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Keeping You Sizzling This August.
Unlimited Yoga Unlimited Possibilities.

BYC the only place where Yoga is neither practice, nor a performance. It's Rock'n'Roll and you are our Rock Stars! 
This August we have a BYC deal fit for the stars that you are, to keep you shining for the rest of the year (and then some):


Yes 6 months of unlimited yoga at BYC, any class and time! So how much is this amazing deal, we hear you shout...

1st August - �450
2nd August -�460 
3rd August - �470
4th August - �480
5th August - �490
6th August - 31st August  �500.

For the first six days of August, we are making our awesome deal even more Augtastic!

Starting August 1st, the 6 months unlimited will begin at the bargain price of �450. From this day till the 6th August, the price goes up everyday by �10, finishing at �500.

Then for the remainder of August, the 6 Months Unlimited will stay at this still fantastic deal of �500, for 6 months of unlimited yoga. 

Has to be purchased in studio or over the phone

The Maths:

�500 for 6 months is �83.3/month
if you average 12 classes a month ONLY �6.94 a class! 

From the 1st-6th this amazing deal will only be available in studio or over the phone (020 8995 9955). However, from the 6th-31st August, it will be available to buy online as well. 

CLICK HERE to buy online for �500.

The (not so) small print:
Ts & Cs apply.
Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other discounts/concession rates.
Offer available until 31st August 2016.
From 1st-6th of August offer will only be purchasable in studio or over the phone.
You have one month from date of purchase to activate this class card.
Only one purchase per student.   

Posture Clinic 
 Triangle Pose 

We are here. We have made it to the master posture of the standing series.

'What the mind can conceive, the body can achieve', so let's come at this posture with the positivity and dedication it deserves. Go in thinking "it's hard, I want to sit down" and this posture will remain your nemesis. Think like a warrior (as variations of this pose are called in other yogas), find the strength and beauty in this posture and it will become one you look forward to! The most important tip we have is BREATHE. 

1 - Stand with your feet together, core enaged and lift you arms over your head side ways.

2 - Step your right leg out to the right, simultaneously bringing your arms down parallel to the floor. Your right foot wants to now reside under your right wrist. 

3 - Focus forward, if you can at your own eyes in the mirror. Push your hips slightly forward, while leaning your upper body back and your core still fully engaged throughout. 

4 - Turn your right foot out to the right until it is straight and both your heels are in one line. A little trick here: if you are not sure you are getting both heels in one line, try one class practising triangle on one of the lines down the BYC room.

5 - On an inhale, bend the right knee and sit down until the thigh  (of your bending leg) is parallel to the floor. The knee should never over-shoot the ankle, but should be in one line above it. Weight still evenly distributed through both your feet. Contract the quadriceps of the straight leg, pushing the outside blade of the foot into the ground, to keep you firm and solid. 

To keep the bent leg solid, feel as though you are simulationusly moving the inner thigh forwards, while pushing the knee backwards. This should give you a firm and solid foundation. Make sure you are still pulling in your belly button towards your spine and pulling up on your pelvic floor muscles, so your core is activated and keeping your strong. 

6 - From this position, hips down, bent leg thigh parallel to the floor, your buttocks should be activated and arms are back, so that your chest is open and your spine is straight.  

7 - On an inhale, without moving anything else, move your arms, so the right elbow is in front of the right knee. There should be a triangle of space between your body, right leg and right arm. The key here is not to move your body with your arm, as we do not want to collapse over to the right hand side. 

Hip alignment is also integral to this posture. Do not allow your hips to roll all the way around. While they are no longer pointing directly at the mirror, they only want to be very slightly angled. 

8 - Look up to the ceiling, so your chin is touching your left shoulder. Do not drop your head back here, the aim in chin to shoulder. Do not move your shoulder up to meet your chin either. The upper body is twisting, so turning the upper body so the chest is opening, but the hips stay straight, only slightly angled. Stretch your arms apart. Both arms are stretching away from each other, shoulder to finger tip, solid.  Stretch up as if you are trying to touch the stars and stretch down, aiming for the space on the floor between your big and 2nd toe. Your arms want to be in one line, just stretching in opposite directions. Do not rest any weight on the floor! 

9 - Core engaged, left leg quadriceps solid, with the outside blade pushing down into the floor. Right leg thigh muscle still parellel to the floor, pushing your right knee back with the help of your elbow.  Buttocks engaged, hips forward, upper body twisted back, but spine straight. Make sure you are not leaning back, this is a twist not a bend.

10 - Inhale breathing and reverse out, stop in the middle and move your right foot back to the centre, arms down by your side. You are a warrior!
Now let's do the other side!   

Hot Yoga makes a Hot Day Hotter! 
(in a good way!)

