Today is a gift.....that's why
they call it the present.
Christmas has arrived!!!!!!!
Dear Students,
To get the celebrations going, we are offering you all
10% off many of our class card packages!!
To claim your discount, just apply the promotional code ILOVEYOGA at the checkout.
This deal applies to our full-price 10 class cards,
our One Month Unlimited and
all our Autopay Options - 3, 6 and 12 Months.
And, don't forget, from now until December 31st 2013, we are offering �50 OFF our Yearly Unlimiteds.
That's one whole year of unlimited yoga, for the
bargain price of �900!!
If you do roughly 2 classes a week, over a year that's
ONLY �8.65/Class.
If you are averaging 3 classes a week, then it's
ONLY �5.76/Class.
The (not so) small print:
Ts & Cs apply.
Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers, discounts or concessions.
One purchase per student.
10% discount only valid with online purchases till 31st December 2013.
�50 OFF Yearly Unlimited available online and at the studio until 31st December 2013.
BYC may have the perfect gift for the awesome people in your life,
from just 50p...
One Class Voucher:
Give someone in your life a gentle yogic nudge this Christmas.... Buy a Drop In Class for your friends or family members, for just �12 (usually �15), set in a beautiful BYC Christmas Card (usually �2.50).
(with a total saving of �5.50 - the festive spirit is all around)
BYC Gift Card:
Choose any monetary amount you wish to gift for the lucky recipient to use towards any BYC class card or products of their choosing. Presented in a unique BYC Christmas Card.
As well as the gifts of health, peace and vitality, we have the must-have accessories for any BYCer...
A BYC Embroidered Grip Mat Towel: in an array of delectable colours for only �24 (Red, Blue, Midnight Blue, Purple and - new in - BYC Orange!).
Our BYC Canvas Bags are arriving at the Studio this December... Many of you lovely people have contributed to their creation, with your brilliant BYC inspired quotes.
Free classes on the way to all of you!
Bikram Yoga books for �15.
Or, if the stocking you're filling is really little, how about a BYC pen (�0.50) or Locker Token (�1.00)?
Christmas Timetable Make time for YOU this Christmas. website and Facebook page.
Pick up your paper copy at BYC from early December.
You can check our online timetable to see who is teaching your class.
You have been WARNED....
It could be this guy.

From Fed's mind to your eyes.
'When is class going to get easier?'
Hopefully, never. 'Oh, good grief, why can't you just give a serious answer, for once??' I'm serious. 'I can't tell, anymore.' I know. Sometimes, neither can I. But this time I am. 'Right, I give up.' Don't! 'Why?' Because then it would get easier! But not really worth it. 'No, I meant I give up listening to you!" Oh. Of course. In that case I'll carry on with my shower, if that's alright, madam?

Get to know your BYC teachers & team a little better!
Each month, we will be introducing a new member of the BYC team. This Month....
Briar and her recent journey through injury:
What did you want to be when you grew up?
I distinctly remember wanting my own tutu and being envious of my sister's red ballet shoes. I definitely wanted to be a dancer. Ballet subsided to contemporary, but the desire never left! Never got the tutu though. Christmas anyone?
Whats your favourite/ least favourite Bikram Posture?
My favourite has always been standing bow. I love the challenge of it, the micro adjustments that create more opening through the shoulders and the spine. I love the buzz I sometimes get after it! It's been known to make me yelp! And sod it, if there's no buzz, there's always tomorrow. Andy asked me in class if I was one of those people who love them all but, alas, no! Standing separate leg head to knee is the nemesis to my unicorn.
What's your favourite Food?
Chocolate. Isn't that everyone's favourite? No? What's the matter with you?
Best Bikram moment to date - personal or professional?
Delivering my half moon dialogue on training in front of Bikram. I'd been full of self doubt and had had a headache and butterflies for two days. But there's no way out of it, so I psyched myself up to stand in front of 300 or so people and the main man himself. I did it, and he told me I knew I could do it all along. He was spot on. I needed that challenge and am so grateful I got the opportunity to prove it to myself.
Yoga in the morning, followed by a delicious lunch with friends and live music in the evening. Prince would be top of my list.
Briar's Recent Bikram - Every Cloud has a Silver Lining:
I've long been aware of the wonders of Bikram yoga for helping with injuries and have heard many many stories of how fantastic it is, for many different conditions and injuries. However, I'd never experienced any of them myself. Lucky me, you must think! But, as a teacher, it's always more believable and authentic to be able to preach the benefits, evangelical style. Hallelujah!
