inform us.
If you cancel within 12hrs before the start of class you will be charged for the class.
 Welcome to the family!!!!
Dear beautiful BYCers,
You might've noticed I've not been on the schedule for a little while. Just to let you know I've not been sacked (yet), and there's a good reason for my absence.
A little while back, we welcomed a little baby boy, Otto, into our family. I'm spending a bit of time away from the podium but hope to be back soon!
Love Andy and Darrell and Otto x
PS Send gin.
Posture Clinic
Wind removing pose
Pavanamuktasana, or wind removing pose, as it is mostly remembered. Yes we may giggle at the name, but this posture helps stimulate your digestive system, working deep into the hip joints and creating wonders for your body. This posture massages the ascending, descending and transverse colon, helping the body to absorb nutrients from food more readily. Feeling relieved...?? You will!!
You've had your two minute savasana and stillness, now we're ready to crack on with the floor series...
1st Part:
Bringing your right leg up, interlock your 10 fingers (including your thumb) into a nice, tight grip. Exactly 2 inches below the knee. Not on the knee cap, it must be below the knee. If you have the strength and flexibility, try to keep the back of your head on the floor.
Once you have the correct grip, pull your right knee down, all the way, towards your right shoulder, avoiding the ribcage. Keep your both hips and both shoulders on the floor. Try to avoid rolling over to your right side. Alignment is key. If you are unable to touch your knee on your shoulder, it may help to bring your knee further outside, towards the deltoid.
Make sure that your left leg is as straight as it can go, so that the calf muscle is touching the floor. If this is not possible just yet, then flex your left foot back towards your face. Chin down towards the chest, to get the back of the neck flat on the floor, no gap underneath. Bring your elbows close to your body, with the shoulders relaxed, touching the floor. Pull down harder to your point of resistance and 'freeze' there. Keeping the eyes open and breathing normally throughout.
Stillness is key here. You may hear your teachers say 'Freeze. Don't move. You can't even blink your eyes', creating 'maximum pressure in your lower abdomen'. This is because wonderful things are happening to your body in this posture. Your right leg in this position is massaging your ascending colon, whilst your left leg on the second side in this position, massages the descending colon. So allow your body to do it's magic.
Change. Arms and legs on the floor.
2nd Part: REPEAT (above) on the LEFT...
3rd Part:
Once you have worked both legs individually, immediately bring both your legs up, grabbing the elbows around each other. The elbows should go over the legs, a couple of inches below the knee. If the elbows aren't accessible to you yet, hold where you can. Grabbing your wrist still gives you all the benefits of the posture. Every class, try to move your grip further towards the elbows and one day this should be yours. Maintaining a 'nice , tight, firm grip. Compact.' Your feet should be side-by-side, in a relaxed position, with the chin down and neck flat on the floor. Eyes open throughout and breathing normal.'FREEZE'-again. Here in the 3rd part of this posture you are massaging your transverse colon.
'Eventually, in the future, when you improve your skeletal system (the bone joints) enough, then only, your total spine is going to be flat on the floor.'
Change. Legs down. Arms down. And breathe.
 Rocking Raw Christmas
Why does Christmas have to spell the end to our healthy selves? We aren't saying a little bit of over indulgence isn't a good thing, as Oscar Wilde says "everything in moderation including moderation itself". Raw bonbon can help you indulgue and still be healthy.
Raw Bonbons range of delicious Raw Truffles are so good they should be bad, but they aren't...
This Christmas, treat yourself or the chocoholic in your life to a box of Raw Bonbon truffles and their tastebuds will be singing with joy.
Raw Bonbon Christmas truffles boxes:
- Matcha
- Berry
- Raspberry 'cheesecake'
Love Chocolate - then you have to do this workshop! Learning how to make your own healthy chocolate that tastes sinful! Does it get any better then that!
