June 2013 Top Logo

It's January. YES! The month to get back to you!

Finally, a month dedicated to regaining your health in
 both body and mind. We are here to help.

This January, to celebrate the start of a brand new year of health and vitality, 
 we are offering a truly awesome deal:
buy  One Year of Unlimited Yoga for just 
Thats a saving of �100!!!!!!!!!
365 days of Unlimited yoga, any time, any class for just �850! 
Happy New Year! 

The Maths:
That's ONLY �70.84 a month! 
If you practise 2 classes on average per week - �8.85/Class 
3 classes per week - �5.90/ Class 

The (not so) small print:
Ts & Cs apply. 
Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers, 
 discounts or concessions.
One purchase per student.
You have one month from purchase to activate this membership
and, once activated, it is valid for 365 days. 
�100 OFF Yearly Unlimited is available online and 
at the studio until 31st January 2016.

It gets even better! 
We have
 10 Yearly Unlimiteds to sell for just 
Monday 4th January 
 From 9am-9pm in studio or over the phone 
(020 8995 9955)
purchase your year of yoga for only �800!
(thats only �66.67/month!) 
The (not so) small print:
Ts & Cs apply. 
Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers, 
 discounts or concessions.
One purchase per student.
You have one month from purchase to activate this membership
and, once activated, it is valid for 365 days. 
There are only 10 �800 Yearly Unlimiteds up for grabs and they are only available in studio or over the phone 9am-9pm Monday 4th January.

Don't worry, we haven't 
put the prices up! 
As of January 2016, we have decided to 
simplify our yoga packages. 
We still offer the same awesome hot yoga classes, 
(38 of them, every week). So, let's help you figure out the package that will work best for you! 
Package options:
Drop In: �15 (�12 Concession*)
This works if you are coming once a month, or less. 
PLEASE NOTE: You have a month from date of purchase to use

The One Week Unlimited: �50
If you have a week off work, school, university, are in London on holiday, (and fancy doing a health kick) ... the one week unlimited gives you 7 days of unlimited hot yoga!
PLEASE NOTE: You have a month from date of purchase to activate and 7 days unlimited use from the date of activation.

10 Class Card Valid for 6 month: �115 (�103 Concession*)
If you practise anywhere from once every fortnight to 2 classes a week, then this is the class card for you. 
PLEASE NOTE: This class card activates on date of purchase. Therefore your 6 months starts the day you buy NOT from your first class. 

One Month Unlimited: �140 (�126 Concession*)
If you practise 3+ classes a week, then you want one of our unlimited class card options. The One Month Unlimited is perfect for those 'free spirits', who are not sure where they will be next month. 
PLEASE NOTE: You have a month from date of purchase to activate. Once activated, the card is valid for 31 days. 

Off Peak 12 Month Autopay: �69
Only valid at our OFF PEAK classes: 10am, 12pm, 3pm Monday to Friday and all day Saturday. If you average 2 classes a week, or 7 classes a month (all OFF PEAK), then this is the class card for you! This is a 12 month contract, however, there is a 2 month cancellation policy. So, if you wish to cancel before the 12 months is up, simply email us to cancel at bikramyogachiswick@me.com. Two further payments will be taken and your membership will remain live until the termination date, which will be confirmed with you via email. 
PLEASE NOTE: You can request a specific start date for this Autopay. The date you choose to start will then become the date your payment is made every month i.e. if you start on the 5th of January 2016, all future payments will be taken of the 5th of the month 

Peak 12 Month Autopay: �99 (* �89 Concession) - Valid at ALL classes. If you practise 9 or more classes a month, this is the class card for you. This is a 12 month rolling contract: there is a 2 month written cancellation policy, so, if you need to cancel the contract prior to 12 months, please send us an email to bikramyogachiswick@me.comTwo further payments will be taken and your membership will remain live until the termination date, which will be confirmed with you via email. 
As this is a rolling contract, if you do not cancel the contract once you have fulfilled your 12 months, the contract will simply continue.  You can email us with a 30 day notice of termination, should you not wish to renew your contract.

PLEASE NOTE: With both 12 month Autopay options, you can request a specific start date. The date you choose to start will then become the date your payment is made every month (i.e. if you start on the 5th of January 2016, all future payments will be taken of the 5th of the month). 

Yearly �950 - Valid at all classes. For anyone averaging 2 or more classes a week, this is usually the most economical class card. For those averaging 3 classes a week, it works out at �6.60/class! Bargain! 
PLEASE NOTE: You have a month from date of purchase to activate. Once activated, the card is valid for 365 days.

Please note that all our class cards are non refundable, non transferable and non freezable.  

*Concession prices are available to 60yrs+, Students, those in receipt of Job Seekers Allowance, Tax Credits, Income Support & Disability Allowance, the Armed Forces, NHS Employees, Police, Fire-Fighters, Equity & Musician Union members, selected local businesses and 16-17 year olds. Proof is required to benefit from the Concession Rate, each time you buy classes. 

Posture Clinic 
2nd Part Awkward
   Fed 2nd part awkward
Stand straight. Your feet are parallel, roughly hip-width apart and your core is engaged. To engage our core, the best tip we can give you is to feel like you are pulling your belly button in, then simultaneously pulling up on your pelvic floor. To pull up on the pelvic floor, is the same action you would do if you are stopping yourself mid urine flow (there really is no nice way of explaining this, we've tried and this is as close as we got!). 
Your arms are outstretched, your triceps engaged, elbows locked, with your fingers (& thumb) together, pointing straight towards the front mirror.  
Shoulders should be down throughout the posture.

