"Health is the greatest gift..." Buddha. 
We can't hand health to you, wrapped in a bow, but 
we can be part of the journey. So give the gift of yoga and help someone you love start their adventure into deeper wellbeing!

One Class Card �12: The Perfect Stocking Filler!

This Christmas share your love of yoga with the ones you love, for the bargain price of �12 - that's a saving of �3! 

This beautiful Christmas Voucher entitles the recipient to one class at BYC. Valid from 27/12/15 - 31/07/16.  


BYC Christmas Bundle �85
5 Bikram Yoga Classes (6 months expiry)
1 Embroidered BYC Grip Mat Towel
1 Wet Kit Bag 
All for the bargain price of �85 thats a total saving of �21!

Gift Cards - Gift anything from �1-�1000.
Want to give the gift of yoga, but not sure what exactly you want to give? Our in studio or online gift cards are perfect. Simply pick the monetary amount you would like and your lucky recipient can redeem it against classes, clothing and products at BYC. 

Gifts for Your Yogi:

Capris from �35
Bra Tops from �27
Leggings from �45
Women's Shorts from �25
Men's Shorts from �40
BYC Grip Mat Towel �24
Wet Kit Bag �7
Jason Shower Gel �9 
Jason Hand Soap �5

BYC Products
This years BYC Christmas packages will be
 available at BYC from 1st November 2015.

Posture Clinic 
1st Part Awkward Pose 

Utkatasana - from the Sanskrit words utkata meaning "wild or intense" and asana meaning "posture" or "seat". So get ready to sit intensely... 

Stand straight, eyes focussed forward on one point in front of you. 
If you can, focus on your own eyes in the mirror. 

Step your right foot six inches to the right, this is roughly hip distance apart. Your feet should be straight and parallel to each other, heels invisible behind the toes and 6 inches apart. Your feet and ankles should stay in this alignment throughout the entire posture. If you are unsure of the distance, you can always measure it, using your hands: it's roughly the same as two fists next to each other. Weight back in the heels. For the more experienced Yogis/inis: try to move into this position without looking away from your point of focus.
Engage your core: 
1) Engage your abs from the inside out, by drawing your belly button into your spine. You do not want to hold your breath. Focus on holding the contraction of the abdominal muscles.
2) Press your shoulder blades down and away from your ears 
 (this helps engage the core muscles in your back).
3) Think of 'lifting up' the pelvic floor to engage these muscles and deepen the contraction of your abdominal muscles. 

Bring your arms up to just below shoulder height, so they are parallel to the floor. You still want to be able to see the top of your shoulders in the mirror.
Keep your fingers and thumb together, touching each other, locking out your elbows. Your whole arm should be active and engaged, stretching forward.  Feel like you are trying to touch the mirror. Your arms should be active and engaged throughout this posture. They may well feel tired by the end of this posture, they are working solidly thoughtout the entire 3 parts of Awkward,
this is a good sign! 

Exhale, with core engaged, sit backwards. Your aim is to sit back, so that your thighs are parallel to the the floor. Remember: you want 100% of your weight in your heels. Arms still stretching forward. Your arms are your balance, the further you stick your behind out, the harder your want to stretch your arms forward.

Once you are down, lift your chest up arching your spine. 

Make sure your feet are still parallel to each other, they have not moved in towards each other &/or one is not further forward than the other.  Your feet and ankles should stay exactly parallel thoughout the entire posture. Similarly, make sure your knees are equidistant from each other,
the same distance as your feet apart. 

Thighs engaged. A little trick is to imagine you are squeezing your inner thigh and knees together, without actually moving anything. 
This should help engage all that needs to be.

Keep breathing in and out through your nose, throughout the entire posture. Keep focusing on engaging your core, while simultaneously lifting and arching your spine back. Your chest is up, your chin is up, your back is arched, your legs are bent at the hip and knee and your thighs and core are engaged. 

"Lean back, Fall Back, Way Back. You are trying to fall down backwards."

Our spines are as individual as we are, so do not compare yourself to anyone else in the room. Day by day, class by class, our strength and flexibility grow and change, as do our postures. Do what you can do, working to your personal edge every class and you will see and feel the changes. 

Inhale, and come up. 

Keep you arms up and engaged, 
 keep your feet 6 inches apart ready for 2nd Part.... Next month.
(obviously, in class you don't have to wait quite that long!) 

Shop BYC 
�5 OFF in Studio.

This December buy any class card* at BYC
and save �5 off an item of clothing. 


RawBonbon's Christmas Treats
Guilt free chocolate!!!! 
"People who love to eat 
are always the best people."
~Julia Child

Raw Bonbon Truffles - healthy, artisan desserts.

These little truffles will make your tastebuds sing with joy and fuel your body with goodness. 
Made from 100% raw organic ingredients, 
being healthy never tasted so good.

Raw Cacao is wonderful for you, with a host of health benefits. 
It is famous for being a mood improver because it contains anandamide, 
known as the bliss molecule, which creates a feeling of euphoria.
 contains natural chemicals called flavonoids, 
a type of antioxidant compound that promotes general good health.
It contains many important vitamins and minerals including:
  • Magnesium, and other essential minerals including calcium, sulfur, zinc, iron, copper, potassium, and manganese
  • Polyphenols called flavonoids, with antioxidant properties
  • Vitamins: B1, B2, B3, B5, B9, E
  • Essential heart-healthy fat: oleic acid, a monounsaturated fat
  • Protein
  • Fibre
These are just a few of the tabled health benefits to raw cacao... and it's YUMMY!

