November at BYC hot yoga! 
Come into the warm! 


Bring a friend/Be a Friend:

I'll be there for yoga
(When the rain starts to pour)
I'll be there for yoga
(Like I've been there before)
I'll be there for yoga
('Cause yoga's there for me, too (and if we go together we can both save �10)
(sung to I'll Be There for You The Rembrandts - Friends theme tune)

This November bring a new person into BYC hot yoga and if they sign up to one of our Introductory Offers, you both save �10.

1- You will save �10 off of your next class card purchase; from a drop in to a yearly  and everything in-between. If redeemed against an Autopay, please note that the �10 will only be off of one month.

2 -Your friend will save �10 off of their Introductory Offer purchase. Your friend must sign up to one of the Introductory Offers (peak or off peak) and you must practise with them. Same class, same time and same day for offer to be valid. 

So you are armed with all persuasive material:

For a one-off payment of �40, you can come and practise as many OFF PEAK Bikram Yoga classes as you like, over a 30 consecutive day period. You can come to any OFF PEAK Bikram Yoga class: 10am, 12pm 3pm Monday to Friday and all day Saturday. 

PEAK INTRODUCTORY - �60 for 30 Days
For a one-off payment of �60, you can come and practise as many Bikram Yoga classes as you would like in a 30 consecutive day period.  This class card is valid at ALL classes. 
This offer is an alternative introductory offer. This card is valid at all our classes including Peak Classes. It is the same offer as the �40 for 30, so, you can choose either offer but not both.

The (not so) small print:
T & C's apply. Can not be used in conjuncture with any other offer or discounts.
You can bring as many friends in as you like however �10 off is only redeemable once per purchase. 
You must practise the same class with your friend and they must purchase the introductory offer for you both to claim your �10 off. 
All class card purchases are non refundable and non transferable. 
Please arrive in plenty of time for class, so your friend has time to register with us. 
Our latecomers policy states that new students will not be permitted into class, if they arrive late. This means they must have arrived in time to complete a registration form and be in the studio for the start of class. Once class has started they will not be able to practise.  

Check in to win:

Want to win a free class at BYC (for you or for you to give to a friend/love one) well this November it couldn't be easier!

When you come to class simply do one of the following things below, 10 classes in a row and we will give you a free class to use or gift to a friend

- check in on Facebook
 - add our location to your Instagram picture or 
- tweet us 

The Rules:
1 - Check into BYC hot yoga on facebook, or tag BYC hot yoga as the location on your Instagram picture or simply use our handle @BYChotyoga in your tweet.

2 - Come to class that same day.
3 - Do this 10 times, across one, two or all three social media locations.

4 - email us at to let us know you have completed 10 classes and 10 checkins. Please let us know if you would like the free class for yourself, to gift to a friend or loved one and the name of said giftee.

5 - Start all over again.

T&C's apply.
Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer or discount.
You must come to class the same day as you have checked-in, instagramed, tweeted.
To claim free class you must email us. 
Only one per day.
Check in competition will continue until the end of the year.

It's Beginning to Look a lot like....Christmas!
or maybe not, but it doesn't hurt to be prepared! 

I'm dreaming of a Yoga Christmas
Just like when I could touch my toes
Where the sweat drops glisten and yogis listen
To hear lock the knee in dulcet tones

I'm dreaming of a BYC hot yoga Christmas
With every Standing Bow Pose I pull
May your days be sweaty and bright
And may all your Christmases be hot!

One Class Card �10: The Perfect Stocking Filler!

This Christmas share your love of yoga with the ones you love, for the bargain price of �10 - thats a saving of �5. 
The Christmas Voucher entitles the giftee to one hot yoga class at BYC any time.
Valid from 27/12/16 - 31/07/17.  

BYC Christmas Bundle �85
5 Bikram Yoga Classes (6 months expiry)
1 Embroidered BYC Grip Mat Towel
1 Wet Kit Bag 
All for the bargain price of �85 thats a total saving of �21!

Gift Cards - Gift anything from �1-�1000.
Want to give the gift of yoga but not sure what exactly you want to give? Our in studio or online gift cards are perfect. Simply pick the monetary amount you would like and then your lucky recipient can redeem it against, classes, clothing and products at BYC. 

Gifts for Your Yogi (be that yourself or another):

Capris from �35
Bra Tops from �27
Leggings from �45
Women's Shorts from �25
Men's Shorts from �40
BYC Grip Mat Towel �24
Wet Kit Bag �7
Jason Shower Gel �9 
Jason Hand Soap �5

This years BYC Christmas packages will be
 available at BYC this November 2016.


