June 2013 Top Logo

It's pretty awesome, right?
Love, in all its many shapes and forms, makes the world go round. 
Here at BYC, we believe in the importance of Love:
through yoga we learn to love ourselves, love our bodies, 
love our breath and even love our sweat. 

On February 14th, in memory of wonderful BYCer Sophiya Haque, 
we are showing our love by donating �1, on behalf of everyone 
who comes to class, to Shelter

In the words of Wet Wet Wet... (insert your own
 sweat joke)

I feel it in my fingers
I feel it in my toes
Yoga is all around me
And so my spine, it grows!
It's written in my sweat
It's everywhere I go, oh yes it is
So if you really love yoga
Come on and LOCK THE KNEE. 

To Book Or Not To Book
That is the Question! 

Booking online is now available at BYC. HOWEVER, it is not compulsory!

Booking into class is a simple way 
to ensure you have a place. 

We rarely reach our capacity. 
Whether you have booked your 
class online or not, 
there should - almost always - 
 be a place for you in the room.

We have a lot of people asking what our busy classes are: don't quote us on this, but here is a rough estimation of class sizes, based on the last few weeks 
(our class capacity is 66):

Mon-Fri :
6.30am: 12
10am: 24
12pm: 18
3pm: 20
6:15pm: 29
8:15pm (not on Fridays): 23

The Weekend:
11am: 37
3pm: 20
7pm (only on Sundays):  19

The Online Booking Rules: 
You can cancel out of class, free of charge, anytime, 12hrs prior to the start of the class.
If you late cancel (anytime within 12hrs prior to the start of your class), you will be charged for this class. If you have an unlimited class card with BYC (an Introductory Offer, One Week Unlimited, One month Unlimited, Autopay) and you late cancel (anytime from 12 hrs prior to the start of class) more than 3 times in a month, your online booking facility will be suspended for a month.
If you book online and have not arrived 5 minutes before the class start time, 
 your place may be given to any students on the waiting list.

Posture Clinic 
3rd Part Awkward
We are still on Awkward! 
Literally and figuratively, it can feel like we have been doing the awkward series for months. Our arms are starting to ache, our quads are still burning from 2nd part. However, we can do this, we can do this together! 
Just make your mind up and your body will follow.

 As teachers, we try to encourage everyone to work as one. To flow in and out of postures together. This group energy works to maintain momentum and motivation throughout this challenging class. You might not have noticed, but there is what we call a domino effect. When one yogi gives up early, those around them can often lose motivation and give up too. When one yogi leaves the room, someone else isn't far behind. Please always feel like you can sit down whenever is necessary for you. We are not asking you to power through, if those black spots start to appear at the peripheral of your vision. Your body is telling you to sit down and you must listen.  However, sometimes we give up when we could just dig that little bit deeper and it is at this point where the magic can truly happen. We have spoken many times in this section over the last few months, about going to your personal edge in each and every posture. That 'edge' is the point just before you have to give up: this is what will change our bodies and this is where only you can take yourself. Your teacher can guide and encourage you, but you are doing the work. 
You have to listen to your body and do what it is asking. 
If it says back off, back off. 
However, take yourself to that edge and you will surprise yourself. 

So, with this in mind, keep your arms straight and engaged, shoulders down, no dropping the arms. Feet are still positioned hip-width apart, 
equidistant from each other. 

Stand up on your toes, around half as high as in 2nd part. Squeeze your knees together. In squeezing your knees, you are endeavouring to activate your inner thighs. 
If they are not firing up, then you aren't squeezing hard enough!

Engage your core to keep your back straight. 

Throughout the entire posture, your back remains straight, as though you are sliding down a wall: imagine a lovely cold wall, that you do not want to stop touching, not even for a second! The trick to this is the core, keep it engaged. Your inner thighs should be working for the entire duration.  

Exhale and slowly move down. Lower yourself down that wall, shoulders over your hips, 10 counts, until your hips are aligned just above your knees. What you're aiming for, is to keep your hips higher than your knees. If you find yourself leaning forward, check the stomach muscles are engaged and your pelvis is aligned: not stuck out or tucked in.

