Joyous June
with �50 OFF the Yearly Unlimited
Summer, summer, summertime Time to sit back, until your hips touch the chair, spine straight to begin with, 100% body weight on your heels. Lift your chest up and bend your total spine, backward bending...
Whatever your plans this Summer remember to make time for you. An hour and a half in the hot room, just you and your mat (and a few other sweaty, like-minded yogis to help you power through). In between Pimm's, strawberries, sunshine (hopefully), school holidays, beaches, sand, festivals, ice cream, tennis and bbq's,
BYC is always here to refresh your body and mind.
So, for June ONLY, you can get a
whole year of unlimited yoga joy for �900
Thats a saving of �50!
The Maths (we know you love a bit of maths):
It works out as �75 per month, so..... If you average: 3 class a week �5.76/class 2 classes a week �8.65 or If you are coming to 10 classes a month �7.50/class
The (not so) small print:
Ts & Cs apply.
Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers, discounts or concessions.
One purchase per student.
�50 OFF Yearly Unlimited available online and
at the studio until 31st June 2015.
International Yoga Day
Sunday 21st June
�10 Drop In
To celebrate International Yoga Day, Sunday 21st of June, we are reducing the price of our Drop In, for one day only, to �10! Thats a �5 SAVING!
Not been to yoga in a while?
Have a friend/loved one you are keen to share the benefits of hot yoga with?
Only �10/ class: The perfect opportunity, so we'll see you in the room!
The (not so) small print: Only one purchase per customer. Only available on 21st June 2015. Must be bought and used on 21st June 2015. Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers or discounts.
Father's Day
Sunday 21st June
Sunday 21st June 2015,
bring your Father, Dad, Daddy, Pa
with you to class and he will practise for FREE!
If your father has never been to BYC before, please arrive 20mins before class to register him.
Offer valid at all classes on Sunday 21st of June 2015, while spaces are available.
You need to practise with your father to claim his FREE class! T & C's apply.
Yoga for the future - now
Together we can make a difference.
Yoga is a journey into healing, rejuvenating, strengthening and all the other benefits a regular practise can bring to your life.
As our practice evolves, we feel even more connected to the world around us and, if something can be done to ensure the protection of our incredible planet for future generations, we feel encouraged to take steps towards it.
With this in mind, in the coming months, we will be phasing out the plastic bags we have been providing free of charge for the last 12 years! and replacing them with two new (more) environmentally friendly options.
1/ Cloth wet kit bags; these will transport your wet kit from studio to home, time and time again. These bags are 100% waterproof for 4hrs and pretty waterproof for quite some time after that!
2/ Biodegradable bags will be available for 10p at reception. As these bags are compostable, so we would advise throwing them out with your food waste and not in the rubbish bin.
Taking your yoga with you out into the world.
No matter how small the steps we take are, we can make a very real difference.
Yoga Clothes at BYC
This June we are launching our
in-studio clothes shop.
From this June we will be selling a special selection of
capris, shorts, tops, mens shorts etc
If you can't find the yoga outfit of your dreams, then feel free to come talk to us!
Yoga for Nepal
Together we raised a wonderful �320 for
DEC's Nepal Earthquake Appeal.
If you would still like to donate, you can do so directly to DEC.
Rejuvenation of Chiswick High Rd/Essex Place.
As you may be aware, Lend Lease will be commencing a major
rejuvenation project to our end of Chiswick High Road, commencing July 2015 and ending December 2016.
As well as refurbing all of the shops,
they will be building several new apartment blocks, adjacent to and across the road from BYC.
Lend Lease and their acoustic engineers have been working closely with us to help us prepare for the up coming works.
They have assured us they will do whatever they can to keep disruption to a minimum.
However, we are aware that there will be times when the noise of the works may be audible during class. Therefore, in order to compensate our students for the occasions when this may occur, we are introducing a new class card from July 2015,
that will be valid for the duration of the works.
As of the 1st July 2015 we will be introducing:
12 Month 'Regeneration' OFF PEAK* contract, �69/month.
This card is valid for unlimited yoga at all OFF PEAK classes:
10am, 12pm & 3pm classes Monday-Friday and all day Saturday.
If you practise 3 times a week thats roughly �5.75/class. Practise 4 times a week makes it �4.31/class.
The 12 month Autopay, valid at all classes will remain �99/month
(�89/concession rate).
If you are already on an 12 Month Autopay Contract at BYC, but wish to change to this new contract, you are very welcome to do so. Please contact us via email
We are very excited about this much-needed regeneration to our end of Chiswick High Road and Essex Place. When the works are all done, we will all be able to enjoy a brighter, smarter, more vibrant Chiswick.
And a big thank you to Lend Lease for everything they are doing.
We will, of course, keep you updated as and when we have more information.
*During the building works our PEAK and OFF PEAK class times will be changing.
OFF PEAK: 10am, 12pm and 3pm Monday - Friday
AND All day Saturday
The only class cards affected by this change will be the
OFF PEAK Introductory Offer �40/30 days
and the new 'Regeneration' Autopay contract.
All other class cards will still be valid at all classes.
Let's have an amazing Summer together.
See you in class soon.
and the entire Team at BYC