Free.... What a wonderful word!
2 FREE classes with every 10 class card in March!
It's March.
The little buds of spring flowers are peeking out of the
cold ground, to soak in the first of the sunshine.
There is everything to hope and play for!
The year is just getting started.
So, keep hold of what you promised yourself for 2014!
More YOU time, glowing skin, leaner muscles, a peaceful mind and
an open heart. Now is the time to make it happen!
To help you get there, BYC are offering you
2 classes ABSOLUTELY FREE, with every 10 class card
purchased during March.
The maths:
12 classes for the price of 10 (45 day expiry) - �110 = �9.17/class
12 classes for the price of 10 (6 month expiry) - �120 = �10/Class
12 classes for the price of 10 (45 day expiry) Concession Rate - �99 = �8.25/class
12 classes for the price of 10 (6 month expiry) Concession Rate - �108 = �9/Class.
To buy online, please click
The (not so) small print:
Ts & Cs apply.
Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers or discounts.
Concession rates only available at the studio with valid ID.
Offer available until 31st March 2014.
Limited to 1 purchase per student.
Invite Mum to BYC to celebrate Mother's Day! Bring your mother to any class on Sunday 30th March and she practises for FREE!  This Mothering Sunday, 30th March 2014, bring your mum with you to class and she will practise for FREE!
If your mother has never been to BYC before, please arrive 20mins before class to register her.
Offer valid at all classes on Sunday 30th March 2014, while there are available spaces in class.
You need to practise with your mother to claim her FREE class! T & C's apply.

From Fed's mind to your eyes.
The heat in a Bikram class is like the movie 'The Wolf Of Wall Street': some of us hate it, some of us love it, but it's Jonah Hill who has the last laugh.
 Thank You! Valentine's Day Charity Class One of the best ways to celebrate a day about love, is to share our good fortunes. Last year, we tragically lost our much loved BYCer, Sophiya Haque. In her memory, we dedicated this Valentine's Day to her and collected money for a charity in the heart of our local community Action Acton, who tackle poverty by helping individuals improve their lives through Education,Training and Employment in West London. Thank you to everyone who wore something red to class and all of you who popped money in the tin. Together, we raised a wonderful - �337.54!We would also like to say a big thank you to Cocofina for donating their yummy coconut water to everyone who came to practise, that day. And to Raw Bonbon for sharing their amazing raw chocolate creations with us. For anyone who missed out, Cocofina & Raw Bonbons are both for sale in your BYC fridge.

Get to know your BYC teachers and team a little better!
What is your favourite/least favourite Bikram Yoga posture?
My favourite is definitely Standing Head to Knee - I love the precision of it and it is the posture that really sums up the series for me. I can remember desperately wanting to be able to lock my knee and still remember how thrilled I was, when I finally got my forehead on my knee. My least favourite posture is more difficult - for years Standing Separate Leg Stretching was my nemesis (I honestly believed that my forehead would never ever touch the floor, my excuse was that "my body is just not built that way"), but I actually really like this one now (and my forehead is on the floor!)... I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with Standing Bow - but I guess overall Rabbit is my least favourite - I don't even really know why. Something to work on, I guess...
How did you come to Bikram Yoga?
I fell off a horse and hurt my back. A friend recommended that I try Bikram Yoga. My response? "I don't do yoga; it's boring"! However, the idea of the heat intrigued me (I love feeling warm!) and I decided to give it a go. My first class was with Helen and I've never looked back. One class a week turned into two, which turned into three and then eventually five - maybe with a double thrown in. I've since thanked that friend who made the recommendation!
What is your favourite food?
A cheese board, served in the French way with fresh bread (instead of crackers), chutney and fresh figs. Preferably accompanied by a nice red wine.
Super Power - what would you choose?
Teleportation - the ability to get from one place to another in just a matter of seconds would be amazing. Imagine the efficiency!
What did you do before you became a Bikram Teacher?
I still do what I did before I became a teacher! I started my career working in public relations in small agencies, but then was lured to corporate communications for large organisations. I've worked at the BBC, TfL and am now at the NHS. I look after the image or brand of an organisation and make sure it is communicating effectively with its staff and stakeholders. I'm very lucky that my current employer allows me the flexibility to fit in teaching alongside my office job - but it means I have to be ultra organised, especially as I make sure that I practise regularly as well.