Take a deep breath and come out, slowly, the same way you came in: 
knees squeezed together and spine perfectly straight. 

You have completed the Awkward series and you can finally release your arms! 

Next month... is it a bird, is it a plane... 
Well, actually, you were right with the first one... It's Eagle! 

NEW Product - 
Leigh Linton's Matcha 

The word Matcha literally means 'powdered tea'. Matcha is powdered green tea leaves which are packed full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. When you drink green tea, you are throwing the leaves away and with them many of these fabulous benefits. If you think about it, if we were to drink the water we cooked our kale in and threw the kale away, we would only be getting a small percentage of kale power.  Like for like, Matcha has 137 more antioxidants then a regular cup of green tea. One shot of matcha is equal to 10 cups of green tea. 

What exactly are antioxidants and why are they so important? 

Antioxidants are chemicals that are believed to help protect the body from the harmful effects of other chemicals, called free radicals. Free radicals exist in the body's cells, but have been found to cause damage to the cells. Antioxidants interact and neutralise these harmful free radicals. 

Studies have shown antioxidants help give some additional immunity against things like colds and as anti-ageing supplements. 

The body can make some of the antioxidants it uses to neutralize free radicals. These antioxidants are called endogenous antioxidants. However, the body relies on external (exogenous) sources, which primarily come from the diet, to obtain the rest of the antioxidants it needs.

Matcha can be consumed in several ways. Leigh Linton recommends consuming it as a shot. Mix 1/2 tsp with approx 100ml of water and mix thoroughly (use as much or as little water as works for your personnel taste buds).

Matcha can also be consumed as a Tea or a Latte:

1 - Mix 1/2 tsp of Matcha with 1/4 of a cup of cold water
2 - mix thoroughly (a bamboo whisk is what the professional advice)
3 - Add hot water, for best results use water just under a boil or for a Latte add heated milk.

Leigh Linton's Organic Matcha is �25 per pot and she recommends having two servings per day. Each pot should last about 3 weeks.
leigh matcha

Dear BYC 6.30amers
Small time tweek 1st Feb- 8th March 

We wanted to inform you that, from 1st February until 8th March, there is a possibility that the doors will open at 6:15am for the 6:30am class and not the usual time of 6am. 
We realise that the majority of you arrive for this class after 6.15am anyway, so hopefully this will not impact you too much.

We will do our best to ensure that the studio will open at 6am, but please be aware that during these dates it may be slightly later.

Class will still start promptly at 6:30am.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused and we are looking forward to seeing you in class soon.

Apple Watch 
BYC Policy 

We have noticed that a few of you are sporting some beautiful new arm candy of late. We have no idea if the new Apple Watches are built to withstand the heat, humidity and sweat that comes as part and parcel of a BYC hot yoga class, so it is your decision if you choose to wear one into class. If you do, however, decide to wear one into class, please always turn it to airplane mode to ensure it does not go off. As you are aware: no phones, tablets or electronical devices are permitted into the yoga room.

To Turn your watch to airplane mode:
- Raise your hand to light up the gadget's screen;
- Swipe Up to open the watch OS Glances menu;
- Swipe Left or Right until you reach the Settings glance;
- Tap Airplane Mode Button. Activation is confirmed by the change of status at the top of the screen, "Connected" becomes "Disconnected".


Another method for enabling Airplane Mode is by opening the Settings app on your smartwatch:
- Flick your wrist to wake up the Watch and use Hey Siri to open Settings;
- or press the Digital Crown and tap Settings on the device's home screen;
- Now, hit the Airplane Mode icon. Activation is confirmed by a yellow airplane icon displayed at the top of the screen.
Repeat the steps presented above to return to normal connectivity mode, in both cases.

"The most precious gift we can offer anyone is our attention. When mindfulness embraces those we love, they will bloom like flowers." Thich Nhat Hanh
This also applies to loving yourself, learn to love yourself and your body, give it the attention it needs and like a flower petal blooming watch it change.  
So we will see you in class very soon. 
and the entire Team at BYC

June Newsletter Bottom Logo

Bikram Yoga Chiswick                  bikramyogachiswick@me.com                     020 8995 9955