Yogtoberfest! Like Oktoberfest, only less about the beer 
and more about THE YOGA! 
And, what's more, Yogtoberfest is even better... why.?.. because it lasts a whole year 
(or a lifetime, your choice).
So, to help you celebrate your yoga and get some Yogtoberfest going on in your life, we are offering you �10 off every month of the 12 month Autopay. 

Sign up to our 12 month Autopay, during Yogtober,
for the bargain price of �89/month for 12 months. 
Saving a total of �120 over the year!!!!
If you average 3 classes a week, over a year that's 
ONLY �7.42/class!
If you are averaging 4 classes a week, then it's 
ONLY �5.56/class!

The (not so) small print:
Ts & Cs apply. 
Offer cannot be used in conjunction with 
any other offers, discounts or concessions.
One purchase per student.
This is an auto-renewing contract.
All Autopay contracts have a 2 month written cancelation policy. 
Offer available until 31st October 2015. Online or in the studio.

The Early Bird Catches The Yoga
2 4 1 Drop In at 6.30am


This October we are thrilled to reintroduce the Early Bird Special! 

As the days draw in and the hours of darkness appear to stretch out endlessly, across the sea of cold winter days, leaving your warm bed behind can feel like an near impossible task. 
However, the Early Bird 2 4 1 Drop In is back to give you that extra incentive to spring out of bed and into the warmth of BYC.

The Deal:

Pay for a full price Drop In - �15
and receive a second class FREE 
to be used at another 
6.30am class, within 10 days.

1 - Come to a 6.30am and buy a full price Drop In class.
2 - Get a FREE Drop In class - valid at 6.30am classes Monday to Friday.
3 - Use this FREE Drop In class within 10 days of your first class.
4 - NOTE: there are no 6.30am classes on Saturday or Sunday.

Need more inspiration to make it out of bed and into the studio for 6.30am...? Just think of that wonderful warm room and the amazing post class feeling that will carry you through your day.  Plus, you will have got your yoga done by 8am! Now thats a reason to set your alarm!
The (not so) small print:
Ts & Cs apply.
Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers or discounts. 
No concession price available.
Offer available until 31st October 2015.
Only available at 6.30am classes Monday to Friday.   
FREE class only available with full price Drop In purchase.
FREE class must be used within 10 days of your 1st class. 

Posture Clinic 
Backward Bending 

It's backbend time.... Most importantly, do not fear the backbend! 
With so much of life spent bending forward, our spines are screaming out for a backbend. Happy Spine, happy life, so lets make our spines happy and give them what they are asking for: a beautiful backbend.  

Again, as with all postures in the Bikram Yoga series, it is form over depth.  It is not about how deep you go, but about going to your personal edge, with the correct alignment, to make the magic happen.

So, you have just rocked out an awesome Side Half Moon,
 and you have returned to your central position.
Standing with your feet together, weight in your heels, legs and buttocks engaged, arms still stretched up over your head, fingers interlocked, with index fingers released. Your arms and shoulders may feel a little tired at this point, but do not drop them. Keep them up (we do not mean hunched shoulders). It is with this persistence that we build our strength. You can do it!

The legs are the foundation of the backbend. So let's make sure both feet are firmly grounded. Engage the inner thighs and squeeze your glutes. Pelvis in a neutral position, meaning tucking the tail bone slightly. This should happen naturally, when you engage your buttocks.  Engage your core; this can be done by engaging the pelvic floor muscles and simultaneously pulling in your belly button.

Inhale, lift your torso up. Relax your neck allowing your head to gently drop back, lift you heart up to the ceiling and slowly reach your arms back, keeping your arms straight and palms squeezed together.  Keep breathing in and out though your nose, look back, keep reaching your arms back, pushing your hips gently forward, weight in the heels. NEVER CRUNCH INTO THE LOWER BACK. Always lift your sternum up, as you move back.  Where your arms and eyes go, 
your body will follow. 


Yup! we mean it. The more relaxed you are about backbends, the easier you will find them.

Breathe, push the hips further forward and arc your self further back. As you will hear your teachers say: "Arms back, look back, fall back (although don't actually fall please!!!), way back, go back, more back".

Remember: we come in all different shapes, sizes and flexibilities. Our spines are all as individual as we are, do not compare yourself to others. Do what you can and do it to the best of your ability and you will notice the benefits.  

Inhale and slowly come up back up to your centre position, keeping your arms straight over your head, elbows locked, palms squeezed tightly together.  Ready for Pada-Hastasana, Hands to Feet Pose.... Next month. 