New Teacher - New Class - New Workshop

Ben Wolff is joining the BYC hot yoga family and he is here to help you relax and unwind.

As an experienced Yoga Nidra teacher, with a wide understanding of contemporary scientific research into meditation, neuroscience and other fields related to Yoga Nidra; he is here to help you let go of your stresses and relax.

Ben will be teaching a traditional Yoga Nidra class the last Saturday of every month 1:00pm-1:45pm. His first class is this Saturday 29th BOOK NOW
In addition to a traditional Yoga Nidra class; Ben has created his own, unique style of Nidra mediation using Yin postures to the guided mediation, to regenerate and rejuvenate as well as relax. This class (called Ben Wolff Restore & Renew) will leave you relaxed, yet energised and is the perfect lunch time class, available every Wednesday 1:45-2:30pm from November 2nd 2016

Also this November will be Ben's Breath for Life Workshop
 (see below article for more information).


Price :

Yoga Nidra, is included free of charge for the following memberships*: 

- 12 Month Autopay (Peak only), 
- Yearly Unlimited 
- 6 month Unlimited
- One Month Unlimited
- 3 months Unlimited 

For everyone else it is an �8 drop in fee per class.

Booking & Cancellation Policy:

Spaces are limited so booking in advance is advised. 

*If you wish to book your spot and you are on the membership listed above, please do so either at BYC reception or over the phone. You will not be able to book in yourself online, as this class is complimentary as part of your yoga package. If you book in and do not turn up, or fail to remove yourself from class prior to 12hrs before, you will be charged �8 for the class.

Nidra Drop Ins are purchasable online or in studio. There is a 12 hr late cancellation policy. If you cancel anytime prior to 12hrs before the start of class, the �8 drop in fee will be credited to your account, if you email to inform us. However, if you cancel any time from 12hrs before the start of class you will be charged for the class. 

Posture Clinic 
You've done it, you've completed the warm up! 
Oh yes, the standing series is considered the warm up! 
You have earned this two minute Savasana, but remember before you drift off this is still a posture, so lets get it right.

Turn around and lie down, feet facing the back wall. 

We are often asked the reason why in class we lie in this manor, feet facing the back of the room. It is a tradition passed down from the roots of yoga. In India, like in many countries in Asia, feet are seen as unclean and it is therefore considered rude to point your feet at people. So we lie with our feet facing the wall, as to point them away from our teacher. 

1 - Lie on your back. Heels together, feet flopped out, arms by your side,close to your body and palms facing the ceiling. Let your fingers curl naturally. Let the floor hold you, try to relax into the floor.

2 -Eyes open, gaze softly at one spot on the ceiling, do not close your eyes. 

3 - Breath normally, in and out through your nose. 

4 - Do not move, do not fidget. Leave the sweat, ignore the itch, focus on your breath. Relax, meditate, let go. 

Point 4 is the one we all struggle with. Calming the mind and letting go of our thoughts, while simultaneously ignoring any physical discomfort... easy... not! 

Tips to mastering Savasana:

-  Thoughts will come. Acknowledge them and let them go.

- Focus on your breath. In for 6 counts out for 6 counts, always through the nose. You are breathing in so that your abdomen rises and falls. If you find it is only your chest that is rising and falling, focus more on allowing the abdomen to move. 

- Try to take your mind away from the physical discomfort/irritation, by taking it back to your breath. Try to focus the mind and ignore distractions: the sweat running into your ear, the itch on your left calf  etc.. Instead bring your mind back to your breath. 

- We are trying to relax and let go of all the tension in our body, refuelling for what is about to come. Focus on your breath, imagine it is a wave washing over you, head to toe, taking with it all your stress, tension, aches and pains. 

While we are looking at Savasana, we might as well address the ones coming up shortly on your front.

- The correct alignment for this is to lie on your stomach, big toes touching lightly, feet flopped out, arms by your side and close to your body, palms facing up to the ceiling. Let your fingers curl naturally. 

- Your head should be facing sideways with your hear pressing into the mat. Your teacher will let you know which direction your head should be facing, but if you are looking into someone else's eyes one of you is facing the wrong way. 

- Keep your eyes open, rest your gaze softly on the corner of your mat or a space on the floor in front of you. 

- Focus on your breathing, slow calm breaths in through your nose out through nose.

Savasana is where the magic is happening. Your blood is pumping around your body bringing fresh oxygenated blood to all the muscles that have just worked so hard and sweeping away with it all those nasty toxins. You are flushing your body, whilst at the same time refuelling for the next posture and you don't have to do a thing, in fact the key is to do nothing but breathe, Enjoy!

