Back To You Month  
September is 'Back To You' month at BYC 

Summer is a wonderous time; Festivals, holidays, picnics, BBQs & the kids are off school for 2 & 1/2 months! 

More often then not during all the summer fun and mayhem there is no time left for looking after ourselves. Our health, body & mind.

So as the kids go back to school this September, BYC is all about

'Back To You'.

Back to your body.

Back to your mind.

Back to your self!

So, how do we propose to get you

'back to you', well...

Hot Yoga:

Firstly, its time to get back into your BYC hot yoga routine. Time to get back in the room, on the mat and reconnect with your body & mind!

Yoga Nidra:

For relaxation, de-stressing and  unwinding; we are introducing 4 special Yoga Nidra workshops this September. Yoga Nidra will be inclueded as part of your Yearly Unlimited, 12 month Autopay, 6 Months Unlimited and for the month of September only, One Month Unlimited.

For everyone else it is a �8 drop in fee.

(for full details please see 'Relax, Yoga Nidra is here!' article below). 

Back To your Back: 
Our wonderful teacher, Laura McDonald, will be running a backbending workshop on Saturday 24th September 12:45pm-2pm; to help you all get back in touch with your back. Healthy spine, healthy life.

This workshop is �20 and spaces are limited.

(for full details please see article 'Back To Backbending' below).

Bandforce Fitness Pop-Up:

We are running a new & Exclusive Bespoke Fitness Pop-Up at BYC  this September. BandForce, is a unique 45 minute workshop to compliment and enhance your hot yoga practise, that can be done in your lunch hour.

(see below article 'Pop Up Fitness Class' for more details.)

Click here to learn more about Bandforce

3 Day Juice Cleanse Botanic Lab:

To help kick start the 'Back To You' journey, we have done a deal with Botanic Lab who are offering all our customers with live memberships 15% off of their 3 day juice cleanse. Ask at BYC reception for full details. 

Click here for more info on this cleanse.

Detox Kitchen Health Meal Delivery: 
To continue this road to rejuvenation, The Detox kitchen will be offering you all 15% off of their online meal packages.  The Detox Kitchen's team of experts create and deliver a nutrient dense, delicious & well-balanced diet. They take away the stress of planning, shopping and cooking healthy meals. Simply select the package that is right for you, choose your start date and duration, and look forward to your first delivery of wholesome food.

Click here for more information on the Detox Kitchen.

Face The World with Shavata:

Shavata, the new Brow (& lash) Bar in Chiswick has a special deal on their treatments for all BYCers with an active membership.

Simply ask at BYC reception for full details.

Click here for more information on Shavata.

Pamper Yourself with Blo Bar:

Blo Bar, Chiswick High Road, don't just deliver treatments, they deliver a luxury experience guaranteed to invigorate and relax you. Blo have an onsite cr�che, which means you can bring your children to the salon without worrying about keeping them entertained.  So to get your pamper on at a discounted price, all you need is an active membership with BYC. Simply ask at BYC reception and all the information on how to claim this is yours.

All of the above deals are available from 1st September for all BYCers with an active membership. Simply ask at BYC reception for the full details, discounts and discount codes. 

Make sure you come back to BYC this September and we will help you on your journey 'Back To You'! If you are already here, then we can help you find a 'youer' you then you already new!  

Augusts Awesome Deal LAST FEW DAYS!
6 Months Unlimited Yoga only �500!

Do we have a deal for you or do we have a deal for you!!!! (in short yes!)


How often do you practise at BYC hot yoga a month? 8 times? 10 times? 12 times


10 classes/month = �8.34/class!
12 classes /month = �6.90/class!

4 classes/week = �5.20/class!

(that's less than 2 cappuccino's and way better for you!

Although, granted, a touch less yummy!)

Even at 2 classes a week this card is a steal, making each class �10.41!


The (not so) small print:
Ts & Cs apply.
Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other discounts/concession rates.
Offer available until 31st August 2016.

You have one month from the date of purchase to activate this class card.

Only one purchase per student.   


Posture Clinic 
 Standing Seperate Leg 
Head to Knee Pose 
Triangle, is over, done, finished, you rocked it. Your reward is Standing Seperate Leg Head to Knee Pose (well that and the knowledge that in two more postures time you get a 2 minute savasana!)

