Happy 12th Birthday BYC!
Happy BYC day

To celebrate our 12th Birthday, 
we have a wonderful deal for you all... 
12 Classes for �120 valid for 12 weeks
That's only �10/class and 3 months in which to use them.

Look out later this month for more information about our actual birthday event, it will be a day of fun, charity and so much more.

The (not so) small print:

Ts & Cs apply. 

Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers, discounts or concessions.

One purchase per student.

Offer available until 3oth November 2014. Online or in the studio.
 Birthday Competition Time 
'A flower does not think of competing to the flower next to it. It just blooms.'

As a big birthday thank you to all our wonderful BYCers - and all our potential BYCers - we are running a competition this November.  
We are giving away...
1 x 5 FREE classes with a 45day expiry 
1 FREE class to 10 lucky runner ups.

Simply upload to Twitter or Facebook a picture of you in Tree Pose - in the office, on the tube, wherever you happen to be - and tag BYC!  

The (not so) small print:

Ts & Cs apply.

You can enter as many times as you like.
5 FREE classes are non transferrable and must all be used by one winner.

Competition closes 12pm 30th November.  

Top Tips for a great Bikram Yoga class.

BYC students are known for their focus, good humour and dedication. Here are the different ways they achieve those great qualities.

  • Come to class well hydrated. After Eagle Pose, you can drink between the postures, but try to take small sips of water. The closer your water is to your body temperature, the quicker it can be assimilated by your body to hydrate you. That's why we don't advise bringing cold or iced water into the room. 
  • Make sure you come to class fully fuelled. Everyone has a different eating window: some can eat straight before class, others need to leave it 3hrs.  Rule of thumb: make sure you've eaten something at least 2hrs before class.  Never come on an empty stomach, you need the fuel. 
  • Leave your hand towel at home - you do not need it! Of course your hands will feel sweaty, your brow will feel sweaty, but practise allowing the sweat to fall. If we use a towel to grip, how are we ever going to get strong enough to work without one? Practise makes.. well, more practised and able! Following this 'path of least resistance' can help you achieve incredible strength and focus. Everytime you wipe the sweat away, it will just return. Conserve your energy for the postures and learn to let your sweat do it's job. It's your bodies way of keeping you at the right temperature. If you notice yourself getting frustrated, see if you can be aware of that feeling passing through you and let it go!
  • It's advisable to avoid the front row in your first class, however, as you progress, please feel free to move forward, don't be scared. The front row can be an invaluable visual guide for new people practising behind. You don't have to be perfect, (who is?!) but we simply ask you know the postures, before you make the move.   
  • Try to practise in different places around the room - mixing it up is fun! Come to class without preconceived ideas about where you'll be in the room or about what the class will deliver. Let life surprise you!
  • If you need to take a break during class, kneel down or sit down and join back in when you are ready. Stay in the room, that way you are still getting the benefits of class and building your stamina for your future classes.
  • Be still between postures. Learn not to fiddle with your mat/clothes/hair in class, conserve your energies between postures. Focus on regulating your breathing in and out through your nose, calm and slow. Breathing is the key to your class.  Master this and you will fly, quite literally ;)
  • Listen to your teacher. Everything you need to know is in their words. Every class you will hear something different because, as your practice deepens and your body opens, you will find yourself building deeper connections between the words and your body.
  • Breathe (we've touched on this already but, it really is quite important this breathing malarkey! So, worth a second note). Never hold your breath in postures.  Breathe in and out through the nose for the entire class. 
  • Make sure you come to class clean and fresh, in comfortable, appropriate clothing. Feel free to shower before class.
  • Respect each other. If you need to blow your nose during class, please keep the tissue you use ON your towel.
  • Don't worry about what anyone else in the room is doing - focus on yourself and your breath for 90 minutes. When in life do we ever get 90 whole minutes to focus on just ourselves?
  • Let go of judgement: of yourself, of others - every class will feel different. It should - you are evolving all the time!
  • Be mindful of your fellow yogis. As a wise yogi once said 'Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always.'
  • Always try your 100% best. Whether you are doing 1% of the posture or 99%,  if you are following the correct alignment and giving it your all, you are getting 100% of the benefits. This is not to say push into anything that is painful or past your capabilities. Be honest with yourself and always listen to your body. We spend so much time listening to our minds, in class, listen to your body, it is speaking to you in so many ways.
  • Come to class ready to accept whatever happens, with commitment, focus and patience.
  • Move together and with the words - group energy in yoga is a powerful thing. Once you know the postures, if you move out of time, it means you are letting your mind get in the way. You aren't present. You are cutting yourself off from the benefits and asking your fellow yogis/inis to work harder to maintain their focus.
  • Everybody is different and every journey is different - enjoy yours every class.