As well as the host of benefits both physical and mental, Savasana is also about preserving energy between the active postures. Do not fidget, do not move. This, also goes for the standing savasana between every standing posture.  If we can practice 100% relaxation in savasana, we can give 100% effort in the postures. This stillness also creates discipline, that in turn creates a more focused life enhancing practise.  

Final Savasana is still a posture and part of the practise, take it! If you can, lie there for 5-10 minutes.  Calm the nervous system, let your body know you have finished and as an added bonus you will stop sweating, before you even hit the showers! 

 "To make the right choices in life, you have to get in touch with your soul. To do this, you need to experience solitude, which most people are afraid of, because in the silence you hear the truth and know the solutions." Deepak Chopra 

Meditate on this.
The time has come to relax!

A recent study under taken by Harvard Medical School found that regular meditation is more beneficial than a holiday!  Their findings suggested that mindfulness exercises can result in long-lasting positive psychological effects, especially for people new to these experiences. In addition, meditation and yoga can boost immunity, and regular practice seems to promote more complex genetic effects related to healthier ageing. 

This is just one amongst thousands of scientific studies into meditation and the results appear to show boundless benefits that include
- Improved focus, in fact a recent study by Harved University actually found that mediation literally rebuilds the brains grey matter. 
- Improves immune system & energy levels.
- Reduces stress, anxiety, improves self-esteem & self acceptance. 
- Improves sleep.
- It improves your mood & psychological well being
- It arms you to deal with stressful events 
- Reduces blood Pressure
Carnegie Mellon University study found that mindfulness meditation training is useful in decreasing feelings of loneliness.
- A study from Harvard Medical School even demonstrates that, after practising yoga and meditation, individuals had improved mitochondrial energy production, consumption and resiliency. This improvement actually develops a higher immunity in the system and resilience to stress.
- It has even been found to reduce your feelings of physical pain. 
A study undertaken by the University of Montrea looked at 13 Zen masters and 13 comparable non-practitioners to equal degrees of painful heat while measuring their brain activity. What they discovered is that the Zen meditation (called zazen) practitioners reported less pain. Actually, they reported less pain than their neurological output from the fMRI indicated. So, even though their brain may be receiving the same amount of pain input, in their mind's there is actually less pain. 

So with all these awesome benefits, all you have to do is lie back and relax. Why not add mediation into your routine today!

This month we have several chances for you to get your meditation on at BYC hot yoga:

Yoga Nidra with Ben Wolff:
Saturday 29th October 1:00-1:45  BOOK NOW
Saturday 26th November  1:00-1:45 BOOK NOW

Restore & Renew with Ben Wolff
Wednesday 2nd November 1:45-2:30pm - BOOK NOW
Wednesday 9th November 1:45-2:30pm - BOOK NOW
Wednesday 16th November 1:45-2:30pm - BOOK NOW
Wednesday 23rd November 1:45-2:30pm - BOOK NOW
Wednesday 30th November 1:45-2:30pm - BOOK NOW
Yoga Nidra with Helen
Thursday 3rd November: 4:45-5:30pm - BOOK NOW
Thursday 10th November: 4:45-5:30pm - BOOK NOW
Tuesday 15th November: 8:45-9:30am - BOOK NOW
Thursday 17th November: 4:45-5:30pm - BOOK NOW
Thursday 24th November : 4:45-5:30pm - BOOK NOW
Tuesday 29th November: 8:45-9:30am - BOOK NOW

What you will need: 
- Yourself.
- A block (this month we are providing these free of charge, but we do ask you put a towel over them and not lie directly on them.)
- Mats (we provide these free of charge)
 - Comfortable clothing 
If you are practising a BYC hot yoga class before the Nidra, you will want to bring a change of clothes to wear for your Nidra class.

What you will be doing:
Yoga Nidra is a guided mediation, so lie back and let Helen & Ben guide you to relaxation. 

How long:
Each Yoga Nidra will last for 45 minutes.

Number of Spaces:

Yoga Nidra is included complimentary, as part of the following memberships:

- 12 Month Autopay (Peak only), 
- Yearly Unlimited 
- 6 month Unlimited
- One Month Unlimited
- 3 months Unlimited 

The Nidra Workshops will be included as part of your membership. Spaces are limited so please book in advance. If you wish to book your spot please do so either at BYC reception or over the phone. You will not be able to book in yourself online if this class is complimentary as part of your yoga package. If you book in and do not turn up, or fail to remove yourself from class prior to 12hrs before, you will be charged �8 for the class.

For everyone else �8 Drop In fee per class. 

Cancellation Policy:
There is a 12 hr late cancellation policy. If you cancel anytime prior to 12hrs before the start of class, the �8 drop in fee will be credited to your account if you email to inform us. However, if you cancel any time from 12hrs before the start of class you will be charged for the class. 

