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2 Drop In classes for the price of 1! 
August Newsletter 2014

In the words of Sandy & Danny, who were obviously singing about BYC..

Summer BYC lovin', had me a blast
Summer BYC lovin', happened so fast
Met a yoga posture bendy for me
Met a yoga posture stretchy as can be
Yoga days drifting away
To, uh oh, those summer nights  
We know there is a lot on your Summer agenda: holidays, festivals, beaches, the kids are off school, so, to keep your yoga love affair alive and supporting you through all the summer fun madness, we are offering you 
2 classes for the price of 1!

Pay for a Full Price Drop In - �15
and receive a second class FREE 
to be used at another
6.30am, 10am, 12pm or 3pm class, weekdays ONLY, 
within 10 days.
1 - Come to a 6.30am, 10am, 12pm or 3pm and buy a Drop In class.
2 - Get a free Drop In class - valid for use at 6.30am, 10am, 12pm or 3pm classes Monday to Friday.
3 - Use this FREE Drop In class within 10 days of your first class.
4 - NOTE: this offer is not valid for 6.15/8.15 classes weekdays or at any of the  classes on Saturday or Sunday.




The (not so) small print:

Ts & Cs apply.

Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other discounts/concession rates.

Offer available until 31st August 2014.

 Only available at 6.30am, 10am, 12pm & 3pm classes Monday to Friday.  

FREE class only available with Full Price Drop In class purchases.
FREE class must be used within 10 days of your 1st class. 

If you wish to take up this offer in conjunction with your current class card, please inform the reception staff every time you come to practise which package you are using for that particular class, to avoid confusion.

Meet BYC!
Get to know your BYC teachers and team a little better! 

This month we are welcoming back for ONE DAY ONLY a much loved BYC
teacher, Megan, who left us for the sunnier shores of Australia in 2011.

In 2002, after performing a season of the ballet Swan Lake at the Royal Albert Hall 

in London, Megan discovered her first Bikram Yoga class.

She found it helped keep her supple, realign her body and find her focus in a way that was noticeably beneficial for her body, life and career.

In September 2008 Megan applied for - and won - a scholarship to the Bikram Yoga Teacher training in Acapulco. 

Megan's brother, Nathan, is also a Bikram Yoga Teacher. He owns a Bikram studio in Sydney and is the 2008 Australian Men's Yoga Asana Champion. He also stole Megan from us in 2011! ;)

Megan will be teaching at BYC on 
Thursday 21st August at 12pm and 6.15pm - She'd love to see you there!

How did you discover Bikram Yoga and how long have you been teaching for?
Two handsome gentlemen took me to my first Bikram Class - they fell in love with Helen! We all ended up going to class every day in our first week. When Helen opened the studio in Chiswick, which was closer to my home, I continued to practise and eventually worked there. I have now been teaching for almost 6 years.

What's your favourite / least favourite Bikram Yoga posture?
My favourite is Savasana and the benefits of being still. My least favourite is Savasana and the challenge of remaining still!

Describe yourself in 3 words?  
Inventive, Healthy, Diligent. 

Most embarrassing moment while teaching?
Not so much embarrassing for me but very funny! After I explained to a new student that the Bikram Yoga room is heated to approximately 40degrees, she asked me if she would get sunburnt in the room? I had to reassure her that wouldn't happen, whilst maintaining a straight face!

What did you do before you became a Bikram Yoga teacher?
 I stood up on my toes maximum as a ballerina. 

What would your Bikram Yoga top-tips be for beginners and regular practitioners?
My top-tip is to BE PRESENT and listen to your body. 

 photographer Keiko Ellis

August Bank Holiday Timetable
August 2014 Bank Holiday
You can always bank on your yoga.

Saturday 23rd of August:
9am, 11am, & 3pm

Sunday 24th August:
9am, 11am, & 3pm

Monday 25th August:
10am, 12pm & 3pm

Bikram Yoga and Stress
Bend, Stretch & Destress

Summer time, a time for relaxing on the beach with a cocktail in hand.  Well, this is often the dream, but the realties of life don't always match the Caribbean Island image! And, even if this dream becomes a wonderful reality, it often only lasts a week or two if we are lucky!

The little things in life can really add up: the kids are off school, work deadlines are looming, the tube is packed, the air con is busted, the traffic is at a standstill and, before we know it, we are STRESSED! 