It's Christmastime... well almost!
'Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. And today? Today is a gift. That's why we call it the present.' - Babatunde Olatunji

The gift of health, fitness, flexibility, peace of mind, strength... sounds wonderful, right? Well, give someone a BYC class and this is what you will be giving them! 

These goodies will be available from early November...

One Class Card �12 The Perfect stocking filler.

Buy someone you love, like, or - if you're feeling the Christmas spirit - a complete stranger, a class at BYC for the bargain price of �12, that's a whole �3 saving! As these are Christmas Vouchers, they are not redeemable until 27/12/14 and will be valid to use for 6 months from that date. Available to buy in studio only.

Christmas Bundle �80 - The Perfect Gift for a BYC beginner or experienced Yogi/ini in your life.
5 Bikram Yoga classes. 
1 Embroidered BYC Grip Mat Towel. 
1 Beautiful BYC Canvas Bag. 
All for just �80.... 
That's a total saving of �31... BARGAIN! 
We won't tell them if you don't! Available in studio only. While stocks last.

Online Gift Card - gift any monetary amount you like, from �1-�1000 and anywhere in between. 

Our online gift cards come in many different designs and can be personalised with a message. They are for any monetary amount you wish and are redeemable at BYC against classes and products. Available online only. CLICK HERE TO BUY 

Gifts for the yogi /ini in your life:

As well as yoga, we have some lovely products in studio, perfect for the yogi/ini in your life (be that you or someone else!). 

Embroidered BYC Grip Mat Towels, in an array of wonderful colours, from the bright azure to the beautiful midnight blue, with hot pink, purple, red, orange and many others to choose from - �24 each. 

Beautiful BYC student inspired Canvas bag - �12

Jason's Shower Gel - yes, that lovely stuff you use every time you shower at BYC will be on sale here for a limited time only. Gentle and invigorating body washes that helps leave skin soft, nourished and refreshed. Free from lanolin, mineral oils, parabens, phthalates, petrolatum, sodium lauryl/laureth sulphate, artificial colours and animal by-products.  

BYC Housekeeping
Well, actually, this month it's head and neck keeping (safe). 

Dear BYC Students, 

It has come to our attention that some students have been practising headstands either before or after their Bikram Yoga class at BYC.

We do not teach headstands here at BYC, they are not part of the Beginners Bikram Yoga series and, therefore, we ask that you do not practise them in this studio.

Headstands have many wonderful benefits, when done correctly, however, if done incorrectly, they can result in serious injury, not only to yourself, but to others too, if you fall out.

Thank you for abiding by BYC's policy on this.


Helen Currie
BYC Owner & Senior Teacher 
(we're not calling her old, she's our most experienced teacher!).

Just a little sweaty side-note:

Welcome home 
& Congratulations!

To our soon-to-be qualified teacher, Simran.

While Simran still has a few more weeks of teacher training to go, we are already looking forward to his home-coming.

Keep your eyes on our schedule for Simran's first class, it will be either the end of November or the beginning of December 2014.

We look forward to seeing you in class soon.
and the entire Team at BYC

Ladies, you may have noticed some beautiful new art work in our 
changing rooms.

These beautiful paintings are by our very own Antonella Raimondo.

For more information or to purchase one of these stunning prints, contact Antonella: Facebook.com/artistantonella or email her rantonella@hotmail.com

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A Dream Within A Dream
by Edgar Allan Poe

Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow--
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.

I stand amid the roar
Of a surf-tormented shore,
And I hold within my hand
Grains of the golden sand--
How few! yet how they creep
Through my fingers to the deep,
While I weep--while I weep!
O God! can I not grasp
Them with a tighter clasp?
O God! can I not save
One from the pitiless wave?
Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?

Bikram Yoga Chiswick                  bikramyogachiswick@me.com                     020 8995 9955