Raw Bonbon Raw Chocolate Workshop dates for January 2017
Saturday, 28th January 10.30-16.00
Sunday, 29th January 10.30-16.00
The workshop will be held in Chiswick and light raw lunch will be provided. We aim the course to be as much as hands on and keep the groups small. Please email us for details and to book your space -
New Class this January & schedule change
Yin Yoga comes to BYC!!
This January we are introducing a brand new yoga class to BYC hot yoga!
Yin Yoga is a slow more mediative style of yoga done mainly on the floor. Postures are held for several minutes at a time, so practitioners can access deeper tissues such as the connective tissue and the fascia. Many of the postures focus on areas that encompass a joint (hips, sacrum, spine). By holding the postures for an extended period of time practitioners gain:
- Calming and balancing to the mind and body
- Regulates energy in the body
- Increases mobility in the body, especially the joints and hips
- Lowering of stress levels
- Greater stamina
- Better lubrication and protection of joints
- More flexibility in joints & connective tissue
- Release of fascia throughout the body
- Deeper Relaxation
- A great coping for anxiety and stress
- Better ability to sit for meditation
- help with your Bikram hot yoga practise.
"Yin yoga poses apply moderate stress to the connective tissues of the body-the tendons, fascia, and ligaments-with the aim of increasing circulation in the joints and improving flexibility. A more meditative approach to yoga, yin aims to cultivating awareness of inner silence, and bringing to light a universal, interconnecting quality" Into the flow
Our wonderful teachers Laura and Liz will be guiding you through your 75 minute Yin Yoga class at the following times:
Starting Wednesday 4th January 6:30am-7:45am Liz
(schedule change from Bikram)
Starting Saturday 7th January 1:00pm-2:15pm Laura
What you will need:
-Loose clothing
-This class will not be heated, although our room does hold a degree of heat. Warmer clothing or layers are advised.
-Blocks are provided by BYC hot yoga
Price: Regular BYC Hot Yoga Pricing.
i.e. This class is included in all month unlimited packages, including Introductory offers and can be used as against your 10 class card. If you wish to do a Drop In is is �15.
Booking & Cancellation Policy:
Spaces are limited so booking in advance is advised.
If you book in and do not turn up, or fail to remove yourself from class prior to 12hrs before, you will be charged �15 for the class.
Yin Yoga Drop Ins are purchasable online or in studio. There is a 12 hr late cancellation policy. If you cancel anytime prior to 12hrs before the start of class, the �15 drop in fee will be credited to your account, if you email to inform us. However, if you cancel any time from 12hrs before the start of class you will be charged for the class.
NEW opening time!!

Starting January 2nd the doors will now open at 6:15am for the 6:30am class, instead of 6am. You will still have 15 minutes to sign in and set yourself up in the room, ready to rock for 6:30am! |
January Happy Hips Workshop!
Hip Opening Workshop with
Laura McDonald Saturday 21st Of January.
This January our amazing teacher Laura McDonald will be running another workshop. This time she is after your hips!
Date: Saturday 21st of January.
Location: BYC hot yoga, The Studio, 1st Floor, Essex Place, London, W4 5UT.
Time: 12:45pm-2:15pm
Price: �20
About the workshop:
Did you know that there are over 20 muscles involved in the moving of the hips and they stretch from the lumbar spine right down to the knees? These muscles carry a great responsibility as we use them for sitting, walking, running and jumping.
Releasing hip muscles can do wonders for both back and knee pain and can also bring huge emotional release because we hold so much tension there.
In this workshop we will look at the many different ways in which we can move the hips in our yoga practice and discover postures that you can practice any time you have a spare moment, for example at home, before or after class. They will benefit your Bikram practice and should leave you feeling relaxed and calm. Suitable for all levels
Who can attend this workshop:
This workshop is suitable for everyone.
It doesn't matter whether you are a Bendy Wendy or stiff like the Tin Man.
You do not need to be a BYC member. However, if you are new to the studio please do arrive 15 minutes or so before the Workshop so that we can register you.
