For The Love of Yoga.
Three Months of Unlimited Yoga for �300.
Love yourself, love your yoga....
This Valentine's month share a little love and treat your mind and body to some yoga!
That's 3 months of peace, health, vitality, back bending, detoxing, toning,...
We could go on and on and..... ;) For ONLY �300!
We know you love the maths.... 3 x One Month Unlimited = �420: Total saving �120. 3 Month Autopay �130/month = �390: Total saving �90
The (not so) small print:
Ts & Cs apply.
Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers, discounts or concessions.
One purchase per student.
Offer available online and at the studio until 28th February 2014. As with all our cards, you need to activate it within the time duration of the card.
So, if you currently have a class card, you can still take part in this fabulous offer, you just need to attend your first class within 3 months of the purchase date!
Let's talk parking, baby.
Broken Barriers not Broken Rules.
The 3hr Parking arrangement with Sainsbury's does not change, whether the barriers are up or down, working or busted. We continue as normal. The only addition to remember is, when the barriers are not working at Sainsbury's, please re have a BYC Timetable (BYC logo facing out) displayed visibly in your car. The parking attendants at Sainbury's monitor all cars parked in Sainsbury's and will fine anyone parked longer then 2hrs, unless you display this card.
PLEASE NOTE: Any BYCer parked for longer then 3hrs will be fined.
So.... Just to recap.... Sainsbury's & BYC Parking agreement works like this:
1) Spend a minimum of �5 on shopping in Sainsbury's Chiswick.
This can be done before or after your class at BYC.
2) Practise a class at BYC.
3) After your class at BYC, collect an orange numbered BYC Parking Voucher from BYC reception.
4) Present your BYC Parking Voucher at Sainsbury's Customer Service desk, along with your Sainsbury's shopping receipt & white Sainsbury's Parking Card, for parking validation.
Please note: this is only valid during Sainsbury's Customer Service opening hours.
Maximum stay: 3hrs. �50 fine payable on exceeding 3hrs.
If the barriers happen to be up at Sainsbury's, please continue exactly as described above and still only stay for a maximum of 3hrs. On these occasions, pop a BYC timetable on the dashboard of your vehicle, so it is visible to the parking wardens.
In order to keep this collaboration into the future, please always treat the staff at Sainsbury's kindly.
Please note: parking is the responsibility of students coming to practise. Please refrain from parking in the courtyard area outside the studio (this area does not belong to us) and please be mindful not to double park on the street outside, so that the market stall holders have constant access onto Essex place.
There are other areas behind the High Road, where meter parking is available, so you may also want to consider this option.
Otherwise, there are great transport links close by:
Tubes at Chiswick Park and Turnham Green.
Overground Trains at Chiswick Station and Gunnersbury.
Buses 27, 272, 237, 267, 391, H91, E3 and 440
pass right in front of the studio, on Chiswick High Road.

From Fed's mind to your eyes.
And suddenly, out of the blue, it's February.
Yes! We made it. It wasn't easy, what with all our resolutions and everything, but we soldiered through. Now, we can finally relax! And go back to our old ways.
NO, COME ON!! KEEP GOING!! Or, rather, KEEP COMING!! TO YOGA!! At the beginning of the year, here at BYC, we always experience a great influx of new people - after all, it's the perfect time to start a new regime. And they're often brought in by friends, eager to introduce someone they care about to a practice that might have actually changed their life.
And that's fantastic.
However, if the challenge for a new student is to go through the class itself (we've all been there), the challenge for the friend/relative/partner introducing them, is to do their own yoga and not their friend's!
Of course, it's understandable. We want them to have a nice time. We want them to do it right and get the most out of their experience.
But, let's be honest, can you really have a 'nice' time in a Bikram class? Not really... Regardless whether your friend shows you how to cross your arms in Eagle or not. You might have an INCREDIBLE, LIFE-CHANGING, WONDROUS time, that makes you say, at the end of class: 'I've never done anything so hard in my life... It was actually fun!!' But not a'nice' time.
It wasn't like that for us in our first class, why should it be different for them in theirs? It's part of the process.
So, when we are introducing someone new to Bikram yoga, we must embrace our challenge and let them get on with theirs.
Interacting with people to show them some funky moves, is not helpful to us or to them, for various reasons.
It's not helpful to us, because, whether we admit it or not, talking or gesticulating to our friend - whilst we 'inconspicuously' mouth "T H I S I S H O W Y OU D O I T..!" - is a way for us to let our mind wonder out of our class and stop dealing with whatever unpleasant sensation or experience we might be going through. And if we do that, we miss out on the opportunity to grow stronger.
