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With �50 OFF Yearly Unlimited how can you not!

As the first leaves of Autumn 'fall back, 
way back, go back', its time to get your back back to BYC!

This September we offering you a 
whole year of unlimited yoga
 for just �900
Thats �50 OFF! 

If you average 2 classes a week, over a year that's 

ONLY �8.65/class!

If you are averaging 3 classes a week, then it's 

ONLY �5.76/class!




The (not so) small print:

Ts & Cs apply. 

Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers, discounts or concessions.

One purchase per student.

�50 OFF Yearly Unlimited available online and 
at the studio until 30th September 2014.
 Well, who are we to disagree with Aristotle!?
So in order to help you all achieve your health, wealth & wisdom, 
we are bringing back our Early Bird Special.  

Pay for a Drop In - �15
(�12 Concession Rate*)
and receive a second class FREE 
to be used at another 
6.30am class, within 10 days.
1 - Come to a 6.30am and buy a Drop In class.
2 - Get a FREE Drop In class - valid at 6.30am classes Monday to Friday.
3 - Use this FREE Drop In class within 10 days of your first class.
4 - NOTE: there are no 6.30am classes on Saturday or Sunday.

Need more inspiration to make it out of bed and into the studio for 6.30am...? Just think of that wonderful post class feeling and energy that are going to carry you through the day. As well as the satisfaction of knowing you've done your yoga for the day, by 8am! Set your alarms and we'll see you there.



The (not so) small print:

Ts & Cs apply.

Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers or discounts. 

*Concession rates only available at the studio with valid ID.

Offer available until 30th September 2014.

 Only available at 6.30am classes Monday to Friday.  

FREE class only available with Drop In class purchases.
FREE class must be used within 10 days of your 1st class. 

Time is of the essence.

Why 90 minutes? 


With the rise of technology to 'assist' us with our every move, we can do more and we fit more into ever minute.  We live in a 'go' society, a hectic fast-paced world, where we are trying to fit more & more then ever before into our day.   So why take a whole 90 minutes out, just for you, your mind & body?  Rhetorical question - but that would make for quite a short article, so read on for a few more reasons...!

Tony Schwartz wrote in an article for the Huffington Post " To operate at our best, we need to renew our energy at 90-minute intervals -- not just physically, but also mentally and emotionally. When we build this rhythm into our lives, it changes everything." 

Bikram Yoga has been practiced as a 90 minute series of 26 postures + 2 breathing exercises, for over 40 years. In this time, it has accumulated millions of dedicated practitioners around the world, due to the many physical and mental benefits they have experienced. 


90 minutes is the optimum length of time for the class to be practised in its most effective way, allowing:


- an oxygenating breathing at the beginning of class and a detoxing breathing at the end;


- the optimum duration of each posture;


- second sets, which give you the opportunity to deepen your practise and see improvements instantly;


- a complete warm-up, slightly longer than the deeper structural work;


- a long Savasana after an intense Standing Series;


- a 20 second Savasana after every posture in the Floor Series, which is the minimum amount of time for your blood to circulate fully through your system ;


a bit of extra time for Helen to forget what posture she's teaching, for Andy to drop in a Beyonce/Kylie reference or for Fed to crack a joke and wait for his students to get it. Or not. 


Rest/Savasnana between each posture is an integral part of the Bikram Yoga series.  This is where the magic happens:  Dead Body Pose facilitates powerful blood flow, then lets circulation return to normal, creating internal cleansing and greatly magnifying the benefits of the postures that precede it.  We, also, begin to learn relaxation.

SweatpicThis particular 90-minute series of 26 postures + 2 breathing exercises, has been proved to systematically work every part of the body, to give all the internal organs, all the veins, all the ligaments, and all the muscles everything they need to maintain optimum health and maximum function.  Each component takes care of something different in the body, and yet they all work together synergistically, contributing to the success of every other one, and extending its benefits.

This is why it is so important to give yourself 90 minutes. For you, your body and mind.  Not to steal a famous tag line, but... you are worth it! 


Have you experienced the benefits of Bikram Yoga first-hand? We would love to hear from you, so, if you would like to share your Bikram Yoga journey with us, please email us at bikramyogachiswick@me.com

A few BYC bits and pieces. 

Accounts: Everyone who comes to BYC is welcome to start an account with us.  You do this by putting an amount of money onto your account and then buying products/classes with this pot of money. On the odd occasion accounts go into the minus, if they fall to -�5 we will freeze the account until the balance has been paid. Therefore, in these circumstances, you will not be 
able to buy anything using your account. 

Mobiles: Please respect that BYC is a mobile free space. Think of BYC as your oasis away from it all. Please be mindful of your fellow yogis: if you are on your phone, you'll automatically remind them of theirs and possibly of the many other things on their daily schedule, not only ruining your own oasis but someone else's as well... So turn that phone off, pop it in a locker and free your mind!

Leaving Class: Please come with the mind-set to practise the full class and not to leave the room, until your teacher has ended class with 'Namaste'. No matter how quiet you are, or how close to the doors you have placed yourself, leaving early disturbs your own practice and your fellow yogis/ini's too. In exceptional circumstances, if you do need to leave, please always do so via reception, so that our staff are aware of it, no matter what the reason for leaving. 

Personal hygiene: it's a very important and sensitive topic. Come to your practice the way you want to leave it - fresh and clean!


Appropriate yoga clothing: We know it is hot in there and 'less is more'. However, please make sure your 'less' covers 'all your more'.  The list of big 'no-nos' includes leggings that are made of thin material and shorts that don't cover you from every angle.  White and water - even of the sweat variety - don't mix well. If in doubt, check it out:  


Glass: Please do not bring glass into the building.  Accidents do and will happen, no matter how careful we all are.

Buddha: As you all know, our reception Buddha is more than happy to loan you a �1 or a locker token for the lockers, if you have forgotten yours. However, at present, very few are being returned. Buddha is actually losing money - this can't be right... So, please return what you have borrowed, as, without you doing this, the system simply won't work. 

Sshhhh: Please be respectful of your fellow yogis/inis' Savasana for 15 minutes before and after class, by being silent in the studio. 

TTT - With love & luck
Teacher Teaching Time

It's that time of year again: Bikram Yoga Fall Teacher Training is about to kick off! We want to send our wonderful BYCer Simran off on his journey with lots of BYC love & support! Keep an eye out on the schedule for his first class in November!

Come rain or shine, you will find summer all year round at BYC. 
We look forward to seeing you in class soon!
and the entire Team at BYC

"If you are not too long I will wait here for you for all of my life. "

Continuing throughout the month of      September buy 2 beautiful 
Primrose Place cards and get 
one FREE! Cards are �2.50 each (so that's 3 cards for ONLY �5) and 50p from each card sold goes to BYC's Autumn charity.

"Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower." 

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Bikram Yoga Chiswick                  bikramyogachiswick@me.com                     020 8995 9955