Should I do class first?
Laura will be teaching the 11am on the day of the posture clinic. It is not necessary to do a class before the workshop, however, you might find you are more warmed up and ready for the clinic if you do.
Cancellation Policy:
If you need to cancel out of the workshop and do so any time prior to 24hrs before the event, please email the studio at and the �20 will be credited to your account. If you late cancel under 24hrs prior to class you will be charged in full.
You can either book online or in studio.
Yoga Nidra price change 2017 Since September, our introductory trial of Yoga Nidra has gone down a treat and everyone is embracing 'Yoga Sleep' into their lives.
Moving forward into the new year, Yoga Nidra will become a permanent fixture of the BYC hot yoga timetable to be enjoyed regularly by all. We are thrilled to have welcomed Ben Wolff onto our schedule, alongside our wonderful senior teacher Helen to spread the joy and relaxation of Yoga Nidra.
Helen will continue her regular slot of Thursday 4:45-5:30pm (she has a slightly reduced schedule for December, but January she will be back to every week).
Ben's Restore & Renew will continue at its regular time slot of Wednesday 1:45-2:30pm & however his once a month Saturday Nidra will be jumping around so keep any eye out on our schedule, social media & website.
From January 2nd 2017 this class will now be charged at �10 drop in.
For all those on: One Month unlimited/Autopays/Yearly Unlimited memberships, including the introductory offer, will have this class included, complimentary as part of their membership.
is back this January! 30 yoga classes in 35 days
What do YOU want from this new year?
Weight loss?
Peace of Mind?
Tone Up?
De Stress?
Increase flexibility (body & mind)?
All this can be yours!
BYC's Heavenly challenge is back this January 2017 to help you kick-start your New Year, with the gift of health, wellness and above all fun!
"Ooh, baby, do you know what that's worth?
Ooh, heaven is a place on earth
They say in heaven, love comes first
We'll make heaven a place on earth
Ooh, heaven is a place on earth
and that place is BYC hot yoga!"
The BYC Heavenly Challenge works like this:
Practise 30 Bikram hot Yoga classes or Yin Yoga classes at BYC within 35 days. This works out as 6 days of Yoga for a five week period, with one day off a week. (Please note: only 1 double class allowed per week) To help you achieve your goal, we have added 4 extra days - totally FREE - to any One Month Unlimited cards purchased during January 2017, And, to complement the enormous 'thank you' that your body and mind we will be offering those that complete the challenge 20% off their next class card purchase!
10 class card 6 months �115 - on completion of the challenge �92
1 Month Unlimited �140 - on completion of the challenge �112
12 Month Autopay �99pm - on completion of challenge �79.20*
(This discount does not included the Introductory Offers, Yearly Unlimited or Concessions.)
Pop your name on the Heavenly Challenge poster in reception at any time during January, so you can keep track of your progress daily, with gold stars!!!
Nothing says "well done" quite like a a gold star and everyone needs more gold stars in their life!
The (not so) small print:
Ts & Cs apply. Offer excludes those on our Peak Introductory Offers.
Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers or discounts.
(Although we are extending the Concession Rate One Month Unlimited too!)
Yearly Unlimited members will get �50 off their next Yearly Unlimited purchase (Yearly Unlimited repeat purchase price is �900 so your winning price would be �850).
To Claim your 20% discount from BYC reception, once you have completed your Heavenly Challenge: if you are an Autopay or Yearly Unlimited member, please email us on completion of your challenge, so we can process your discount as necessary. For Autopay memberships, we will take the 20% off of your next payment. For Yearly Unlimited members, we will keep a record, so your are given this extra �50 OFF whenever you come to renew your membership.
*Discount applicable to one month only.
Ready, Set, Yoga!
Good luck!
We wish you a wonderful festive period, whatever you plans remember to BYC! Your body & mind will thank you for it and you'll have a head start on January!
See you in class very soon.
and the entire Team at BYC