If you are interested in Yoga Nidra, but are unable to take advantage of any of the times it is currently available do not worry, we are looking at expanding the Nidra schedule in the coming months. 
 Breath Workshop 
Saturday 12th November 1pm-2:30pm

Control your breath and everything else will follow! 

This coming November our new BYC teacher 
Ben Wolff will be running a Breath for Life workshop at BYC.


Topics covered:
� Breath for accelerated healing
� Breath for anxiety, stress and panic attacks
� Breath for insomnia
� Breath for pain management and reduction
� Breath for asthma
� Breath for depression and negativity

Location: BYC hot yoga, The Studio, 1st Floor, Essex Place, London, W4 5UT.

Date: Saturday 12th November 

Time: 1:00pm-2:30pm

Price: �25 

Capacity: 35

The Workshop:
95% of our ENERGY comes in from the breath. 

70% of what the body eliminates goes out through the breath.
The breath, therefore is the first place we should look to affect change. Science shows nearly everyone is currently over-breathing, making this a number 1 culprit behind stress, insomnia, disturbed sleep, anxiety, depression and negative thinking, chronic pain, asthma, migraine headaches, panic attacks and even back problems & weight gain.

The optimal breath rate for adults is between 3 & 6 breaths a minute. We typically take between 12 & 20. Hence, we are clinically 80% stressed before we've even got out of our chairs. By balancing the breath we bring back balance to our systems and to our lives. After all, shallow breathing leads to shallow thinking and panic breathing leads to panic. As the Buddha said "the path to enlightenment begins and ends at the breath". This is Breath For Life.

Ben will share with you the most important discoveries in breath research. Neuroscience shows that there is a breath rate for you that's your own personal sweet spot; where head, heart, lungs and the major organs of the body all resonate and a coherent, syncronised rhythm waves and pulses throughout your system. This brings with it a harmony, wellness and great feelings of relaxation, zest, energy and control; quite unlike anything you're currently experiencing. It's simple. It's effective. It's life changing.

Brought on by his recovery from serious illness and 3 years of continuous research and investigation Ben Wolff will share his findings from both ancient wisdom traditions and modern science in ways that are open and accessible to everyone. 

Cancellation Policy:
If you need to cancel out of the workshop and do so any time prior to 24hrs before the event, please email the studio at and the �25 will be credited to your account. If you late cancel under 24hrs prior to class you will be charged in full.

You can either book online or in studio.

Happy Hips 
Hip Opening Workshop with 
Laura McDonald Saturday 21st Of January.

This January our amazing teacher Laura McDonald will be running another workshop. This time she is after your hips! 

Date: Saturday 21st of January.

Location: BYC hot yoga, The Studio, 1st Floor, Essex Place, London, W4 5UT.

Time: 12:45pm-2:15pm

Price: �20

About the workshop:
Did you know that there are over 20 muscles involved in the moving of the hips and they stretch from the lumbar spine right down to the knees? These muscles carry a great responsibility as we use them for sitting, walking, running and jumping.
Releasing hip muscles can do wonders for both back and knee pain and can also bring huge emotional release because we hold so much tension there.
In this workshop we will look at the many different ways in which we can move the hips in our yoga practice and discover postures that you can practice any time you have a spare moment, for example at home, before or after class. They will benefit your Bikram practice and should leave you feeling relaxed and calm. Suitable for all levels

Who can attend this workshop:
This workshop is suitable for everyone.
It doesn't matter whether you are a Bendy Wendy or stiff like the Tin Man.
You do not need to be a BYC member. However, if you are new to the studio please do arrive 15 minutes or so before the Workshop so that we can register you.

Should I do class first? 
Laura will be teaching the 11am on the day of the posture clinic. It is not necessary to do a class before the workshop, however, you might find you are more warmed up and ready for the clinic if you do.

Cancellation Policy:
If you need to cancel out of the workshop and do so any time prior to 24hrs before the event, please email the studio at and the �20 will be credited to your account. If you late cancel under 24hrs prior to class you will be charged in full.

You can either book online or in studio.

Come back soon
(thats an order not a request)! 

This November we are saying (a temporary) So long, farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, goodbye, to our one and only Fed!!!!!!

He has only gone and landed himself a gig touring as one of the 12 Tenors! 

Fed will be off touring Germany & Austria from November for 4 months. 

We could not be more thrilled for him but, wow, are we going to miss him around BYC! 

His last class will be the 11am & 3pm on Sunday 13th November.

See you in class very soon. 
and the entire Team at BYC

          BYC hot yoga                                     020 8995 9955