Welcome to July!
The sun is bursting through the trees, making a glorious scene outside the windows at BYC!
Your yoga practise...what better way to fill your Summer with life-energy and harmony? ;)
Reach your best.
July Online Offer.
We are offering all our students
�10 off
online class card purchases
between 1st - 31st July.
Please use the code
at the checkout to receive this discount!
The (not so) small print: Ts & Cs apply. Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers or discounts. Offer available until 31st July 2016. Limited to one purchase per student. Does not include Introductory Offers, Autopays or online clothing purchases. Online ONLY!
Posture Clinic
Standing Separate Leg Stretching Pose
Stand straight, feet together, core, legs, arms all engaged.
Move your arms over your
head sideways, palms together. Step your right foot (a big step!) out to the right, simultaneously moving your arms, so they are parallel with the floor, palms of your hands facing down.
Your heels in one line.
Check that your stomach, legs and arms are all engaged.
Leading with your sternum, slowly hinge your upper body forward to the floor, from your hips.
Keep your chin forward in the words of our own Helen Currie:
"Keep looking forward until you see your
own personal, beautiful sunrise in the mirror."
(i.e. Look forward until you can see your bottom appearing in the mirror!) As soon as they become available, take hold of the outside of your heels,
with a full palm grip, four fingers and thumb together.
If the heels are not yet available, take hold of the (out)sides of the feet. If this is beyond your currently flexibility, start where you can. Maybe hands on the floor in front of you is what you can do today, but always try to move on to the next level every class. If we take ourselves to our personal edge every single class, this is where the changes happen. Go to the edge of where your body will allow you, never pushing in to anything that is painful, but a gentle stretch is what we are after. If this is your challenge today, then work from here and tomorrow the feet and then the heels will be yours!
Pull on your heels, stretching your body down from the lower spine to the floor. Your biceps should be actively engaged. Your arm strength is what you are using to open up and stretch your forehead further down towards the floor. If you are having trouble, try relaxing and releasing the buttocks more. To fully stretch the hamstrings, you must engage the quadriceps and lock the knees. Stretch the sit bones up toward the ceiling, while pulling and stretching the upper body down.
Roll the body weight forward to your toes, making sure your arms, legs, core are all still engaged. Pull, try to touch your forehead on the floor. If this is not possible, try opening your legs further until this is possible.
Your chin is still up, eyes focused forward on a point on your mat and not on the floor behind you. Keep pulling, keep stretching down. Eventually your spine will be perfectly straight from the coccyx to the neck, forehead touching the floor between your feet.
Inhale, with legs & core still fully engaged,
slowly reverse out of the posture as you came in.
If your forehead touched the ground, next set try bringing the legs a little closer together. If the forehead didn't touch, try opening the legs a little further apart.
Heat Up Your Tennis!
Last month we looked at how many professional Rugby & Football athletes are utilizing Bikram Hot Yoga, as an integral part of their training.
With Wimbledon now in full swing (see what we did there),
we thought it perfect timing to turn our serve to tennis.
Serena Williams, currently ranked No 1 in women's singles tennis, a title she has held no less then 6 times and is regarded by many to be the greatest female tennis player of all time, is also a Bikram Hot Yogi!
" I love Bikram yoga... I recommend everyone try this."
Serena told Star Magazine in the US.
It is reported that Serena incorporated Bikram hot yoga into her training routine to improve her flexibility and to aid injury recovery, while staving off further injuries. Serena added Bikram Hot Yoga to her training many years ago and never looked back.
 As of today (June 27th), Andy Murray is currently ranking number two in the world... And what does the worlds number 2 and you have in common... Yes, you are both Bikram Hot Yogis! Since starting Bikram Hot Yoga in 2007 Andy is reported to have said: "It's helped a lot with my fitness and mental strength." Speaking about Murray in the Telegraph OLIVER BROWN: "This year (2016)... courtesy of relentless training under fitness guru Matt Little, and his annual Bikram yoga boot-camp in Miami, he has come to rival even Djokovic (world No 1) for endurance."
''Tennis players can suffer repetitive strain injuries to the wrist, elbows and knees. On top of that, they tend to have imbalanced bodies with a dominant (and much more developed) left side or right side. That's where Bikram yoga helps by stretching and strengthening the muscles, and thus reducing the chance of injuries. But that's not all, Bikram yoga also helps control the breath, improve focus and calm the mind.'
Bikram Hot Yoga isn't just great at warding off injury, it can also be a vaulable tool in the healing process. When BYCer & avid climber Garry developed Tennis Elbow he turned to his yoga....
"Around 4 years into climbing, my elbows started to give up on me and I developed climbers/ tennis elbow. For those of you who have never suffered with this, all I can say is, it hurts! It makes even small day-to-day chores very painful.
I spoke to the teachers at BYC and they recommended that Locust Pose might help. So, for 2 minutes everyday, I lay on my elbows in Locust. To begin with, I took the posture back to basics, putting my arms underneath my body and just laying on them. Once the healing had started, I began to bring my legs up again. Within 6 weeks, my elbows had started to recover and, within the year, were fully recovered. At the first sign of pain, I now know what to do: Locust all the way!"
LTA (Lawn Tennis Association) osteopath Sophie Scott t old the BBC:
"Bikram yoga has been extremely beneficial to our players. It provides a warm environment to engage in a routine of exercises that help flexibility, mobility, control and coordination - all key elements for a tennis player."
Thinking of taking up tennis this summer, stay on step ahead of your competitors and, like the worlds number 1 & 2's, add BYC Hot Yoga into your life!
Out of this world - Art!
by Antonella Raimondo
You may have noticed some stunning new works of art have gone up in the ladies' and mens' recently, by our incredibly talented artist in residence
If you would like your very own print of these, or even to commission Antonella to create you something extra special of your own,
From 4th-10th of July we are having a flash sale on clothes.
�5 OFF
on any item of clothing.
In Studio Only.
Remember to breathe 
See you in class very soon.
and the entire Team at BYC