June 2013 Top Logo
12 Classes for the price of 10 

July - sunshine, beaches, sandcastles, dancing in the rain, summer holidays, festivals, ice cream, tennis, picnics, strawberries.... and, of course, the glue that holds all this summer joy together - your yoga!  

To help maximise your summertime, we are offering 2 FREE classes 
with every 10 class card bought.... 
12 Classes for the price of 10! 
The maths: 

12 classes for the price of 10 (45 day expiry) - �110 =�9.17/class

12 classes for the price of 10 (6 month expiry) - �120 =�10/class  


12 classes for the price of 10 (45 day expiry) Concession Rate - �99 =�8.25/class

12 classes for the price of 10 (6 month expiry) Concession Rate - �108 =�9/class


To buy online, please click HERE.


The (not so) small print:

Ts & Cs apply.

Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers or discounts. 

Concession rates only available at the studio with valid ID.

Offer available until 31st July 2014.

  Limited to 1 purchase per student.

The Early BYCer Catches a FREE Class!
"Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise." 
~Benjamin Franklin 
Pay for a Drop In - �15
(�12 Concession Rate*)
and receive a second class FREE 
to be used at another
6.30am class, within 10 days.
1 - Come to a 6.30am and buy a Drop In class.
2 - Get a free Drop In class - valid at 6.30am classes Monday to Friday.
3 - Use this FREE Drop In class within 10 days of your first class.
4 - NOTE: there are no 6.30am classes on Saturday or Sunday.




The (not so) small print:

Ts & Cs apply.

Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers or discounts. 

*Concession rates only available at the studio with valid ID.

Offer available until 31st July 2014.

 Only available at 6.30am classes Monday to Friday.  

FREE class only available with Drop In class purchases.
FREE class must be used within 10 days of your 1st class. 

Meet BYC!
Get to know your BYC teachers and team a little better! 

This month we welcome Katie back from Bikram Yoga Teacher Training & introduce you to BYC's newest receptionist Sam.
Katie: Katie S

What's your favourite/ least favourite Bikram Yoga posture? 

My fave is currently Camel as I can see further back than ever and I love the 'camel ride'!! My least is Head to Knee with Stretching - my legs and hips feel really challenging to manoeuvre in this posture. 
It is my nemesis!! 


How did you discover Bikram Yoga?  
My boyfriend (who is about to become my husband!) decided he wanted to go travelling alone and so I made a list of all the things I would do whilst he was gone - Bikram Yoga was one of them! I had tried other types of yoga before but never really got very much out of it. Bikram is a different matter entirely!!! It has changed my life!


How would others describe you in 3 words?  
Ross (husband to be) would describe me as a little flower
Others I think would say a dippy, cute, sunshine!
What's your favourite food? 
Marmite bagels!!! Or venison burgers YUMMY.


Best Bikram moment to date - personal or professional?  

Teaching my first class at my beloved BYC. My sis, fianc�, Rach, Kat, Fed and Andy were there and they all clapped and cheered at the end. That was an amazing moment for me, because it was an absolute dream come true.


Sam: Sam

As a child what did you want to be when you grew up? 

Profession wise it was always an actor, but specifically I wanted to be the Michael Keaton Batman from the Tim Burton movie.


Whats your favourite/ least favourite Bikram Yoga posture? 

Not sure if it counts as a posture, but Pranayama Breathing is my most challenging part of the series EVERY TIME. Favourite is probably Standing Bow (because I always feel progress and because I always pretend I'm Christopher Reeve Superman - especially when I'm wearing blue shorts!).


How did you discover Bikram Yoga? 

I was doing a lot of dance training for a movie and got to a point where I was getting loads of aches, pains and tension - especially in my neck/upper back. One of the other dancers swore by Bikram Yoga and said that I should seek out a 30 day offer and do as many sessions as possible - 'that will absolutely sort you out mate' he said. I knew within a week this was something I was going to make a permanent part of my life. Never felt more alive!


How would others describe you in 3 words? 

Positive, Stubborn, Workaholic.


Favourite Food? 




Bikram Yoga & Tennis.Andy Murray


Bikram yoga is used by many professional athletes as a key part of their training. 

Due to the stamina, stretching, healing components and the mental strength it teaches. These are amount the many reasons they give as to why the yoga compliments, sustains and often enhances their performance.


One such athlete is our very own Andy Murray. In an article she wrote for The Independent last year, Susie Mesure writes that Andy Murray 'has credited his decision to practise yoga in temperatures of 40C for much of his improved performance. He believes the sweaty workout has transformed him both physically and mentally, helping him to compete at the very highest levels.'  


She goes on to quote Olga Allon, the studio director at Hot Bikram Yoga, who introduced Murray to the yoga. Olga is quoted as saying Bikram Yoga has been 'pivotal' for the champion. 'It was a turning point in the way he trained. It helped improve his flexibility and helped to balance his body, which is very important for a tennis player.'

Sports therapist Michael Cole, of Starinjuries, says: 'I imagine Andy Murray uses it (Bikram Yoga) as much to help him recover as anything else. Stretching can help to clear waste products from muscles. Heat also adds a psychological element. If, as an �lite athlete, it makes you feel better psychologically, then that's no bad thing.'
In an article for the 'The Iron You' talking about Bikram Yoga & Andy Murray: 'Tennis players can suffer repetitive strain injuries to the wrist, elbows and knees. On top of that they tend to have imbalanced bodies with a dominant (and much more developed) left side or right side. That's where Bikram yoga helps by stretching and strengthening the muscles, and thus reducing the chance of injuries. But that's not it, Bikram yoga also helps control the breath, improve focus and calm the mind.'