Hot day, hot yoga - might not be the first combination that comes to mind, however, while it may not be the first, they definitely are a winning combo. 
Here are 6 reasons why BYC hot yoga should be a part of your Summer (Autumn, Winter & Spring) routine.

1. The Injury Tamer
Come rain or shine, heat or chill, one of the many wonderful benefits to a regular BYC hot yoga practice is its wonderful way with your injuries. Whatever your extrayogic activity of choice might be, from running, the gym, judo to HIIT, beach volley ball to water-polo, BYC Hot Yoga is the oil to your joints, the spring to your step. 
We will keep you primed and able to continue these pursuits. If you are currently working through an injury, please check with your medical practitioner that you are ok to participate in BYC hot yoga and speak with your teacher prior to class.

2. Detox to Retox
Summer is a wonderful time full of festivals, BBQ's and holidays. The kids are off school and we 'treat' ourselves to all those yummy indulgences, that we might usually avoid in our healthy day to day. Pimms have fruit in it, so its basically a health drink right?  However, life is too short to live in a permanent state of denial and as the great Oscar Wilde says, 'everything in moderation including moderation itself'. It is important, however, to make sure these little lapses do not become a permanent life style change. We do the good, so we can do the bad. 
So make sure you keep your yoga up. 

We release 99% of our toxins through our liver and kidneys & 1% through sweat (although we would love someone to do a study on BYC hot yogis... have they seen how much we sweat?!).

Our body is ALWAYS in the process of clearing us of toxins. Our liver, kidneys and colons are on permanent detox duty, eliminating these nasties, when we go to the loo.  Our lungs and lymph system are also on the job. However, we can help speed this process up by exercising & staying hydrated. Increasing your heart and breathing rate, your body can work more effectively to 
flush out unwanted toxins, fats and waste. 

3.  The Great Destresser
Summers are for fun, but when the temperature rises, sometimes our stress levels do too. The tube is packed and delayed, the kids are off school, everyone is on holiday and your left to run the show. Remember to take that 90 minutes for yourself, on your mat at BYC and let that stress melt/drip away. The concentration demanded by the challenging environment and postures, push us into the present moment and take us away from those pesky stressors, allowing us a to find focus and calm in the here and now.

4. Routine isn't routine.
In the words of our very own NHS: 'Step right up! It's the miracle cure we've all been waiting for. It can reduce your risk of major illnesses, such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and cancer, by up to 50%. It can lower your risk of early death by up to 30%. Its name? Exercise.'

People who do regular activity have a lower risk of many chronic diseases, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke and some cancers. Research shows that physical activity can also boost self-esteem, mood, sleep quality and energy, as well as reducing your risk of stress, depression, dementia and Alzheimer's disease.
'If exercise were a pill, it would be one of the most cost-effective drugs ever invented.' says Dr Nick Cavill, a health promotion consultant.

However, Summer roles around with all its fun and our exercise routine falls by the waist side. If we fall out of our routine: a day, a week, a month can go by and we haven't exercised. Exercising is one of the most important things we can do for our minds and bodies. Nothing and no one should come between you and your BYC hot yoga! Keep your routine, make a new routine, make it to class. Your body and mind will thank you today, tomorrow and beyond. 

Consistency is Key.
If you want the magic you have to put the time in.    

5. Confidence is key.
Summer is the season of the dreaded (for some) beach wear. The trick to an awesome beach body; take your body to the beach and be awesome. For some of us this is easier said then done, so lets build that confidence together on the mat. We have one life and one body to live in. A healthy diet, regular exercise and a positive self attitude, is the how we get there! 
Be kind to yourself, you are amazing. As cheesy as it may sound, you are! Lock that knee, engage that core, put down those white carbs and pick up the complex ones. No one said it was easy, but is anything that is worth having? The best thing is you are not alone. We are all here sweating together, whatever our goals: to heal our injuries,  loose some pounds, free our mind or build our confidence, we are all on a journey together! 

6. Consider yourself a weather Chameleon.
Keeping your BYC hot yoga practise up during the warmer, more humid months, helps you cope and acclimatise outside the room as well as in.
Firstly you will be surprised at how you may acclimatise quicker in the yoga room, as you are already warm and your body has less of a distance to travel to heat up, as in the winter months.  
You also take this knowledge out into the world, while others are stifling on the tube. You are breathing through the heat, a master of your own calm.  While all around you in the office are struggling under the weight of a hot summer day, your breeze is calm and collect. They should try a BYC hot yoga class! 

Bring a Friend...
...and save �10.

  In the words of the Beatles "I get by with a little help from my friends" and your friends need your help! They need BYC hot yoga in their lives. You now know the amazing benefits to your life, your health, your body and mind. So it's time to share this with your loved ones, your work colleagues, your friends, even a stranger on the tube! 