It's not helpful to them, because, first of all, if they're listening to us standing next to them, they're not listening to the teacher, so we're actually making their life harder.
And also, they have the right to be wrong too. Just like we were in our first class. And just how we probably still are in our 10982735th class..! Being wrong and realising it for ourselves, is the only true way to get it right. The reason why the teacher is not correcting them, is not that they haven't seen them or they're not taking care of them: it's because they're letting them learn gradually. There's no point in correcting or addressing a new person on everything wrong they do... Class would last two days and the new person would probably feel overwhelmed and quite embarrassed to be constantly singled out. Usually, as long as they're not in danger of injuring themselves by busting some crazy move, students on their first class are best left in peace, just providing some positive encouragement, from time to time. Because, ultimately, if they're trying their best... Then they ARE doing it right!! Like everyone else.
So, if we really want to help our friends in their first class, the best way to do it is to be even more focused, even more in the moment, listening even closer to the teacher's instructions and work even harder.
Let's lead by example. Let's show them how it's done, by doing it ourselves, with even more commitment and dedication. Let's share the class, by experiencing it together, rather than interacting with each other and missing it.
Then, after the 90 minutes, after final Savasana, outside the yoga room, we can go crazy: let's talk, recount, ask and explain to our heart's content. Chances are, we're now even closer friends.
 Friday 14th February Valentine's Day Charity Class One of the best ways to celebrate a day about love, is to share our good fortunes. Last year, we tragically lost our much loved BYCer, Sophiya Haque. In her memory, we dedicated Valentine's Day to her and collected money for a charity close to her heart.
This year, we would like to keep this tradition going and collect for a charity in the heart of our local community: Action Acton, who tackle poverty by helping individuals improve their lives through Education,Training and Employment in West London.
BYC will donate �1 for everyone who comes to class in something red or something sporting hearts. There will be a donation bucket at reception.

Get to know your BYC teachers and team a little better!
Each month, we will be introducing members of the BYC team. This Month....
What is your favourite/least favourite Bikram Yoga posture?
Fave pose...Standing Head to Knee Least fave....Full Locust
How did you discover Bikram Yoga?
I came to Bikram yoga when I was in my teens in LA. My friends mum said I could stay the entire summer and all I had to do was yoga 6 times a week! She said it would change my life. She took me to the local class and Bikram was the teacher. It was a tiny studio, his first one in LA. Class number two he asked me to become a teacher...my life was changed :)
What is your favourite food?
I'm Supposed to say something healthy right?....but not going to...Guacamole and Tortilla chips...semi healthy.
If you could have a Super Power - what would you choose?
I was going to say flying but my daughter just pointed out that Teleportation is quicker...so I'll go for that.
What is your guiltiest pleasure? Guilty pleasure..Made in Chelsea...don't judge me.
What's your favourite/least favourite Bikram posture?
I used to dread the 90 minutes of Bikram Yoga many centuries ago. Now it isn't so much about that. I try to look at all aspects of postures. If I have pain then I listen, maybe adjust the posture. If I hear in myself "no not this one!!" then I ask how is my breathing. I see if there is tension in Savasana. Each class is new. Each day I try to bring curiosity to the practice instead of judgement.
What's your favourite food?
If you could have a Super Power - what would you choose?
What has been your most embarrassing moment while teaching?
Your Perfect Day?
What did you do before you became a Bikram Yoga teacher?
Received a BA in English Literature. Not an employable degree at the time. Tried publishing and they said- we are so powerful you can work for free. I got in
my car with my dog and drove across the US of A where I went on the crazy Bikram training. Met Helen and the rest is history.
Food for Thought.  Love yourself, Look after yourself. Get the best out of your Bikram and your Body.
In Bikram Yoga, we talk a lot about hydration. You all, hopefully, know that to have a good class you need to be well hydrated. This means drinking plenty of water and maintaining your electrolyte balance (see article below for more information).
Equally important is to properly feed/fuel your body. You wouldn't expect beautiful trees to flourish, without sunlight, water and nutrients from the soil, so why would you expect your body to work at it's optimum, without feeding it the things it needs?
The are three primary reasons for students occasionally feeling unwell, nauseous, light headed or dizzy, during a Bikram class: dehydration, mouth-breathing and having not eaten enough.
So, in order to get the best out of each and every class, we advise:
Come to class well hydrated,
learn to breath in and out through your nose for the entire 90 minute class
and come to class having eaten a nutritious meal a few hours before!
We know it's a massive challenge, but master these things and everything will change!