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Firstly I wanted to be a PE teacher...omg I loved sports, I used to panic when I couldn't get my sports kit on quick enough, I'd run down to the hockey pitch like it was life or death. I love netball - though when I became a yoga teacher I sort of lost my competitiveness. I was a sprinter, I still hold my secondary school record..12.7sec I think. Then I wanted to cure cancer. Who doesn't?
What's your favourite/ least favourite Bikram Posture?
Favourite: Ye GADs! I never though I'd say it, but right now it's Rabbit...WHAT!!!!! I am enjoying the deep lower back stretch. After all these years - about 8 - of practising I think I've never truly PULLED at my heels...I think I've always been holding tight but never pulling. How come? I don't know. Just goes to show these 26 postures are infinite in their possibilities.
Least favourite right now is floor bow. I have previously listed this as my favourite. Since I had my little boy - 2 years ago...I have found it hard not to 'overthink' this one. Knees too wide! Where did my toes go? I need longer! etc etc. I know I just need to continuously kick and it will come. I have also been working with a little niggle while backbending in my low back for about 18 months...I'm hoping now that my bow will improve as this pain has gone - it got worse, really intense - then it went. You might often hear this in the yoga...you have a niggling pain, could have been from an injury, something, years ago. You start practising Bikram and what happens? You feel something, hips, spine, knees, old scar tissue you are working into...trust the teacher. Keep practising mindfully, tell your teacher....maybe they will tell you..it will get worse then it will heal.
How did you come to Bikram Yoga?
I started practising in Chicago - a friend had heard of it, I hadn't. I remember my first teacher, Marianna such a lovely teacher. They were very dialogue driven there, she was...is! Very beautiful smiley person, I remember thinking I want to be like that. The studio owner, Mike liked my accent and kept giving me the intro offer - $39/month...thank heavens because I wasn't earning much. I always remember I went to my first class with Rachel, my friend and the second time she couldn't make it so I ventured there on my own. I got to the door and I was intimidated by the perky American women with their own yoga mats, I actually turned back and didn't go in. Obviously I managed to get over that. First step to gaining confidence with the yoga...though not in the obvious way.
Most embarrassing moment while Teaching?
I might have once mistaken a woman for a man. I can't quite remember. Or don't want to.
What did you do before you became a Bikram Teacher?
I was working as a medical editor...but I struggled with it. I didn't have enough patience and diligence to be a good editor. Oddly enough when I became a Bikram teacher I freelanced as an editor for a while and I was much better at it...able to sit quietly and concentrate for longer. I often find myself telling my students that if life is a
roller coaster (thanks Ronan Keating), with a regular, determined practice the emotional ups and downs smooth out...
Well done Laura!
Our Chiswick Champion!
Congratulations to our wonderful teacher, Laura, and everyone who took part in this year's
National UK Yoga Asana Championships!
Laura will now be representing the UK in the World Yoga Sports Championships in London, on the 31st of May 2014. For anyone who would like go and support her, the Championships are being held at:
Logan Hall, 20 Bedford Way, London, WC1H 0AL
 Last places available.. Hot Yoga Weekend 28th-30th March 2014 Spring into Spring with a weekend of HOT YOGA. A chance for you to escape the demands of everyday life to the beautiful and stylish Sparkford Hall in Somerset, set in 23 acres of parkland, orchards and gardens. Join BYC's founder-owner, Helen Currie, for a luxury weekend of yoga and relaxation. Participate in two daily yoga classes, taught by Helen Currie, one of the most experienced Bikram Yoga teachers in the UK. Personalised instruction and hands-on adjustment. Advice on how to deepen your practice and answers to your posture-related questions, to gain a greater understanding. The bedrooms have big, cosy beds, thick duvets, quality bed linen and luxurious bathrooms. For some extra pampering, massages are available; please add your request to your booking form. See website for more information and prices. For all enquires, please contact: dawne@hotyogaweekend.com Please note this weekend is not being organised by BYC. Please direct all questions and enquires to Dawne.
We wish you warm Spring sunshine and a flourishing yoga practice.
and the entire Team at BYC
Beautiful new cards to celebrate mums and all the other wonderful things in life, coming soon from Primrose Place.
50p from each purchase goes to charity. |
The only journey is
the one within.
Rainer Maria Rilke
Spring is nature's way of saying, 'Let's party!'
Robin Williams