June 2013 Top Logo

Spring is in the air bringing with it rejuvenation, regrowth and renewal. 
Like the preverbial 'flower petal blooming', the world around us is creeping out of its winter hybernation and so are we. Let's bring that lively Spring feeling into our spines and into our lives! 

This March we have regenerated the Early Bird Special just for you...
2 4 1 Drop In's at 6.30am.
However the rules have changed, so please read the info below carefully.

The Deal:

Pay for a full price Drop In - �15
and receive a second class FREE 
to be used at another 
6.30am class, within 7 days.
1 - Come to a 6.30am and buy a full price Drop In class.
2 - Get a FREE Drop In class - valid at 6.30am classes Monday to Friday.
3 - Use this FREE Drop In class within 7 days of your first class.
4 - NOTE: there are no 6.30am classes on Saturday or Sunday.
The (not so) small print:
Ts & Cs apply.
Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers or discounts. 
No concession price available.
Offer available until 31st March 2016.
Only available at 6.30am classes Monday to Friday.   
FREE class only available with full price Drop In purchase.
FREE class must be used within 7 days of your 1st class. 

Posture Clinic 

Time to let your inner Eagle soar, by opening up every major joint in the body: 
the shoulders, the elbows, the wrists, the hips, the knees and the ankles. 
Plus, the Scapulae (shoulder blades) get to play as well.
Sounds freeing - and it is! 

Stand straight, feet together and, if you need to, refamiliarise yourself with which is your left arm and which is your right. ('don't mix'em up!')
Now, spread your wings, lifting both arms up over your head sideways. In a sweeping motion, bring both arms down moving your right arm under the left, hinging your arms at the elbow. Now wrap the top of your arms around each other, so the palms of your hands meet in a prayer position. 

This manoeuvre is easier for some than others. Depending on how open the shoulders and wrists are - or for some individuals with very big shoulder/arm muscles - 
the full wrap might not be possible, yet! If you cannot bring your palms together, you might be able to interlock your fingers. If this is not yet possible, wrap your arms as far as you can. Interlacing the arms opens the shoulders: you need the purchase of arm on arm to achieve this, so do not simply grab your shoulders across your body.  
If the full extent of this manoeuvre is not yet yours, 
make sure the arms are as interlaced as you can manage today. 

Arms interlaced, hands in front of your face, palms together in prayer position, thumbs towards your face (or as close as you can). Now pull your elbows downward towards the floor, until your fingertips are positioned below your nose. Throughout the duration of the posture, continue to pull your elbows down, opening your shoulders and keeping your fingertips below your nose. 

Engage your core. Pull your stomach muscles inwards, as if  you were trying to touch your belly button to your spine, simultaneously pulling up on your pelvic floor muscles. 
Sit down backwards - don't be shy we've done it once before in class already. We are not moving straight down, instead it's more of a half squat, posterior out, hips down. However, our upper body is doing the opposite. As our lower body moves backwards and down, the upper body leans up and backwards. 

From this position, move your weight into your left leg, with most of your weight in your left heel. Lift your right leg up and bring it over the left leg, intertwining your legs. You want to actively squeeze your legs together. The full expression of this interlacing of legs has your legs wrapped around each other, so the toes of your right foot appear behind your left ankle.
If this leg wrap feels like an impossible dream you can try a few little tricks outside of the yoga room to help you achieve this goal. At home, try wrapping your legs while lying down. You will be surprised, when we take the addition of balancing on one leg out, how much further you can go. Maybe once a day, while sat at your office desk, try wrapping your legs. Left over right, right over left. But most importantly, keep coming to class, keep trying and you will see the improvements! 

Arms wrapped, elbows pulling down, shoulder blades down and together, stomach muscles engaged, back bending upwards, weight in the heel, legs squeezing together, now sit down more, arch you upper body back more, push your foot against your left calf so there is no gap. 

Look at yourself in the mirror, you want your nose, fingers, elbows, knees and feet to be in one vertical line with your hips at the same level as each other, in one horizontal line.  Adjust yourself accordingly, more than likely you will need to bring your upper body to the left and move your knees to the right. Be mindful not to let your standing knee creep out of alignment, i.e. to far to the left or right, 
it needs to remain above your ankle.

Falling out of Eagle is common, don't worry if you do, just get back in. It is only natural, as we challenge ourselves, as we try to move ourselves forward. Don't worry, you are doing your best and this is all part of the process. 
A few tips to prevent falling out:
1 - Keep your core engaged throughout the posture.
2 - Keep focused on one point in front of you, usually your own eyes in the mirror.
3 - Keep breathing. Do not hold your breath.
4 - Squeeze your legs together as hard as you can. 
5 - Keep the weight back in your heel. 

Try to sit down more, pull your elbows down more, lean your upper body back more, creating a beautiful arch in the spine. You are lifting your chest up, the result of which is the upper body arching backwards... and.... change! 


Yes, you have reached the point in class were we are warmed up 
and ready to take our first sips of water.
We advise to only take a few sips, do not guzzle your water as this can lead to a belly full of water and a feeling of nausea. Hydration before and after class is key to help prevent you from wanting to down half your bottle as this point. 
Also NO FROZEN WATER. Room-temperature water is easier for your body to assimilate than cold water. Our bodies have to use valuable energy to warm the water to absorb it, so drink room temperature water and, 
instead, use all your energy for your postures!