Time to channel your inner Ballerina/ Ballerino!
(For any of you gentlemen unsure about channelling your inner Ballerino, check out Sergei Polunin performance to "Take Me To Church" by Hozier.)
Ok. So, Ballerinas/Ballerinos at the ready, stand up as high as you can on your tip toes. Watch the alignment of your ankles. They should be straight up and not out or in from the alignment of your legs.  Concentrate on pressing your first and second toes into the floor. Work on the height, every class. 

To maintain your balance, focus on one point in front if you and keep your eyes still.  
Back straight, stretch your spine up towards the ceiling. Do not hunch those shoulders up. Stomach muscles/core contracted. Sit down, on top of your toes. This means you are trying to come straight down. Keeping your spine straight, weight in the toes. Imagine you are coming down with your back flat against a wall. Keeping your legs and knees equidistant (hip-width apart) throughout the posture.  The entire time you come down, also focus on bringing your heels up! Body down, heels up!

Come down until your knees and hips are in one line, so they are at the same level. Do not come down any further then this.  Your hips should not come down lower than the line of your knees. 

Spine is straight throughout. If you find you are leaning forward, check you are engaging your stomach muscles: this should help straighten you out. 

Press down through the balls of your feet, keeping you arm engaged and parallel to the ground, knees hip-width apart, spine straight... and come up! 

Next month, 3rd Part Awkward. 

Who needs New Years resolutions! 
Every year, we do it to ourselves. We resolve to change our life and overhaul our bodies, only to get 10 days into Janaury exhausted and fedup. We don't need to do this to ourselves. Resolutions are made to be broken, simple... Small life changes are what it is all about! 

Exercise is key to a happy, healthy life. You are already on our mailing-list, so that means you've already been through our doors. So resolve to exercise. Whether this means coming to yoga once a week, 4 times a week, or putting that little extra effort into your postures and not dropping your arms at the usual spot in half moon, or actually coming to class instead of being drawn home to the siren song of your sofa. It is the little things that build up to make massive changes. 

"If exercise were a pill, it would be one of the most cost-effective drugs ever invented," says Dr Nick Cavill

According to the NHS:

It's medically proven that people who do regular physical activity have:
  • up to a 35% lower risk of coronary heart disease and stroke 
  • up to a 50% lower risk of type 2 diabetes 
  • up to a 50% lower risk of colon cancer 
  • up to a 20% lower risk of breast cancer 
  • a 30% lower risk of early death 
  • up to an 83% lower risk of osteoarthritis 
  • up to a 68% lower risk of hip fracture 
  • a 30% lower risk of falls (among older adults) 
  • up to a 30% lower risk of depression 
  • up to a 30% lower risk of dementia
Exercise is only part of the story, but it is a massive one. Together with a healthy diet, regular exercise will change your life and overhaul your body. You don't need to make a New Years resolution this year: just come to yoga!

Make January Heavenly 
BYC's Heavenly Challenge is back! 
30 yoga classes in 35 days. 

The best way 
to beat the January blues and change your body, mind and yoga..is the BYC Heavenly Challenge!- It is here to elevate your January to something heavenly!

30 yoga classes in 35 days!

Detox, restore, revitalise and challenge your body with the BYC Heavenly Challenge. It will help you lose weight, tone up and see major improvements in your practise. 

The BYC Heavenly Challenge works like this:
Practise 30 Bikram Yoga classes at BYC within 35 days. 
This works out as 6 days of Bikram Yoga for a five week period, 
with one day off a week.
(Please note: only 1 double class allowed per week)
To help you achieve your goal, we have added 4 extra days - totally FREE - to 
 One Month Unlimited cards purchased during January 2016, 
 so that's 35 days for �140! (�126 concession).
All this and..... 

We will be offering those that complete the challenge 
20% off their next class card purchase!:

10 class card 6 months �115 - on completion of the challenge �92
1 Month Unlimited �140      -  on completion of the challenge �112
12 Month Autopay �99pm   -  on completion of challenge �79.20*
(this discount does not included the Introductory Offers, OFF PEAK Autopay, Yearly Unlimited or Concessions.) 
Pop your name on the Heavenly Challenge poster in reception at any time during January, so you can keep track of your progress daily, with gold stars!!! 
Nothing says "well done" quite like a a gold star and everyone needs more gold stars in their life! 
The (not so) small print:
Ts & Cs apply. Offer excludes those on our Peak/Off Peak Introductory Offers. 
Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers or discounts. 
(Although we are extending the Concession Rate One Month Unlimited too!)
Yearly Unlimited members will get �50 off their next Yearly Unlimited purchase (Yearly Unlimited repeat purchase price is �900 so your winning price would be �850).
To Claim your 20% discount from BYC reception, once you have completed your Heavenly Challenge: if you are an Autopay or Yearly Unlimited member, please email us on completion of your challenge, so we can process your discount as necessary. For Autopay memberships, we will take the 20% off of your next payment. For Yearly Unlimited members, we will keep a record, so your are given this extra �50 OFF whenever you come to renew your membership. 
*Discount applicable to one month only.
Ready, Set, Yoga! 
 Good luck!

"You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream" C. S. Lewis

We are not calling you (or ourselves) old! We think C. S Lewis is spot on, 
every day is a new day to dream a new and beautiful dream. 
 To reach for the stars during triangle and touch them!
and the entire Team at BYC

June Newsletter Bottom Logo

Bikram Yoga Chiswick                  bikramyogachiswick@me.com                     020 8995 9955