1 - Stand straight, feet together, and raise your arms over your head sideways,  until your palms touch. Interlace your thumbs. Engage your arm muscles by pressing your palms together firmly and locking out your elbows. Arms should be by the ears throughout the posture, but make sure you do not bring your shoulders up to meet the ears!

2 - Step your right leg out about 3 feet distance. Obviously this distance is dependent on your height and leg length. It is a smaller step then triangle, roughly double you hip width.

3 - Enage your core.

4 - Pivot on your heels with your toes off of the floor, turn your entire body, feet to the finger tips 90 degrees to the right. Your heels should be in one line, one in front of the other, with the back foot at a 45 degree outward angle . To make sure your heels are in a straight line, try practising this posture on the edge of your mat or on the white lines down the BYC studio floor.

5 - Make sure your hips are in a straight line. You can have a little peek in the mirror to make sure one isn't further forward and adjust yourself accordingly. As with all postures alignment is key so you may need to bounce your hips several times to get the correct position.

6 - Check your core is still enaged. On an exhale breath, tuck your chin to your chest, keeping your arms by your ears and curl down until your forhead touches your knee.

Beginners/Intermediate: You may need to bend your front knee to meet your forehead. It is more important to have the forehead to knee connection, than a straight leg. You will also find that as you come down you may need to separate your hands onto the floor, in front of your foot, for balance. 

Advanced: Try keeping your hands in prayer, the whole time and the front leg straight, locked out and engaged.

7 - Your hips might have fallen out of line. If so, re-adjust your weight moving more of it forward into your front foot. This should help move the hips into alignment. You may also need to move the left hip forward. Try to keep your back leg solid, locked out, heel on the gound.

8 - Beginners/Intermediate: Check that the core is still engaged. Push your hands into the floor and try to lock out the front leg, while keeping your forehead to the knee. Test your balance and see if you can try moving your hands back into prayer, wrists straight, arms locked out, finger tips pressing into the ground. If you are still unable to balance with your hands in prey try to cross your thumbs, fingures sprayed out pushing against the floor.

Advanced: Both legs are straight, keep the core engaged, arms locked out, hands in prayer, pressing your palms together, forehead to knee. 
Ground the inside edge of your front foot into the floor. 
Ground the outside edge of your back foot into the floor.

As an extra tip for stability, contract your thighs and squeeze the inner thighs together. Once you have this, just breathe, hold the posture. Less is more!  
9 - Make sure you are looking up into your stomach and not down at the ground. This will encourage the rounding in your back. 
Keep your core/stomach muscles engaged throughout the posture.

10 - For the last few seconds of the posture see if you can bring your hands into prayer.

11- Inhale breathing, round up, slowly and gently, keeping your arms glued to your head, roll your chin up last, untill your whole spine is straight.

12 - Pivot on your heels 180 degrees and do the whole thing on the other side. (Whenever I hear a teacher say 'pivot' in class, which is a lot, I am always reminded of this classic scene from Friends, so now you will be too, a little humour goes a long way!)

Relax, Yoga Nidra is here! 
Four chances to get your

relaxation on this September!
This September BYC will be running four special Yoga Nidra Workshops.

Yoga Nidra also known as 'Yoga Sleep', is a deep form of relaxing mediation. It takes the body and mind to the place between wake and sleep, to achieve one of the deepest forms of relaxation to reduce tension and anxiety. 

Our owner & senior teacher Helen Currie will be running four Yoga Nidra workshops this September:


Thursday 8th September: 4:45-5:30pm

Monday  12th September: 4:45-5:30pm

Thursday 22nd September: 4:45-5:30pm

Monday 26th September: 4:45-5:30pm.

What you will need: 

- Yourself.

- A block (we hire these for 50p)
- Mats (we provide these free of charge)

 - Comfortable clothing 
If you are practising the 3pm BYC hot yoga class before the Nidra, you will want to bring a change of clothes to wear for your Nidra class.

What you will be doing:

Yoga Nidra is a guided mediation, so lie back and let Helen guide you to relaxation. 

How long:

Each Yoga Nidra will last for 45 minutes, 4:45pm-5:30pm

Number of Spaces:


Price & Cancellation Policy:

For these first 4 Yoga Nidra workshops, we will be charging an �8 Drop In fee per class. Spaces are limited, so please book in advance. Nidra Drop Ins are purchasable online or in studio. There is a 12 hr late cancellation policy. If you cancel anytime prior to 12hrs before the start of class, the �8 drop in fee will be credited to your account if you email to inform us. However, if you cancel any time from 12hrs before the start of class you will be charged for the class. 

