June 2013 Top Logo
Jump for Junho 
(June in Portuguese)
3 Months Unlimited Yoga for JUST �300
Spud/Chick as England

Like it or not, this June is going to be all about FOOTBALL.

Whether you want to hide from the football,  
zen yourself out from all the football stress,  
or keep your body in perfect football-ready-shape in case 'the call' comes... 
BYC is the place to be!

3 months of UNLIMITED yoga for just �300. 

And here's the maths...


3 x One Month Unlimited = �420: Total saving �120.  
3 Month Autopay �130/month = �390: Total saving �90 



The (not so) small print:

Ts & Cs apply.  

One purchase per student. 

Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers, discounts or concessions.

Offer available online and at the studio until 30th June 2014.
As with all our cards, you need to activate it within the time duration of the card. 
So, if you currently have a class card, you can still take part in this fabulous offer,
you just need to attend your first class within 3 months of the purchase date!
Due to popular demand....

We have extended BYC's Early Bird Offer for yet another month!  
The early Spud catches the worm.... 
(if you don't know what a Spud is,
he lives atop the BYC fridge, 
with his partner in yoga: Chick)
Pay for a Drop In - �15
(�12 Concession Rate*)
and receive a second class FREE 
to be used at another
6.30am class, within 10 days.
1 - Come to a 6.30am and buy a Drop In class.
2 - Get a free Drop In class - valid at 6.30am classes Monday to Friday.
3 - Use this FREE Drop In class within 10 days of your first class.
4 - NOTE: there are no 6.30am classes on Saturday or Sunday.




The (not so) small print:

Ts & Cs apply.

Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers or discounts. 

*Concession rates only available at the studio with valid ID.

Offer available until 3oth June 2014.

 Only available at 6.30am classes Monday to Friday.  

FREE class only available with Drop In class purchases.
FREE class must be used within 10 days of your 1st class. 

What NOT to wear - BYC style!
We thought we would try to help you find your perfect yoga ensemble with a few simple what-not-to-wears... 

You may have had the experience of a wardrobe malfunction, half way through your yoga class. It can be an embarrasing distraction from your practice. We are here to offer some practical advise.    


No white please.... white and sweat do not mix well: the sweat of a Bikram class causes most white clothing to go see-through!

Loose fitting shorts. There is a fashion for short loosely fitted shorts for ladies.  Unfortunately, during certain postures, these little shorts are not as flexible as you are and be revealing. Need we say more!?


Men, loose fitting shorts is more a norm in the mens yoga clothing department, but please do make sure your shorts have an adequate inner lining to prevent cargo shifting during takeoff and landing!


Underwear - underwear is never suitable as yoga wear (we mean as 'OUTER-wear'...): ladies pants, mens boxers, non sports bras, none of these are appropriate Bikram yoga attire.

There is a new breed of sports wear around, currently, that claim to help you burn calories as you exercise. These work by trapping the heat you generate next to the skin, causing you to heat up quicker or, in their terms: 'ThermoFit Technology is a multi-layer fabric technology harnessing the body's natural heat during exercise to help you burn more calories.' Your body has to be able to breathe to regulate your temperature, during class. Allow your body to work effectively for you; by wearing these garments you run the risk of over-heating - and not in a good way! In the manufactures own words: 'these are NOT appropriate for Bikram or hot yoga'.

After a while, no matter how well we wash them, our yoga clothes simply do not smell fresh anymore. Be mindful of your fellow yogis/yoginis' olfactory sense and, even though these may be your favourites, do not wear them to class.

And remember: you are always welcome to have a quick shower BEFORE class, if you want to freshen up for your practice. 


From Fed's mind to your eyes.


Asana = 'Posture holding still, breathing always normal.'

Meet BYC!
Get to know your BYC teachers and team a little better! 

This month meet a wonderful teaching trio.


As a child what did you want to be when you grew up?

I always loved aeroplanes and flying and, as a child, I was fascinated by these glamorous flight attendants!


How did you discover Bikram Yoga? 

Well, to cut a long story short, I met my future husband on a Hatha Yoga Retreat on Cornwall in 2005. I met Armond there and he introduced me to Bikram Yoga, he is a Bikram Yoga Instructor too. I remember looking for the first time through the window at BYC into the studio, seeing all the students sweating and doing the postures, my thought was, I can never do something like that in a hot room. Well, my body and my mind proved me wrong! I now could not imagine my life without Bikram Yoga.