This August (as if the warm fuzzy feeling of putting someone you care about on a life changing road to better health wasn't enough)... if you bring a new person into BYC hot yoga and they sign up to one of our Introductory Offers, you both save �10. You will save �10 off of your next class card purchase, from a drop in to a yearly  and everything in-between. If redeemed against an Autopay, please note that the �10 will only be off of the 1st Autopay payment and not the next 11. Your friend will save �10 off of their Introductory Offer purchase. Your friend must sign up to one of the
 Introductory Offers (peak or off peak) and you must practise with them. Same class, same time and same day for offer to be valid. 

So you are armed with all relative information: 

For a one-off payment of �40, you can come and practise as many OFF PEAK Bikram Yoga classes as you like, over a 30 consecutive day period. You can come to any OFF PEAK Bikram Yoga class: 10am, 12pm 3pm Monday to Friday and all day Saturday. 

PEAK INTRODUCTORY - �60 for 30 Days
For a one-off payment of �60, you can come and practise as many Bikram Yoga classes as you would like in a 30 consecutive day period.  This class card is valid at ALL classes. 
This offer is an alternative introductory offer. This card is valid at all our classes including Peak Classes. It is the same offer as the �40 for 30, so, you can choose either offer but not both.

The (not so) small print:
T & C's apply. Can not be used in conjuncture with any other offer or discounts.
You can bring as many friends in as you like however �10 off is only redeemable once per purchase. 
You must practise the same class with your friend and they must purchase the introductory offer for you both to claim your �10 off.
All class card purchases are non refundable and non transferable.
Please arrive in plenty of time for class, so your friend has time to register with us. 
Our latecomers policy states that new students will not be permitted into class, if they arrive late. This means they must have arrived in time to complete a registration form and be in the studio for the start of class. Once class has started they will not be able to practise. 

Check In!
Win a free Class!
Winning a free class at BYC has never been so easy. 

When you come to class simply check in on Facebook, add our location to your Instagram picture or tweet us 10 classes in a row and we will give you a free class to use or gift to a friend. 

The Rules:
1 - Check into Bikram Yoga Chiswick on facebook, or tag Bikram Yoga Chiswick as the location on your Instagram picture or simply use our handle @bikramchiswick in your tweet.

2 - Come to class that same day.

3 - Do this 10 times, across one, two or all three social media locations.

4 - email us at bikramyogachiswick@me.com to let us know you have completed 10 classes and 10 checkins. Please let us know if you would like the free class for yourself, or to gift to a friend or loved one and the name of said giftee.

5 - Start all over again.

T&C's apply.
Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer or discount.
You must come to class the same day as you have checked-in, instagramed, tweeted.
To claim free class you must email us. 
Only one per day.
Competition starts from 1st August, we can not back date check ins. The 10 classes do not need to be attended/check-in in August 2016, this will continue though to September 2016. 

Yoga Nidra Coming Soon!
This coming September BYC will be running four special Yoga Nidra classes.

Yoga Nidra also known as Yoga Sleep, is a deep form of relaxing mediation. It takes the body and mind to the place between wake and sleep, to achieve one of the deepest forms of relaxation.  Yoga Nidra is used for relaxation and to reduce tension and anxiety. 

Our owner & senior teacher Helen Currie will be running four special yoga nidra classes in September:

Thursday 8th September: 4:45-5:30pm
Monday  12th September: 4:45-5:30pm
Thursday 22nd September: 4:45-5:30pm
Monday 26th September: 4:45-5:30pm.

More information on what you will need for your yoga Nidra class, prices and more, will  follow in next months newsletter.  

Please review us. 

We would be very thankful and grateful, if you, our amazing BYCers would review us on Facebook, 
Google, Mindbody.

To review on Google, you will need a google/gmail account. Simply google Bikram Yoga Chiswick. On the left hand side it says (currently) 10 google reviews in blue, click on this and then on the screen that launches top left 'Write Review'.

Facebook, log in, CLICK HERE & then leave your choosen star rating (obviously 5) and review. 

Mindbody: if you have the app (if not CLICK HERE to download and you have your mindbody account at your figure tips to sign in to class, buy class cards and... review us). Go to schedule, select 'History' at the top, tap a class, any class and it will give you the opportunity to review it. 

Thank you very much, we really appreciate it! 

Also why not follow us on social media and share your BYC hot yoga jouneys, pictures, stories, ideas with us.  We'd love to here from you. 

Like us on Facebook    Follow us on Twitter    View on Instagram 

See you in class very soon. 
and the entire Team at BYC

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Bikram Yoga Chiswick                  bikramyogachiswick@me.com                     020 8995 9955