BYC's Birthday Yoctoberfest
Join us in celebrating 14 years of BYC
by making October your month of Yoga!
Friday 14th ONLY 14 classes valid for 114 days for �114!
It is our 14th Birthday this year and we are celebrating by making the month of October, a month of yoga, 'Yoctober' if you will!
You have heard about the amazing benefits of hot yoga.....
- weight loss
- general toning
- peace of mind
- de-stress
- improve flexibility
- strengthening
- improve posture
- balance
- focus
- can aid back, neck, hip, knee pain
... to name a few. However, as with anything in life, you get out what you put in, so this October make your mind up to do yoga!
If you practise once a week, try making it two, if its once a fortnight, try every week. If you can make it to class more often you really will see and feel these benefits for yourself.
To help with this and, in celebration of 14 amazing years of BYC hot yoga, on Friday 14th of October we are having a FLASH SALE:
14 classes valid for 114 days for �114!
making each class ONLY �8.14!
Please note: This class card will be available to purchase from midnight to midnight on Friday 14th November. This class card will start on the day of purchase, 14th October and expire 4th February 2017.
The (not so) small print - (about the class card not the day):
Ts & Cs apply.
Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers, discounts or concessions.
One purchase per student.
Offer is only available on Friday 14th October 2016 Card activates on date of purchase 14th October 2016. and expires, 114 days later, on 4th February 2017. Purchasable online, over the phone or in the studio.
BYC hot yoga 14th Birthday Party! Friday 14th October 2016
There ain't no party like a yoga party!
We are celebrating our 14th Birthday on Friday 14th October.
Come to class and help us celebrate.
Not only will we will be having an amazing sale on yoga, with our special class card of 14 classes valid for 114 days for only �114 available on the 14th only, but there will also be product give aways, discounts, laughter and maybe even some (raw) cake, if we are lucky!
If all this isn't tempting enough, we will also be donating �1 to WellChild for everyone that comes to class on this day.
There are thousands of children and young people in the UK living with a long-term or complex health condition. WellChild is the national charity working to ensure the best possible care and support for all these children and their families wherever they are and whenever they need it.
So come join us to celebrate 14 years of laughter, sweat, bending & stretching with a day of laughter, sweat, bending & stretching!
Here's to another 14 years!!!
New Teacher - New Class - New Workshop
Introducing Ben Wolff to BYC!

We are thrilled to be welcoming a new teacher to the BYC family.
Ben Wolff is an experienced Yoga Nidra teacher, with a wide understanding of contemporary scientific research into meditation, neuroscience and other fields related to Yoga Nidra. He has also formulated his own powerful and unique style of Nidra, combining some Yin postures to the guided mediation, to regenerate and rejuvenate as well as relax. The perfect lunch time class and it is come to BYC every Wednesday 1:45-2:30pm from November.
He also lectures with Dr Lucy Clarke and Nirlipta Tuli on "Yoga and Clinical Psychology in Society" to post-graduate PHD level psychologists at Salomans, Canterbury Christchurch University.
Additionally Ben is part of the recently launched think tank by Heather Mason "Yoga 4 the NHS" and is co-course designer and co-tutor of the CPD Advanced Yoga Nidra for teachers and therapists.
Ben will not only be teaching his own Nidra at BYC, but he will be running once monthly Nidra classes on the last Saturday of every month starting this October.
ALSO coming in November will be Ben's Breathe for Life Workshop (see below for more information).
Welcome to BYC Ben!
Book Nidra With Ben Book Breathe for Life
Posture Clinic
Tree & Toe Stand
One final posture to go before we hit the floor
for our first blissful savasana.
So lets start calming down with our elegant tall trees. A beautiful pose which, amongst other things, aids posture and increases knee & hip flexibility.
Channeling the words of a famous advert from the 80's
(which some of you may remember) 'I want to be a tree'.
1 - Feet together, move your weight into your left foot, contracting your left quad, pulling up on the knee. The knee lifts automatically as a response to the contraction of the quadricep muscle.
2- Engage your core, pulling your belly button inwards, at the same time pulling up on your pelvic floor muscles.
3 - Lift your right knee up in line with your hip, and grab your right foot from underneath with your left hand.
4 - Lift your foot up, until the heel is touching your body, sole of the foot facing the ceiling. The goal is to place the heel of the foot, hip height on the left hand side of your body. Where your can place your foot today, will be dependent on your hip and knee flexibility. So go gently, each class, as your hips and knees begin to open, try to challenge yourself with where you can place your foot. However, for today, place your foot where feels comfortable for you anywhere on the left hand-side from your shin up.
5 - Now gently and carefully lower your right knee down. Push your hips forward and gently push your right knee back. The aim, one day, is to have both knees in one line. The act of pushing your hips forward and gently pushing the right knee back, is opening your hips to one day make this possible.