However, before you pick up a box of chocolates for a loved one this christmas, think about what you are actually gifting... Unfortunately, most of the health benefits to raw 
cacao are lost in the cooking, along with the addition of sugar, preservatives and a host of other unhealthy ingredients. 

However, Raw Bonbon's hand crafted treats are the prefect combination of  insane yumminess and health. All the flavour, non of the guilt!

This Christmas give the gift of Bonbon - Raw Bonbon.

Available in 3 awesome chocolate taste sensations:
Salted Caramel
Raw Bonbon Christmas

Pre-order your Christmas boxes for deliveries by 24th December now and quote BYC for a special discount email: chocolate@rawbonbon.com

BYC's Christmas Timetable
Yoga (Christmas) time.  
Christmas: a time for joy, giving, eating, buying, Santa, parties, wrapping & unwrapping, dancing, drinking and more eating! But remember the real fuel that will keep you going this festive season - your yoga!
Time and space for your body and mind.

Here is our Christmas schedule 
to help you make the most of this holiday season!  
BYC CHristmas Timetabel 2015 P1

BYC Christmas Timetable 2015 P2
BYC Christmas Timetable 2015 P3
For full BYC Class schedule please CLICK HERE.

The Future is January.
 BYC price packages are changing this January!

As of January 2016, BYC is streamlining the Class Cards, to simplify the options on offer. 

There will now only be one 10 Class Card, valid for 6 months. We will no longer be offering the 10 classes over 45 days.  These class cards will now activate from the day of purchase and be valid for 6 months from this day, NOT FROM THE FIRST CLASS.

The Autopay contracts are also being revised: 
We will only be offering one Autopay Contract, the 12 Month Autopay (Peak, Concession Peak & Off Peak). 

We currently offer a 3 and a 6 month Autopay options. However, as there is a 2 month cancellation policy on all 12 month Autopay contracts , there is no need for these shorter term options. You can serve notice on your 12 month Autopay and cancel it at any time, with 2 months written notice. 

We hope these changes make our price list easier to navigate. If you ever have any questions on what class card is right for you, please do not hesitate to speak to us. 

Also, as of the 1st of Jan 2016 we'll say bye-bye to �20 Extension, so get it now, before its gone! 

As of 1st January 2016, any classes not used within their allotted time will be lost and will no longer be extendable. So, if you think you may have some expired classes waiting for you, NOW is the time to come in and activate them.  The current  �20 extension allows you to reactivate expired classes for a month long period.  As of January 2016, all expired classes will be just 'expired' and no longer useable. 


 Never get F0M0 again!!!
Online booking now at BYC! 
FoMo is 'fear of missing out' (apparently...!).
Booking online is now available at BYC. It is not compulsory, but a simple way to ensure you have a spot in class, especially during those busier classes, around the Christmas and New Year period. 

You can now book into class in advance, either online or via the Mindbody Connect App. Simply create yourself a Mindbody log in and you are good to go.  
Not only does the Mindbody App book you into class, it will also automatically sync your booked classes into your calendar. You can buy new class cards & gift cards, as well as see our full schedule and so much more...   

The Rules:
You can cancel out of class, free of charge, anytime, 12hrs prior to the start of the class. 
If you Late Cancel (anytime within 12hrs prior to the start of your class), you will be charged for this class.

If you have an unlimited class card with BYC (an Introductory Offer, Week Unlimited, One month Unlimited, Autopay) and you Late Cancel (anytime from 12 hrs prior to the start of class) more than 3 times in a month, your online booking facility will be suspended for a month.

Please arrive early. If you have not arrived 5 minutes before the class start time, your spot maybe given to those on the waiting list.  
Booking is not compulsory, however it is a great way to ensure your space in class. 

It wouldn't be a BYC Christmas without.... 
Naomi Clark!!!!!

Naomi is one of the UK's most experienced Bikram Yoga Teachers and she is back at BYC this christmas, to share her wisdom and humour with us.

Naomi started practising Iyengar and Hatha Yoga in 1998, but it wasn't until her first Bikram Hot Yoga class, a couple of years later, that she began to address the knee pain she had suffered after a car accident. Having found a practical way to manage the demands of everyday life, whilst restoring physical health, Naomi trained to be a teacher in 2001. She has taught in California, Colorado, Hawaii, Jamaica, Ibiza, London, Brighton AND BYC!!!!!!!

Naomi will be teaching:

Sunday 27th December 9am
Sunday 27th December 11am

Monday 28th December 3pm
Monday 28th December 6.15pm

In fact Monday 28th December is looking to be a Bikram Yoga power house, with our BYC owner and senior (in wisdom not age) teacher Helen Currie scheduled to teach the 10am & 12pm! 

For the full timetable, including who is teaching what, CLICK HERE.

BYC 13th Birthday

We wanted to say a massive thank you to everyone who, over the last 13 years, has made BYC the awesome place that it is. You all mean so much to us and have been a massive part of our journey! Here's to 13 more years of love, laughter, yoga & sweating! 

Thank you to everyone who helped make our 13 birthday celebrations so special.

We have raised an amazing �370 for UNICEF so, thank you.

Also, an extra big thank you to Raw Bonbon, Coco Fina, Mello, Coco  Zumi, Simplee Aloe, Nuun, Pip & Nut and Nakd, who provided us with all those unbelievable yummy yet healthy snacks and drinks! 

December is a wondrous month full of love, laughter and abundance. 
We hope you all enjoy it!
We'll see you in class.
and the entire Team at BYC

Bikram Yoga Chiswick                  bikramyogachiswick@me.com                     020 8995 9955