Super Power - What would you choose?

The ability to make a toddler do what I am telling him to do.


Best Bikram moment to date -personal or professional? 

Well, I have many best Bikram moments. I should start with my Teacher Training. It was 9 weeks and probably the most challenging yet rewarding moment of my life. It was an incredible experience and truly an eye opener about your own abilities and strengths and weaknesses. I've had many special moments as a teacher; being there, serving and offering people my knowledge and experience of Yoga, listening to their concerns and their achievements, helping them as much as possible with their practice and last, but not least, how rewarding it is for me and how happy it makes me hearing a student say thank you and smile at me at the end of a class. That is all I could wish for.


What did you do before you became a Bikram teacher?

I worked for 8 years at Credit Suisse First Boston Investment Banking in Canary Wharf as an Operating Officer in the M&A Department. Oh and I did become a Flight Attendant back in 1996 I was flying around the world for Swissair. I loved the experience and saw many different countries and cultures! Although it wasn't quite as glamorous as I had imagined as a child!


Heidi: Heidi 
What's your favourite/ least favourite Bikram posture?
My favourites have always been the backbends. I just love the way they make me feel alive and energised.
My least favourite postures do change, at the moment, due to a niggling hamstring injury, I'm not really liking Padahastasana -  Hands to Feet pose. It stings!!
Describe yourself in 3 words?
Manic, determined, kind.


Super Power - What would you choose?
To make all the baddies on the planet good (can you tell I have two small boys??)


Most embarrassing moment while teaching?
When I was teaching standing forehead to knee in Ibiza - let's just say that on the island where it all hangs free, one man was letting it all hang free!!

Whats your favourite/ least favourite Bikram posture?

It does vary, but at the moment, my favourite is 2nd part Utkatasana - Awkward 

(Yes, I know, strange girl). 

Least favourite - Tuladandasana - Balancing stick. That will all change as things continue to shift.


How did you discover Bikram Yoga?

I'd been practicing yoga for a few years in crafty church halls and one day I stepped in to a Bikram studio. I do like heat, so that helped. It made absolute sense to practice yoga in that kind of humidity and warmth. I was hooked. That was seven years ago and I still love the series (maybe even more that I did back then).


What's your favourite food?

Curry, especially a good Dahl.


Super Power - What would you choose?

Teleportation, it would save so much time.


Most embarrassing moment while teaching?

I'm not saying because then I'd be even more embarrassed!


What's your perfect day?

Wake up naturally (no alarm) to a sunny, warm day. Breakfast followed by a walk on the north Norfolk coast with the dog. Down the coast for fresh crab and chips, better skip the Adnams ale, as I'm back to Chiswick to practice the late afternoon class. Then go for curry and home for a movie and, if its cooled down, a fire. 

Might need to use my Superpower that day.

Raw Bonbon - Energy Slice 
A little Slice of Matcha/ Raw Chocolate Heaven.

The culinary genius at Raw Bonbon have been busy cooking up something new and delicious to fuel you. 
Be it a before class energy boost, post class refuel, or simply - as we've been doing - having it for breakfast, with our (cheeky) cup of coffee. This Raw Chocolate & Matcha slice is the perfect snack & only �3.

                                        Try before you buy...
Raw Bonbon will be doing a taster of their 
yummy new product at BYC reception, on 
Saturday 7th of June from 10.30am-1pm.

In its raw state, chocolate has more than 300 nutritional compounds and is one of the richest sources of antioxidants of any food on the planet!

Raw chocolate contains many vital vitamins and minerals such as:  

  • Magnesium, and other essential minerals such as calcium, sulfur, zinc, iron, copper, potassium, and manganese.
  • Polyphenols, antioxidant rich flavonoids.
  • Vitamins: B1, B2, B3, B5, B9, C, E.
  • Essential heart-healthy fat: oleic acid a monounsaturated fat.
  • Protein.
  • Fibre.

The nutrients found in raw chocolate have been linked to a number of health benefits and has been known to:

1) Lower blood pressure & improved circulation.

Flavanols, theobromine, and other components found in cacao may lower blood pressure and enhance circulation by promoting dilation, strength, and health of blood vessels

2) Promotes cardiovascular function & health.