6 - Keeping your core engaged, your glutes engaged, your shoulders down, stretch your spine up. Look at yourself in the mirror for a point of focus for balance and while you are there check that both hips are in one line,
both shoulders in one line.
7 - With the teachers words, not before, not after, bring your right had up to the centre of your chest. Then if you can balance, and your foot does not slip, bring your left hand up and put your hands in prayer. A tip to preventing your foot from slipping, is to focus on pushing your hips forward and your knee back.
8 - Now hold it still, focus one one point for balance, left leg locked, glutes engaged, stomach contracted, spine lifting up to the ceiling, breathing normal.
You are a tree!
9 - Change. Repeat other side.
Toe Stand.
Toe stand is not an advanced posture, so if your knees and ankles are game (aka injury free) give it a go. However, you are more then welcome to do a second set of tree if your body is saying no. Yoga is about listening to the feedback of your body, never pushing into pain, only you know what your body can and can't do, but don't ever let fear hold you back. 1 - Feet together, core engaged. Focus on one point roughly four feet in front of you on the floor. Keep focused on this spot as you bring your right foot up to the middle of your thigh or wherever feels comfortable today. Palms in front of your chest in prayer. If your foot slips only bring your right hand up. 2 - Eyes still focused on your one spot, hinge your upper body forward at the waist. Hang your arms down and keep bending forward until your 10 fingers
(well 8 fingers, 2 thumbs) are on the floor. Do not bend your leg to get to this point. The only bend at this stage is at the waist.
3 - Once your fingers and hand are on the floor, move your weight forward into the hands. When the weight is in your hands then bend your knee, bringing your hips down until you are sat hovering above your heel.
 4 - Walk your hands to the side of your body.
5 - Check your core is still firmly engaged, stretch your spine up to the ceiling, while keeping your balance with your finger tips of the floor
by your side.
6 - If necessary drop your right knee, so that your knees are in one line parallel to the floor. Make sure you are still focused on the same spot on the floor in front of you.
7 - Now comes the extra tricky part: slowly bring your left hand up in front of you. If you are still balanced bring the right hand up to meet it and lift your gaze to meet your own eyes in the mirror to see how amazing your posture looks. The trick to balancing here is your core. Keep it engaged. Breathe.
8 - Change by reversing out the same way you came in, by putting your hands on the floor, transferring your weight back into your hands and pushing up to join tree.
p.s. even teachers wobble sometimes,
but remember you can't succeed if you don't try.
Yoga Nidra this October. Thursdays are for relaxation! 
Our September Yoga Nidra Workshops were such a success, we are looking to introduce this fabulous form of relaxation into our schedule on a more permanent basis.
If you missed Helen's Yoga Nidra classes this September, there are four more chances to get your relaxation on this October: Yoga Nidra also known as 'Yoga Sleep', is a deep form of relaxing mediation. It takes the body and mind to the place between wake and sleep, to achieve one of the deepest forms of relaxation to reduce tension and anxiety.
Times: Thursday 6th October: 4:45-5:30pm - BOOK NOW Thursday 13th October: 4:45-5:30pm - BOOK NOW Thursday 2oth October: 4:45-5:30pm - BOOK NOW Thursday 27th October : 4:45-5:30pm - BOOK NOW Saturday 29th October: 1:00-1:45 -
- Yourself.
- A block (this month we are providing these free of charge, but we do ask you put a towel over them and not lie directly on them.)
- Mats (we provide these free of charge)
- Comfortable clothing
If you are practising a BYC hot yoga class before the Nidra, you will want to bring a change of clothes to wear for your Nidra class.
What you will be doing:
Yoga Nidra is a guided mediation, so lie back and let Helen & Ben guide you to relaxation.
How long:
Each Yoga Nidra will last for 45 minutes.
Number of Spaces:
Price & Cancellation Policy:
Yoga Nidra workshops, we will be charged at �8 Drop In fee per class. Spaces are limited, so please book in advance. Nidra Drop Ins are purchasable online or in studio. There is a 12 hr late cancellation policy. If you cancel anytime prior to 12hrs before the start of class, the �8 drop in fee will be credited to your account if you email to inform us. However, if you cancel any time from 12hrs before the start of class you will be charged for the class.
If you have one of the following memberships:
- 12 Month Autopay (Peak only),
- Yearly Unlimited
- 6 month Unlimited
- One Month Unlimited
- 3 months Unlimited
The Nidra Workshops will be included as part of your membership. Spaces are limited so please book in advance. If you wish to book your spot please do so either at BYC reception or over the phone. You will not be able to book in yourself online if this class is complimentary as part of your yoga package. If you book in and do not turn up, or fail to remove yourself from class prior to 12hrs before, you will be charged �8 for the class.