If you have one of the following memberships:

- 12 Month Autopay (Peak only),

- Yearly Unlimited

- 6 month Unlimited

- One Month Unlimited

The Nidra Workshops will be included as part of your membership. Spaces are limited so please book in advance. However, if you book in and do not turn up, or fail to remove yourself from class prior to 12hrs before, you will be charge �8 for the class.


Back To Backbending
Backbending Workshop with

Laura McDonald Saturday 24th September 

This September our wonderful teacher Laura McDonald will be running a Backbending workshop on Saturday 24th September.

Location: BYC hot yoga, The Studio, 1st Floor, Essex Place, London, W4 5UT.

Time: 12:45pm-2:00pm

Price: �20

What is the focus of the workshop?

The workshop aims to helps us all 'look back, fall back, go back, way back, until our lower back, middle back, upper back, total spine are all backward bending'.

Backbending is not a typical part of our day to day lives and it does not come naturally to many of us.  In fact, when it comes to backbending, many of us uncounsiously tense our muscles, inhibiting our range of movement even further. Laura will be breaking down the Standing Half Moon & Camel backbends to help us all reach our full backbending potential and let go of any fear and trepidation that might come with the words 'Backward bending'. She will use precise technique to find movement in the whole spine, which should make for an exhilarating and enjoyable experience.

What students can expect from the workshop? 

As well as looking in detail at the Standing Backbend and Camel postures, you will also do some shoulder opening exercises and some partner work.  There will also be time to discuss your backbend experience and get individual feedback.

How the students will benefit from this workshop? 

Back bends bring huge benefits both physically and emotionally. Think about all the time that we spend bending forwards, sitting at a desk, hunching over a computer, looking at our phones, reaching down to pick things up. Our spines were designed to bend backwards as well as forwards, but we do not utilise this natural range of motion in day to day life. Back bending is precisely what is needed to counteract the impact of continuous forward bending.

Back bending can help to alleviate back pain, by easing stress on parts of the spine that are often stuck in a chronic forward bending position. They can improve your posture, counteracting the hunching that you get from spending long periods of time bending forwards by opening up the chest and the shoulders. This can also improve your breathing, because there is more space for your lungs.
Letting go of fear in our backbends can also have a huge impact on our emotional well being. We can let go of tension stored in the front side of the body and that can make us feel emotionally lighter, more fearless, more confident in our day to day lives.
We stimulate the heart chakra when bending backwards, so we can feel more loving to ourselves and others. Backbends make you happy! 

Who can attend this workshop?

This workshop is suitable for everyone.

It doesn't matter whether you are a Bendy Wendy or stiff like the Tin Man. Precise breaking down of technique will help everyone to get the most out of their backbends.

You do not need to be a BYC member. However, if you are new to the studio please do arrive 15 minutes or so before the Workshop so that we can register you.

Should I do class first?

Laura will be teaching the 11am on the day of the posture clinic. It is not necessary to do a class before the workshop, however, you might find you are more warmed up and ready for the clinic if you do.

Cancellation Policy:

If you need to cancel out of the workshop and do so any time prior to 24hrs before the event, please email the studio at and the �20 will be credited to your account. If you late cancel under 24hrs prior to class you will be charged in full.

You can either book online or in studio.

Pop Up Fitness Class

Bandforce & BYC this September

New & Exclusive Bespoke Fitness Pop-up class at BYC this September that can be done in your lunch hour.

BandForce, is a unique 45 minute class to compliment and enhance your hot yoga practise.

Harry Rowland,  the founder of Bandforce, will be using his own resistance bands to lead you through structured exercised that you can then implement at home.

The class will focus on building a stronger core, working on shoulder strength, whilst also aiding hip flexibility.

As a personal trainer, former professional rugby player and Lululemon ambassador, Harry has worked extensively in the industry with everyone from fitness beginners to professional athletes.

This class will perfectly compliment your regular yoga practise, by allowing you to isolate and fine tune the muscle groups you work in your 90 minute hot yoga class.