Another top tennis Bikram yoga devotee is Serena Williams. Serena told Star Magazine:

"I love Bikram yoga. I recommend everyone try it."    


The Lawn Tennis Association has been so impressed by the effects of Bikram yoga that many up-and-coming players are now regularly attending classes too. LTA osteopath Sophie Scott told the BBC: 'Bikram yoga has been extremely beneficial to our players. It provides a warm environment to engage in a routine of exercises that help flexibility, mobility, control and coordination - all key elements for a tennis player.' 

We know he's not a tennis player, but among the many professional athletes, David Beckham has been reported to be a big Bikram yoga fan. So, we thought, we should just put this out there, David, next time you're in London, we think you should come practice with us at BYC! 

Bikram Yoga and Me.
by Garry Webster

I have always been a very active person. I started weight training when I was 22. At that time in my life I loved it, but looking back I'm pretty sure it didn't do my joints many favours.
Seven years ago I discovered my true love, climbing! However, I found that my body builders physique actually hindered my climbing, and still does to this day - enter Bikram Yoga.

To help bridge the gap between my body building and my climbing, I thought yoga might help. Little did I know how much more Bikram yoga would bring into my life! I was hooked!

When I first started Bikram yoga, I took full advantage of the introductory offer (�40 for 30 consecutive days) and was trying to make class 4 or 5 times a week. I've tried many things in my life but nothing compares to the feeling after a Bikram class: the relaxation and happiness each class brings (after the suffering), have kept me coming back through the doors, for the last 7 years.

Around 4 years into climbing, my elbows started to give up on me and I developed climbers/ tennis elbow. For those of you who have never suffered with this, all I can say is, it hurts! It makes even small day-to-day chores very painful.

I spoke to the teachers at BYC and they recommended that Locust Pose might help. So, for 2 minutes everyday, I lay on my elbows in Locust. To begin with, I took the posture back to basics, putting my arms underneath my body and just laying on them. Once the healing had started, I began to bring my legs up again. Within 6 weeks, my elbows had started to recover and, within the year, were fully recovered. At the first sign of pain, I now know what to do: Locust all the way!

Not only has Bikram yoga healed this and endless other injuries, it has provided me with a sense of well-being and new direction in life. Just get in the room! I promise you won't regret it. And, if there is one thing I could say to all of you new Bikram yogis/inis, it would be: make the most of your introductory offer, come as much as you can, and the rewards will be endless.

Helen (BYC Owner & Senior Teacher) says:

For cases like Garry, we encouraged him to continue with Locust pose, bringing his arms in and underneath his body, but not lifting his legs. To begin with it, this can be somewhat uncomfortable. That's because the stretching and strengthening that happens during this posture, is what eventually can correct this kind of problem. You have the weight of your body and the correct position of the joints and muscles, which aid the stretching, with the added support of the floor. When you bring the legs back into the posture, you are strengthening your whole upper back, shoulders & arms (as well as your legs & buttocks). As an added bonus, the compression happening to the joints of your arms, temporarily restricts the blood flow to them, acting almost like a dam. Then, in Savasana, with the release, the blood flushes with more impetus through wrists and elbows, helping get rid of scar tissue or other injuries.

We would love to hear from you, so if you would like to share your Bikram yoga journey with us please email us at bikramyogachiswick@me.com

Mell0 - Taster day
Saturday July 26th.

You may have noticed the little bottle of red residing in our BYC fridge! This little red bottle of yumminess is, in fact, watermelon juice called Mello:

'This crisp and refreshing watermelon juice is bursting with powerful antioxidants that not only naturally rehydrate but give you improved blood flow after a workout.


Fantastic for promoting healthy skin, eyes and hair, these powerful antioxidants also work to support a healthy immune system and provide a much needed energy boost to combat tiredness and fatigue.


They are a great source of Potassium that is known to contribute to the maintenance of normal blood pressure and muscle function. This essential nutrient is lost through activity and perspiration so, it's a great way to replenish the body after a work-out.

Naturally alkaline, low calorie & zero fat'

For those of you not yet totally convinced, the lovely people at Mello are coming in to give you guys a little taster on Saturday July 26th.


In the (almost) words of  DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince 
Summer, summer, summertime
Time to BYC and unwind 
We look forward to seeing you in class soon.
and the entire Team at BYC

Anamaya Therapies centre is offering you, our amazing BYCers, a 60min remedial massage (normally �80) with Lindsey Warwick for ONLY �50. 
Available 31st August 2014. 



Answer July
Where is the Bee
Where is the Blush
Where is the Hay?

Ah, said July
Where is the Seed
Where is the Bud
Where is the May
Answer Thee - Me

Nay - said the May
Show me the Snow
Show me the Bells
Show me the Jay!

Quibbled the Jay
Where be the Maize
Where be the Haze
Where be the Bur?
Here - said the Year

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Bikram Yoga Chiswick                  bikramyogachiswick@me.com                     020 8995 9955