If you are interested in Yoga Nidra but are unable to take advantage of any of the time it is currently available do not worry, we are looking at expanding the Nidra schedule in the coming months.
Reach for the stars Posture Workshop with Helen
Saturday 22nd October Helen will be workshopping
Triangle & Standing Separate Leg Head to Knee pose.
This October BYC hot yoga's owner and senior (in experience - not age!) teacher Helen will be running a posture Workshop focusing on Triangle & Standing Separate Leg Head to knee postures. Finishing with a 1/2hr Q & A where you can ask Helen a question about any posture.
Location: BYC hot yoga, The Studio, 1st Floor, Essex Place, London, W4 5UT.
Date: Saturday 22nd October
Time: 1:00pm-2:30pm
Price: �25
Capacity: 25
What is the focus of the workshop?
Triangle has been known to be a tricky little posture. The master posture of the standing series; it is both challenging and demanding. Helen will break down triangle to help students get a better understanding of this posture, the correct alignment coming in, out and during to help us master the master & reach for the stars!
With a few basic tips standing separate leg head to knee pose can turn from a nemisies into a much loved posture. Helen will help you figure out how to get and keep your hips in one line, while keeping your forehead on your knee and remaining balanced coming in and out of the posture.
The last 1/2hr of the Workshop will be a Q&A to help you workshop your individual posture questions.
Who can attend this workshop?
This workshop is suitable for everyone from Bikram beginners to regular practitioners. Precise breaking down of technique will help everyone to get the most out of their practise. You do not need to be a BYC member. However, if you are new to the studio please do arrive 15 minutes or so before the workshop, so that we can register you.
Should I do class first? It is not necessary to do a class before the workshop, however, you might find you are more warmed up and ready for the clinic if you do.
Cancellation Policy: If you need to cancel out of the workshop and do so any time prior to 24hrs before the event, please email the studio at and the �25 will be credited to your account. If you late cancel under 24hrs prior to class you will be charged in full.
You can either book online or in studio.
Resistance Band Training Pop up Bandforce Build strength
BandForce is a unique 45 minute class, using resistance bands, designed to compliment and enhance your hot yoga practise. The class is not done in the heat.
We introduced this Pop-Up in September and it has been such a sucess we have persuaded Harry, the founder of Bandforce, to stay on for two further dates in October, if we keep going this way we might b able to persuade him to stay for the rest of the year!
These fun filled, 45 minute, resistance bands classes, specifically target and build core, leg, shoulder & arm strength, while also working on flexability.
Harry Rowland, the founder of Bandforce, will be using his own resistance bands to lead you through structured exercises that you can then implement at home. As a personal trainer, former professional rugby player and Lululemon ambassador, Harry has worked extensively in the industry with everyone from fitness beginners to professional athletes.
This class will perfectly compliment your regular yoga practise, by allowing you to isolate and fine tune the muscle groups you work in your 90 minute hot yoga class.
Price: �10 Drop In
Venue: BYC hot yoga, 1st Floor Essex Place, London, W4 5LB
Booking: Only 16 spaces available. You can purchase this special Bandforce �10 Drop In online or in studio and book yourself into class now. Cancellation Policy: If you need to cancel out of the Bandforce workshop and do so any time prior to 24hrs before the event, please email the studio at and the �10 will be credited to your account. If you late cancel under 24hrs prior to class you will be charged in full.
November Breath Workshop
Saturday 12th November 1pm-2:30pm
Control your breath and everything else will follow!
This coming November our new BYC teacher
Ben Wolff will be running a Breathe for Life workshop at BYC. Topics covered:
� Breath for accelerated healing
� Breath for anxiety, stress and panic attacks
� Breath for insomnia
� Breath for pain management and reduction
� Breath for asthma
� Breath for depression and negativity
Location: BYC hot yoga, The Studio, 1st Floor, Essex Place, London, W4 5UT.
Date: Saturday 22nd October
Time: 1:00pm-2:30pm
Price: �25
Capacity: 35
The Workshop:
95% of our ENERGY comes in from the breath.
70% of what the body eliminates goes out through the breath.
The breath, therefore is the first place we should look to affect change. Science shows nearly everyone is currently over-breathing, making this a number 1 culprit behind stress, insomnia, disturbed sleep, anxiety, depression and negative thinking, chronic pain, asthma, migraine headaches, panic attacks and even back problems & weight gain.
The optimal breath rate for adults is between 3 & 6 breaths a minute. We typically take between 12 & 20. Hence we are clinically 80% stressed before we've even got out of our chairs. By balancing the breath we bring back balance to our systems and to our lives. After all, shallow breathing leads to shallow thinking and panic breathing leads to panic. As the Buddha said "the path to enlightenment begins and ends at the breath". This is Breath For Life.