Monday 5th September 1:45-2:30

Monday 12th September 1:45-2:30

Monday 19th September 1:45-2:30

Monday  26th September 1:45-2:30

Price: �10 Drop In

Venue: BYC hot yoga, 1st Floor Essex Place, London, W4 5LB

Booking: Only 16 spaces available. You can purchase this special Bandforce �10 Drop In online or in studio and book yourself into class now.

Cancellation Policy:

If you need to cancel out of the Bandforce workshop and do so any time prior to 24hrs before the event, please email the studio at and the �10 will be credited to your account. If you late cancel under 24hrs prior to class you will be charged in full.


Due to the limited schedule we would advise booking into class to assure your spot.


Bring a Friend...
...and save �10.

  In the words of the Beatles "I get by with a little help from my friends" and your friends need your help! They need BYC hot yoga in their lives. You now know the amazing benefits to your life, your health, your body and mind. So it's time to share this with your loved ones, your work colleagues, your friends, even a stranger on the tube! 

This September (as if the warm fuzzy feeling of putting someone you care about on a life changing road to better health wasn't enough)... if you bring a new person into BYC hot yoga and they sign up to one of our Introductory Offers, you both save �10. You will save �10 off of your next class card purchase, from a drop in to a yearly  and everything in-between. If redeemed against an Autopay, please note that the �10 will only be off of the 1st Autopay payment and not the next 11. Your friend will save �10 off of their Introductory Offer purchase. Your friend must sign up to one of the
 Introductory Offers (peak or off peak) and you must practise with them. Same class, same time and same day for offer to be valid. 

So you are armed with all relative information: 

For a one-off payment of �40, you can come and practise as many OFF PEAK Bikram Yoga classes as you like, over a 30 consecutive day period. You can come to any OFF PEAK Bikram Yoga class: 10am, 12pm 3pm Monday to Friday and all day Saturday. 

PEAK INTRODUCTORY - �60 for 30 Days
For a one-off payment of �60, you can come and practise as many Bikram Yoga classes as you would like in a 30 consecutive day period.  This class card is valid at ALL classes. 
This offer is an alternative introductory offer. This card is valid at all our classes including Peak Classes. It is the same offer as the �40 for 30, so, you can choose either offer but not both.

The (not so) small print:

T & C's apply. Can not be used in conjuncture with any other offer or discounts.

You can bring as many friends in as you like however �10 off is only redeemable once per purchase. 

You must practise the same class with your friend and they must purchase the introductory offer for you both to claim your �10 off.

All class card purchases are non refundable and non transferable.

Please arrive in plenty of time for class, so your friend has time to register with us. 
Our latecomers policy states that new students will not be permitted into class, if they arrive late. This means they must have arrived in time to complete a registration form and be in the studio for the start of class. Once class has started they will not be able to practise.  

Check In!

Win a free Class! 
Winning a free class at BYC has never been so easy. 
When you come to class simply check in on Facebook, add our location to your Instagram picture or tweet us 10 classes in a row and we will give you a free class to use or gift to a friend. 

The Rules:

1 - Check into Bikram Yoga Chiswick on facebook, or tag Bikram Yoga Chiswick as the location on your Instagram picture or simply use our handle @bikramchiswick in your tweet.

2 - Come to class that same day.
3 - Do this 10 times, across one, two or all three social media locations.

4 - email us at to let us know you have completed 10 classes and 10 checkins. Please let us know if you would like the free class for yourself, or to gift to a friend or loved one and the name of said giftee.

5 - Start all over again.

T&C's apply.

Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer or discount.

You must come to class the same day as you have checked-in, instagramed, tweeted.

To claim free class you must email us. 
Only one per day.

Competition started from 1st August, we can not back date check ins and will continue thoughout September 2016. 

(Nobody Like Me by Vancouver Street Artis iHeart) 

Big Thank you 

Thank you very much to everyone who has reviewed us on Facebook, 
Google & Mindbody. We are very grateful and so thrilled by your kind words, it means a lot to us. Thank you! You are all awesome!


Like us on Facebook    Follow us on Twitter    View on Instagram 

To quote En Vogue

"Free your mind and the rest will follow"
This September at BYC is 'Back To You' month. 
All you need to do is come to class and the rest will follow!  


See you in class very soon. 

and the entire Team at BYC

          BYC hot yoga                                     020 8995 9955

Bikram Yoga Chiswick | 1st Floor, The Studio | Essex Place | Chiswick | W4 5UT | United Kingdom