Online Booking
This October, BYC is introducing an online booking system.

From the 1st October you will be able to book into class in advance, either online or via the Mindbody Connect App. Simply create yourself a Mindbody log in and you are good to go. 

Not only does the Mindbody App book you into class, it will also automatically sync your booked classes into your calendar, you can buy new class cards & gift cards, as well as see our full schedule and so much more... 

The Rules:
You can cancel out of class, free of charge, anytime prior to 12hrs before the class. 
If you Late Cancel (anytime from 12hrs prior to the start of your class), you will be charged for this class.

If you have an unlimited class card with BYC (an Introductory Offer, Week Unlimited, One month Unlimited, Autopay) and you Late Cancel (anytime from 12 hrs prior to the start of class) more then 3 times in a month, your online booking facility will be suspended for a month.

Please arrive early. If you have not arrived 5 minutes before the class start time, your spot maybe given to those on the waiting list.  

Booking is not compulsory, however it is a great way to ensure your space in class. 

look into the future
A Look Into the Future
BYC Class Cards From Jan 2016 

As of January 2016 BYC is streamlining the Class Cards to simplify the options on offer. 

As of January 2016, we will only have one 10 class card valid for 6 months. We will no longer be offering the 10 classes over 45 days. 

The Autopay contracts are also being revised. We will only be offering one Autopay contract: The 12 month Autopay (peak, concession peak & off peak). 
We currently offer a 3 & 6 month Autopay option. However, as there is a 2 month cancellation policy on all 12 month Autopay contracts , there is no need for these short term options. You can serve notice on your 12 month Autopay and cancel it at any time with 2 months written notice. 

We hope these changes make our price list easier to navigate. If you ever have any questions on what class card is right for you, please do not hesitate to speak to us.  

Bye �20 extension
Bye Bye Extension 
Get it before its gone... 

From January 2016 BYC, we will no longer be offering a �20 extension on expired class cards.

There will be one option of a 10 class card valid for 6 months and any classes not used within this time will be lost.

If you think you may have some expired classes waiting for you, NOW is the time to come in and activate them.  The current  �20 extension allows you the ability to reactivate expired classes for a month long period.  As of January 2016, all expired classes will be just 'expired' and no longer useable.

What To Wear or What Not To Wear 
That is The Question?
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer, the slings and arrows of a wardrobe malfunction... (sorry Shakespeare).

What Not To Wear October 2015
Dear BYCers, the time has come to talk about your yoga wardrobe. We are not talking fashion, BYC is about you and your yoga and what you wear in the room is only to assist that.  However, there are some wardrobe malfunctions we are keen to prevent. So here are some does and don'ts when it comes to choosing your yoga outfit. 

White is not alright: White clothing and sweat simply do not mix well. The sweat of a Bikram class causes most white clothing to go see-through!

Women's Loose fitting shorts: There is a fashion for short loosely fitted shorts for ladies. Unfortunately, during certain postures, these little shorts are not as flexible as you are... Need we say more!?

Men's Shorts: to quote Alan Partridge "I've had these shorts since 1982. They did have an underpant lining, but eh, it's perished" ... Sound familiar? Trust us guys, you need that inner linining ... 

Who likes short shorts... Guys if you have a love of the shorts of the smaller variety, please be mindful that these small shorts are enough in all bikram positions. 
Underwear: underwear is never suitable as yoga wear (we mean as 'OUTER-wear'...): ladies' pants, men's boxers, non sports bras... none of these are appropriate Bikram yoga attire.

Thinning Material: We all have those much loved items of clothing that we just can't bear to part with.  They are old, they are thinning, but we love them. Please be mindful that these ageing items may not be able to cope with the multitude of different positions you will be asking from them with out showing their age (and you).

If you are looking to update your yoga wardrobe, Shop BYC is now open in studio and online, with new lines & styles being added all the time. 

Just a little reminder that BYC is an Aerosol free zone, so please refrain from using them inside the building. 

We have called this month Yogtober fest to celebrate yoga and everything it can do for us. We all have our reasons for coming through the doors: to heal our injuries, increase our flexibility,  help our posture, loose weight, quieten our minds.... Whatever your reason, you are not alone and, whatever your reason, we are here to help. 
We'll see you in class.
and the entire Team at BYC

Bikram Yoga Chiswick                  bikramyogachiswick@me.com                     020 8995 9955