We do advise students not to eat a large/heavy meal less than two hours before class, this is to avoid feeling nauseous during your class. However, if you eat something nutritious a few hours before, when you come to class your body will be ready and you'll get the most out of your practise. Eating, not only is wonderful, it is also as important as breathing and drinking, so enjoy your appetite for food and life!
Proteins and complex carbohydrates are great sources of energy. Energy derived from sugar, in all its many delicious forms, will provide you with a quick burst, but will see your energy levels dip and crash in class. So, ladies and gentlemen, porridge, bananas, nuts, fish/chicken (not fried), whole wheats, veggies, eggs, hummus, lentils, the genius that is the avocado... to name a few. These are where our pre and post Bikram fuel best lie.
Like every aspect of your practise, if you listen to your body and how it is responding, you will be able to hone your preparation and practise to get the best out of it. As everyone's appetites, digestion and energy levels respond differently to different foods and, very often, we are coming to our practise after busy days at work, we stock protein and fruit bars, chia pods, raw chocolate and superfood sachets at BYC reception, if you need a quick nutrient dense fix!
Below is a little article on Hydration for those of you who would like to know a little more about what we mean when we say electrolytes....
Hydrate your life!
Hydration is key to Bikram Yoga! And life, for that matter.
The key to hydration lies in water & salt.... Yes, salt.
Hydration isn't about guzzling a litre of water right before class starts. Having a belly full of water is likely to make class feel even more challenging. Ideally, we should all be drinking at least 2 litres of pure water every day. That's why all BYC teachers advise you to sip small amounts of water during class and to do your main hydrating throughout the day.
And of course, water alone does not equal hydration. We also require the right balance of electrolytes, which can be found in rock salt, sea salt or Himalayan salt.
When you exercise heavily, you lose electrolytes in your sweat, particularly sodium and potassium. These electrolytes must be replaced to keep the electrolyte concentrations of your body fluids constant. To help you do this, you could perhaps add a pinch of Himalayan salt to your water (with a squeeze of lemon juice for taste). Coconut water, Emergen-C or Nuun, all sold at BYC reception, also do the job nicely.
Why do we not sell or advice you to drink cold water in class? Just think: you are doing all this work to try to warm yourself up, if you hit your stomach with a blast of cold/ice water, your body gets confused... Hot? Cold? Whats happening?
Room-temperature water is easier for your body to assimilate than cold water. Our bodies have to use valuable energy to warm the water to absorb it, so drink room temperature water and, instead, use all your energy for your postures!
Water really is the stuff of life: it transports nutrients, hormones and other important molecules to where they are needed in the body. Did you know that we are 75% water and that the human brain is 85 % water (explains a lot of post Bikram happenings, if you ask me!). Medical research has found that when our bodies are dehydrated over a long time, it can develop symptoms of diseases such as asthma, diabetes, arthritis, obesity, Alzheimer's, high blood pressure, migraine and many others. If we drank enough water daily, according to the experts, many cases of these debilitating diseases could be prevented or even cured! Water for thought, huh!?
Heavenly Challenge... Is it Heavenly?
BYCer Tim's Heavenly Challenge experience
I have been coming to BYC for several years on and off, mostly off to be honest.
Amid traditional indulgences this Christmas, I promised I would squeeze my middle-aged self back into some older, less forgiving trousers by the end of January.
So I decided to head back to BYC but this time more 'on' than off.
When the studio reopened after Boxing Day I reappeared full of good intentions for a 30-day challenge with no idea how long those positive plans might last.
My teachers in those first classes back - Laura, Kat, Fed and Rachel - were so welcoming and supportive that any initial commitment doubts subsided and I was into the full swing of it.
I did 30 classes in 32 days and I've looked forward to it more with every knackering session.
It's a commitment because the sessions take 90 minutes, then there's cool-down and shower time, getting to/from the studio and when I get home I collapse and stare into space.
But it's been worth it. I am sleeping better, I find it easier to eat healthily, and (when I'm not exhausted in the immediate aftermath of a class) I have more energy and walk taller.
I have indeed pulled out old clothes from deep storage, having lost 4.5kg in those 32 days.
While my conversion to dedicated BYC practice has been slow, I'm now signing up for a year and I've just bought my own mat with matching bag to enhance my yogi street cred.
We look forward to seeing you in class soon.
and the entire Team at BYC
And, finally, when Fed and Kat aren't teaching you yoga, they make films and sometimes get into all kinds of 'barney rubble'.....
We thought you might like to have a look!
WARNING: Contains strong language.