As with all postures, never push into anything that is painful. If you have knee or back injuries, then speak to your teacher before class.

12pm-2.30pm Tuesday 29th March
12pm Class Cancelled. 
for a photoshoot.

Tuesday 29th of March 12pm class is cancelled and 
BYC will be closed from 12pm-2.30pm on this day
It is time for a BYC photoshoot with our talented 
BYC photographer Catherine Frawley of Lily & Frank Photography

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Mothers Day 
Bring Mum to class for FREE!   

Mum's are awesome, aren't they?

They gave us life, after all. While we can't return the favour, this Mother's Day, why not bring your mother to class and perhaps start her on the life enhancing journey of yoga?

This Mothering Sunday, 6th March 2016, bring your mum with you to class 
 and she will practise for FREE!
If your mother has never been to BYC before, 
please arrive 20mins before class to register her.
Offer valid at all classes on Sunday 6th March 2016, 
 while there are available spaces in class.
You need to practise with your mother to claim her FREE class! T & C's apply.

Raw Eggs Have Never Been So Appealing!
Raw Bonbon's Tasty Easter Treat 

Our Raw Chocolate genius has done it again and created these beautiful, hand-crafted, RAW, indulgently healthy Easter Eggs. 

Available in two awesome flavours:

Matcha Easter Egg
Berry Easter Egg

They are artisan raw "truffle" eggs, dipped in raw chocolate. Vegan, gluten-free, dairy-free.

If their beauty and yumminess was not reason enough to treat yourself or your loved one to a Raw Bonbon Egg this easter, then here's some food for thought...

Raw Cacao aka Raw Chocolate is a superfood.  
One of the many awesome benefits that come from its consumption are: it contains anandamide, known as the bliss molecule, which creates a feeling of euphoria. 
Cacao also contains natural chemicals called flavonoids, a type of antioxidant. Antioxidants fight the nasty free radicals in our system and promote good health.  
The Matcha found in the matcha egg, powdered green tea leaves, is extremely high in antioxidants as well, so there is double the free radical neutralisers is this little egg! 
Raw Cacao also contains: 
  • Magnesium, and other essential minerals including calcium, sulfur, zinc, iron, copper, potassium, and manganese
  • Polyphenols called flavonoids, with antioxidant properties
  • Vitamins: B1, B2, B3, B5, B9, E
  • Essential heart-healthy fat: oleic acid, a monounsaturated fat
  • Protein
  • Fibre
Unfortunately, the majority of these types of benefits are lost in most conventional chocolate. So, in order to harness the power of Cacao,
 it's raw chocolate all the way.

Raw Bonbon's Easter Eggs will be available at BYC from 10th - 27th March. 


TEEKI is a beautiful range of yoga wear, made from recyled water bottles. Stunning designs, comfortable and eco friendly! What is not to love? 
Available in studio in a range of designs/sizes.

Capris from: �36
Leggings from: �50

TEEKI is an eco conscious active wear line that takes water bottles and turns them into clothes, giving them purpose again, through an eco-friendly process. 
Teeki supports you with your active lifestyle and adventures: yoga, gym, workout, surf, sports, dance, flow and constantly moving forward with your body, mind, and spirit.

Let's Talk About Feet
BYC Policy

BYC is a shoe free zone. We ask that everyone visiting the studio leave their shoes at the door to keep dirt, germs, toxins and bacteria that live on the soles of our shoes out of the studio.  A study undertaken by the University of Arizona in 2008 found 9 different types of potential infectious bacteria live on the soles of our shoes...!

As we are all shoeless in the studio, it is crucial for us all to maintain good foot hygiene. If you are suffering from verrucas, warts or athletes foot, we ask that you treat the issue immediately and, whilst doing so, either wear protective socks around the studio and flip flops into the shower or that you do not come in to practise until the issue has resolved. 

A wonderful natural remedy for verrucas is Apple Cider Vinegar. When using apple cider vinegar as a home remedy for anything, we would always recommend getting organic vinegar with 'mother'. You will also need some cotton wool and medical tap/duck tape. 

Cut the cotton into small pieces, just a little larger than the verruca, and soak it in the vinegar. Secure it directly over the verruca and leave over night. Remove in the morning, letting the area dry, leave it alone during the day. Repeat until the verruca has gone. It can take up to 2 weeks. Tea Tree oil and Thuja can also be used. 

Tea tree and Apple Cider Vinegar can also be used to treat athleates foot.

Tea Tree: Add 40 Drops of Organic Tea Tree Oil to warm water and soak your feet for 10 minutes. After soaking and thoroughly drying the feet, massage a few drops of the oil directly into the affected area. Tea tree oil has properties that will help destroy the fungus in heavily infested areas and deter it from spreading to unaffected areas.

Apple Cider Vinegar: Soak your feet in 2 tablespoons of Himalayan Crystal salt and � cup Organic Apple Cider Vinegar solution mixed with some warm water. This creates a very acidic environment in which the fungus cannot live. You can also spray your feet or wipe them down with a cloth soaked in this solution after you shower, just make sure you get them completely dry afterwards. You can also wipe down the insides of shoes and sandals to help prevent the fungus from clinging there.


If you would like any further information about BYC Etiquette CLICK HERE.

So we will see you in class very soon. 
and the entire Team at BYC

June Newsletter Bottom Logo

Bikram Yoga Chiswick                  bikramyogachiswick@me.com                     020 8995 9955