Ben will share with you the most important discoveries in breath research. Neuroscience shows that there is a breath rate for you that's your own personal sweet spot; where head, heart, lungs and the major organs of the body all resonate and a coherent, syncronised rhythm waves and pulses throughout your system. This brings with it a harmony, wellness and great feelings of relaxation, zest, energy and control; quite unlike anything you're currently experiencing. It's simple. It's effective. It's life changing.
Brought on by his recovery from serious illness and 3 years of continuous research and investigation Ben Wolff will share his findings from both ancient wisdom traditions and modern science in ways that are open and accessible to everyone.
Cancellation Policy: If you need to cancel out of the workshop and do so any time prior to 24hrs before the event, please email the studio at and the �25 will be credited to your account. If you late cancel under 24hrs prior to class you will be charged in full.
You can either book online or in studio.
Bring a Friend...
...and save �10.
In the words of the Beatles "I get by with a little help from my friends" and your friends need your help! They need BYC hot yoga in their lives. You now know the amazing benefits to your life, your health, your body and mind. So it's time to share this with your loved ones, your work colleagues, your friends, even a stranger on the tube!
This September (as if the warm fuzzy feeling of putting someone you care about on a life changing road to better health wasn't enough)... if you bring a new person into BYC hot yoga and they sign up to one of our Introductory Offers, you both save �10. You will save �10 off of your next class card purchase, from a drop in to a yearly and everything in-between. If redeemed against an Autopay, please note that the �10 will only be off of the 1st Autopay payment and not the next 11. Your friend will save �10 off of their Introductory Offer purchase. Your friend must sign up to one of the
Introductory Offers (peak or off peak) and you must practise with them. Same class, same time and same day for offer to be valid.
So you are armed with all relative information: OFF PEAK INTRODUCTORY - �40 for 30 Days For a one-off payment of �40, you can come and practise as many OFF PEAK Bikram Yoga classes as you like, over a 30 consecutive day period. You can come to any OFF PEAK Bikram Yoga class: 10am, 12pm 3pm Monday to Friday and all day Saturday. PEAK INTRODUCTORY - �60 for 30 Days For a one-off payment of �60, you can come and practise as many Bikram Yoga classes as you would like in a 30 consecutive day period. This class card is valid at ALL classes. This offer is an alternative introductory offer. This card is valid at all our classes including Peak Classes. It is the same offer as the �40 for 30, so, you can choose either offer but not both.
The (not so) small print: T & C's apply. Can not be used in conjuncture with any other offer or discounts. You can bring as many friends in as you like however �10 off is only redeemable once per purchase. You must practise the same class with your friend and they must purchase the introductory offer for you both to claim your �10 off. All class card purchases are non refundable and non transferable. Please arrive in plenty of time for class, so your friend has time to register with us. Our latecomers policy states that new students will not be permitted into class, if they arrive late. This means they must have arrived in time to complete a registration form and be in the studio for the start of class. Once class has started they will not be able to practise.
Check In!
Win a free Class!
Winning a free class at BYC has never been so easy.
When you come to class simply check in on Facebook, add our location to your Instagram picture or tweet us 10 classes in a row and we will give you a free class to use or gift to a friend.
The Rules: 1 - Check into Bikram Yoga Chiswick on facebook, or tag Bikram Yoga Chiswick as the location on your Instagram picture or simply use our handle @bikramchiswick in your tweet.
2 - Come to class that same day.
3 - Do this 10 times, across one, two or all three social media locations.
4 - email us at to let us know you have completed 10 classes and 10 checkins. Please let us know if you would like the free class for yourself, or to gift to a friend or loved one and the name of said giftee.
5 - Start all over again.
T&C's apply. Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer or discount. You must come to class the same day as you have checked-in, instagramed, tweeted. To claim free class you must email us.
Only one per day. Check in competition will continue through October 2016.
(Nobody Like Me by Vancouver Street Artis iHeart)
Look back, go back, way back.... look at those amazing back bends. Well done to our teacher Laura and everyone who came to our first Backbending workshop. Brilliant work guys! We can't wait for the next one !
"Thank BYC and Laura McDonald for a fantastic backbending workshop today. During a regular class, it is not possible and practical to work through a posture in great detail, this is why workshops like the one Laura conducted today are so valuable. Not only did we get Camel and Standing Backbending down in the last detail, but also we got lots of helpful tips about backbending in general. The partner work was my favourite! And I still feel lovely warmth in my spine! It would be fantastic to have more of these in-depth sessions in addition to our beloved classes! Tanya xx"
Happy Birthday to us, happy birthday to us, happy birthday dear uuuussssss, happy birthday to us!
See you in class very soon.
and the entire Team at BYC