May The (Yoga)
Force Be With You.
10% of 12 Month Unlimited Jedi training
(aka Bikram Yoga)
During Star Wars month, also known to many as May,
you can sign up to our 12 Month Autopay
for the bargain price of �89/month for 12 months.
Saving a total of �120 over the year!!!!
The 12 Month Autopay is the perfect contract
for anyone practising 10 times a month, or more!
There is a 2 month written (via email) cancellation policy
to all Autopay contracts.
During this time, you are more than welcome
to continue your practice as usual.
You don't have to be Yoda to know that's a good deal!
If you average 3 classes a week, then it's
ONLY �7.42/class!
If you average 4 classes a week, then it's
ONLY �5.56/class!
The (not so) small print:
Ts & Cs apply. Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers, discounts or concessions. One purchase per student. Offer available until 31st May 2015. Online or in the studio.
Please note: the 12 Month Autopay is an Auto-renewing contract.
After the initial 12 month period, you can cancel in writing (via email) and BYC will only require 30 days notice.
The Parking Matters
Sainsbury's Parking Rules
Dear Students,
The folks at Sainsbury's kindly offer BYC students extended parking times, so you don't have to rush after class and have plenty of time for your shop!
In order to make this awesome arrangement work well into the future, there are a few simple steps each student who uses the parking facility must follow.
Yes, that means you!
Please ensure you:
1) Spend a minimum of �5 on shopping in Sainsbury's Chiswick.
This can be done before or after your class at BYC.
2) When you get to BYC, collect an orange numbered
BYC Parking Voucher from the reception desk.
3) After class, give your BYC Parking Voucher to Sainsbury's Customer Service desk, along with your Sainsbury's shopping receipt and white Sainsbury's Parking Card, for parking validation.
Maximum stay: 3hrs
�50 fine payable on exceeding 3hrs
If the barriers happen to be up at Sainsbury's, BYC students are still allowed a maximum of 3hrs. On these occasions, all students must display a BYC timetable (from the BYC reception desk) on the dashboard of their vehicle, prior to class, so it is visible to the parking wardens.
Only use this offer on days when you are practicing a class at BYC.
This offer is only available during Sainsbury Customer Service Opening Hours. Please check store times for details.
Please always be your wonderful, charming and respectful selves when interacting with the staff at Sainsburys. If you have forgotten to pick up your orange parking card, it is their job to send you back to us to get one, so please do not take any frustrations out on them.
We do not want to jeopardise this valuable relationship
and have this parking privilege removed.
If you have any questions, please talk to reception.
The Team at BYC
The Empire Ties Back
BYC Hairbands to cost 20p.
For many years BYC has been donating hairbands
to those BYCers in hair-need.
However, as of 1st May 2015, hair bands
will now cost 20p each, which will be donated to charity.
Return of the Bank Holiday.
Monday 4th of May: 10am, 12pm, 3pm, 6:15pm
Monday 25th May: 10am, 12pm, 3pm, 6.15pm.
Rejuvenation of the Area (This was meant to be a pun on Revenge of the Sith, but if you have to explain it, it doesn't really work, does it...)
As you may be aware, Lend Lease will be commencing a major
rejuvenation project to our end of Chiswick High Road, commencing July 2015 and ending December 2016.
As well as refurbing all of the shops,
they will be building several new apartment blocks, adjacent to and across the road from BYC.
Lend Lease and their acoustic engineers have been working closely with us to help us prepare from the up coming works.
They have assured us they will do whatever they can to keep disruption to a minimum.
However, we are aware that there will be times when the noise of the works may be audible during class. Therefore, in order to compensate our students for the occasions when this may occur, we are introducing a new class card from July 2015,
that will be valid for the duration of the works.
As of the 1st July 2015 we will be introducing:
12 Month 'Regeneration' OFF PEAK* contract, �69/month.
This card is valid for unlimited yoga at all OFF PEAK classes:
10am, 12pm & 3pm classes Monday-Friday and all day Saturday.
If you practise 3 times a week thats roughly �5.75/class. Practise 4 times a week makes it �4.31/class.
The 12 month Autopay, valid at all classes will remain �99/month
(�89/concession rate).
If you are already on an 12 Month Autopay Contract at BYC, but wish to change to this new contract, you are very welcome to do so. Please contact us via email
We are very excited about this much-needed regeneration to our end of Chiswick High Road and Essex Place. When the works are all done, we will all be able to enjoy a brighter, smarter, more vibrant Chiswick.
And a big thank you to Lend Lease for everything they are doing.
We will, of course, keep you updated as and when we have more information.
*During the building works our PEAK and OFF PEAK class times will be changing.
OFF PEAK: 10am, 12pm and 3pm Monday - Friday
All day Saturday
The only class cards affected by this change will be the
OFF PEAK Introductory Offer �40/30 days
and the new 'Regeneration' Autopay contract.
All other class cards will still be valid at all classes.
 Luke... I am your Mother
Pregnant & Bikram Yoga Reminder
If you are pregnant, or trying for a baby, it might be a good idea to familiarise yourself with BYC's pregnancy policy.
So, if you are pregnant, first and foremost CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Please let the Teachers and Reception Staff know.
During the delicate time of your first trimester, we ask you to refrain from practising at BYC.
If you are pregnant and have never practised Bikram Yoga before, we suggest that you find a gentle pregnancy yoga class and come to regular Bikram Yoga classes about eight weeks after the birth of your child.
If you have had a regular Bikram Yoga practise of no less than one year, before becoming pregnant, please talk to a senior teacher after your first trimester, about resuming regular classes. Any less than this and we would again advise you to find a gentler yoga class, for the duration of your pregnancy.
In regards to resuming your Bikram Yoga practice or taking up a practice postpartum, we advice waiting approximately eight weeks after the birth of your child (including C-sections). We ask that you have been signed off by your GP/health practitioner as ready to resume exercise, prior to your first class after birth.
If the senior teacher says you are okay to practise, please ask the reception staff give you the modification sheet to take into class with you.
In the Pregnancy series, you work for a maximum of 60minutes.
Keep in mind that the aim of practising yoga whilst you're pregnant is the health and wellbeing of your baby. If you are used to going deeply into postures, focus more on breath and alignment. Don't over exert yourself. Remember to come out of the postures early if you need to. During your pregnancy, you will have a
hormone called relaxin moving through your body. This hormone will soften your bones and joints to prepare you for giving birth. Therefore, as you will feel more open, it is very important to make sure you do not over stretch and go further into postures then you did pre-pregnancy. Another important thing to be aware is that, as your bump grows to make room, your abdominal muscles move, therefore you have less abdominal support. This, in turn, means less support for your lower back, so go gently.
We always recommend that you speak to your doctor and any health workers supervising your pregnancy, about what type of exercise is right for you and your baby.
Coming soon to our BYC website, we will have the pregnancy series as a PDF download.
The Fashion Is Strong In This One....
BYC soon to be home to all your yoga fashion needs.
Yoga for Nepal
On Friday 8th of May
In the wake of the Nepal earthquake, thousands of people have been left desperately in need of food, medicine and shelter.
On Friday 8th of May 2015 BYC will be donating �1 for everyone that comes to class to Disasters Emergency Committee.
There will also be donation tins at reception.
Pip and Nut butter will be donating their amazingly yummy nut butter sachets for you to try on the day.
Please come, sweat, laugh, bend, lock the knee and help us raise money for those in need.
Shall we compare thee to a summer's day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate:
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer's lease hath all too short a date:
so its just as well really that it is Summer all year round at BYC!
See you in class soon.
and the entire Team at BYC