The antioxidant power of flavonoids and essential minerals and vitamins found in cacao can support healthy heart functioning by lowering blood pressure, improving blood flow, lowering LDL cholesterol, and reducing plaque buildup on artery walls.

3) Neutralizes free radicals.

High levels of antioxidants protect the body from a buildup of free radicals from sun exposure, pollution, etc., which may damage healthy body tissue. Our bodies need antioxidants to 'mop up' free radicals that can damage our cells. Scientists from Cornell University recently discovered that raw cacao powder contains nearly twice the antioxidants of red wine, and up to three times the antioxidants found in green tea.

4)Raw Chocolate can improve digestion

A sufficient amount of fibre delivered with each serving of cacao supports digestion while cacao stimulates the body's production of digestive enzymes.

5) Raw chocolate can enhance physical and mental well-being

There are many components of cacao including alkaloids, proteins, beta-carotene, leucine, linoleic, lipase, lysine, and theobromine, that all work together to improve physical and mental health. For example, theombromine helps to stimulate the central nervous system, relax smooth muscles, and dilate blood vessels, giving the body a boost of energy; "bliss" chemicals found in cacao help to increase circulation and availability of serotonin and other neurotransmitters in brain, improving mood and combating depression.


Amongst its many benefits, matcha...

  • Is packed with antioxidants including the powerful EGCg.
  • Boosts metabolism and burns calories.
  • Detoxifies effectively and naturally. RawBonbons
  • Calms and relaxes.
  • Enhances mood and aids in concentration.
  • Provides vitamin C, selenium, chromium, zinc and magnesium.
  • Fights against viruses and bacteria.
  • Is rich in fibre.
  • Lowers cholesterol and blood sugar.
  • Does not raise insulin levels

Ingredients: raw cacao butter*, raw cacao*, cashews*, dates*, maple syrup*, coconut butter*, raw tahini*, matcha*, vanilla*, cinnamon*, tamari*, cayenne pepper*, Himalayan salt.

Allergens: contains nuts and sesame seeds

ECO - Raw Bonbon uses ingredients produced to ecological standards and free from agro-chemicals 
1 pieces 47g 
212 kcal / 4.81 g protein / 13.78 g fat / 19.29 g carbs   


These wondrous ingredients are also found in Raw Bonbon Original tasty treats - �1.80 for a pack of two Bonbons, found in the BYC fridge.

After 11 years the time has come.... 
.... to increase the price of our towels and water.

'The time has come,' the BYC said,
'To talk of many things:
Of shoes--and ships--and sealing-wax--
Of cabbages--and kings--
And.....' Towels & Water!
For the 11 &  years BYC has been open, we have done our best to keep the price of our towels and water down. We have not increased the prices in all this time, however, we are no longer able to absorb the disparity between what it costs us and what it costs you. So, the time has come to increase the price of the following items: 
From TUESDAY 3rd of June:
Towel hire will now be �1.50 per towel.
Water will now be �0.60 per 500ml bottle.

The water we stock is Belu. The bottles are 
made from 50% of recycled material (rPET) and is therefore currently the bottle with the lowest carbon footprint on the UK market. The plastic is completely BPA free.


Belu are the exclusive bottled water partner of WaterAid, and have pledged all their profits over the next three years, with a minimum amount of �300,000, to help transform the lives of over 20,000 people. 

For more information on Belu - CLICK HERE
We are one of the only studios to still NOT charge for mat hire. 

Free Father's Day Class
Sunday 15th June 

This Father's Day, 
Sunday 15th June 2014, 
bring your Dad with you to class and he will practise for FREE!
If your father has never been to BYC before, please arrive 20mins before class to register him. 


Offer valid at all classes on Sunday 15th of June 2014, while spaces are available.


You need to practise with your father to claim his FREE class! T & C's apply.

Welcome Home
After 9 weeks Spring Bikram Yoga TT is over and we have a brand new teacher - Katie! 

Congratulations and welcome home to our brand new teacher, Katie!! Her 1st class will be 17th June at 12pm, come and support her 'with your smiling happy faces'!

Rain or shine we are always here. 
We look forward to seeing you in class soon.
and the entire Team at BYC

Primrose Place cards 
�2.50 each. 50p from each card sold goes to 
      BYC's current charity 
            Free the Slaves.


'Try to be a rainbow in 
someone's cloud' 
 Maya Angelou 

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Bikram Yoga Chiswick                  bikramyogachiswick@me.com                     020 8995 9955