So, where can you release, let go and reboot?
You wouldn't often associate sweating for 90 minutes in a room heated to 40C with relaxation, but we are here to tell you Bikram Yoga is a wonderful stress buster!  

Why? Well we're glad you asked...

Moving Meditation:
Bikram Yoga is often referred to as a moving mediation. The concentration demanded by the challenging environment and postures push us into the present moment. Being in the present moment allows us a hiatus from the constant buzz of the thoughts in our mind, helping us find focus and calm. Instead of thinking of the past or anticipating the future, we live moment to moment and allow ourselves the space to flourish. A lot of the day-to-day stress we carry is accumulated and no longer relevant to what is happening in the here and now. During class we are learning how to let that go, so that, after class, we feel rejuvenated and balanced.

An effective way into a meditation practice is through focusing on the breath. It is a primary tool to help us cope in stressful situations. During most of the class, we breathe in and out through the nose. This helps us develop a slow, steady flow of breath. Even as we raise our heart-rate, this flow continues, so we develop better lung capacity and a continuous sense of calm, underlying all the hard work! 

We practise two breathing exercises, in Bikram Yoga: 
Pranayama to start the class and Kapalbhati to finish class.

Pranayama breathing: 'Deep breathing encourages full oxygen exchange - that is, the beneficial trade of incoming oxygen for outgoing carbon dioxide. Not surprisingly, it can slow the heartbeat and lower or stabilise blood pressure.' - The Harvard Medical School. 

The final breathing, Kapalbhati, is designed to expel all the waste products in our lungs, whilst massaging the internal organs, strengthening abdominal muscles and aiding the digestive system.

Bikram Yoga is the perfect balance of action and rest. The sequence of movements
constrict and release each area, to move oxygenated blood around your body. We often hold stress in our muscles, so the stretches help release muscle tension. Every part of your body is worked during the 90 minutes of class, so, wherever you hold your tension, it will be reached!

Stress.org mention that regular exercise like Bikram Yoga, not only 'keeps the heart healthy and gets oxygen into the system, but it helps deplete stress hormones and releases mood-enhancing chemicals, endorphins, which help us cope with stress better.' 

'These are often referred to as the happy hormones. Any form of physical activity leads to the release of these feel good neurotransmitters. The increase in endorphins in your body leads to a feeling of euphoria, modulation of appetite, and an enhancement of immune response. This helps combat the negative effects of stress.

Whether you are building muscle or stamina (both in Bikram Yoga), all types of exercise relax tense muscles and tissue.' (Stress.org)

Toxin Release:
Whilst you sweat and increase your circulation during class, your lymphatic system and blood stream will be flushed of toxins. 


In the words of our very own NHS: 'Step right up! It's the miracle cure we've all been waiting for. It can reduce your risk of major illnesses, such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and cancer, by up to 50%. It can lower your risk of early death by up to 30%. Its name? Exercise.'

People who do regular activity have a lower risk of many chronic diseases, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke and some cancers. Research shows that physical activity can also boost self-esteem, mood, sleep quality and energy, as well as reducing your risk of stress, depression, dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

'If exercise were a pill, it would be one of the most cost-effective drugs ever invented.' says Dr Nick Cavill, a health promotion consultant.

We may not be able to give you a weeks holiday in Mauritius, but we can give you 90 minutes of life-enhancing yoga to assist you to build the tools, so that everyday is as stress free as a holiday! 
Have you experienced the benefits of Bikram Yoga first-hand? We would love to hear from you, so, if you would like to share your Bikram Yoga journey with us, please email us at bikramyogachiswick@me.com

Whatever the weather, you will find summer all year round at BYC. 
We look forward to seeing you in class soon.
and the entire Team at BYC

Caring Community 
Acton Homeless Concern
Acton Homeless Concern are taking donations of Mens, Womens & Childrens clothing, shoes, bedding, towels.  
If you have anything to donate, you can drop it off Mon-Fri 8.30am-3.30pm at:
1 Berrymead Gardens
W3 8AA
CLICK HERE for more information on Acton Homeless Concern and what they are doing in our community. 


 Yoga teaches us to cure what need not be endured and endure what cannot be cured.

B.K.S. Iyengar 


CLICK HERE to read one womans inspirational Bikram Yoga journey.


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Bikram Yoga Chiswick                  bikramyogachiswick@me.com                     020 8995 9955