So, lucky me, I got just that opportunity over the summer. I managed to tear my calf muscle in a pretty spectacular way, doing the most basic of movements in a Zumba class. So basic was the movement, that I actually thought Peggy-Rose had kicked me. But no. So, after a few days not walking at all and then on crutches, I was (bear with me here, admittedly this is a little strange) actually looking forward to getting back in the studio and seeing how good this yoga actually was. I hobbled into the studio, being able to put weight on my big toe and nothing else. A few of you looked at me as if I was totally nuts, as I set myself up at the back of the room. And I admit, the thought had, albeit fleetingly, crossed my mind. Through my hobbling around, I had put too much weight through my calf a couple of times and it was excruciating.
So the dialogue for breathing says: 'feet together nicely, toes and heels touching each other'. Well, I couldn't do that, so I started with the only way I could get my heel on the floor, which was my injured leg stretched out in front of me. Like I was on a tightrope. It was the hardest breathing I'd ever done as my body was already twisted from the crutches and hobbling about. Half moon was the same and backward bending also. Just exploring what my body would let me do, without any 'sharp shooting pain' and some faith there would be some improvement. My feet were six inches in awkward but my postures were nowhere near what they were. Well, namaste to that! Things come and go, and me lamenting what I'd been able to do a week previously was completely fruitless.
So the standing series continued with me doing whatever form of the posture I was able. My aim was to gradually put more weight on the whole of my foot, thereby increasing the blood flow. In standing head to knee on the injured leg, there was no grabbing of my foot or a locked knee. All I could do was start in my tightrope position and gradually shift more weight to the foot, with the aim of the very first instruction, 'feet together nicely'. I could lock my knee with the other leg and get the grip and kick, but my kicking leg was nowhere near being locked. It felt great, though, to just gently stretch it! The same pattern followed for Standing Bow - a little more weight each time. By the end of Balancing Stick, I was pretty ecstatic. Through the wonders of Bikram yoga (I say, hallelujah!), I was able to bring my feet together nicely, toes and heels touching. I was pretty dumbfounded! I grinned like a total loon at Fed and showed him my feet and I could see he was pleased too.
So I continued to keep up my practice. I absolutely needed it to recover. I awoke each morning feeling tighter (as you'd expect), but felt wonderful after each class. There were noticeable improvements after every class I did. My recovery was, without a doubt, expedited by it. That increased blood flow and the sequence of postures was absolutely what my body needed. The series also teaches you patience, which I was so very grateful for too.
Bikram Yoga - Are You Worth It? What Bikram yoga mean to me and how it has enhanced my life.
The list of benefits as a result of practising Bikram yoga are endless and I could literally sit here, from dusk to dawn, telling you about them. However, I doubt that you will have the time to listen to me going on.......... Maybe you are reading this and thinking Bikram yoga is not for you, or that you are not at all flexible, or perhaps you do not want to walk into a studio on your own? Granted, walking into a studio on your own can be daunting: taking a step into the unknown usually is! That said, it can also be exciting and the start of something wonderful that will help you in more ways than you could possibly imagine. All the staff at Bikram yoga Chiswick are warm, welcoming, on hand to assist you and are always available to answer any questions that you may have. For me personally, walking into the Chiswick Bikram studio several years ago, is one of the better decisions that I have made in my life!!!
Do you have poor circulation, suffer from insomnia, PMS (only applies to the ladies!), stress, depression, or you are not happy with your figure and how you look and feel about yourself? Would you like vibrant good health and a sense of well-being? If the answer is yes, then maybe you should consider taking a step into the unknown. Why? Because - like L'Oreal - I think that you are WORTH it. Personally, at times, I suffer from insomnia and am penchant to indulging in sweet foods (especially chocolate!) and then wonder why I am bouncing off the walls and have sugar come downs. Practising Bikram yoga ensures that I drink plenty of fluids and that my body desires healthy foods, which in turn results in my taking care of myself. I sleep like a baby on the days that I practice yoga and, most importantly, I have a sense of well-being, which is priceless!! Not to mention that I have a gorgeous yoga glow about me! The primary reason for doing Yoga is to aid my mental health and the second reason is that the twenty-six postures systematically work one hundred per cent of my body, which is a bonus.
It is called 'practice' for a reason and the more classes that I do, the more I continue to learn. I also learn so much from all the different experienced teachers at Bikram Chiswick. There are still postures that I am unable to do and that is okay, because I am on my own journey and all our bodies are unique...which I guess makes us the same?! So, if want to have fun and feel great, then make that first step and give yourself the gift of vitality.
We would love to hear from you! If you would like to share your Bikram journey with is please email us at bikramyogachiswick@me.com.
Merry Christmas and happy New Yoga 2014
with love
and the entire Team at BYC
We hope you all end the year on a high note - let's dance!
BYC has cards/prints for many an occasion, not just Christmas.
One of our personal favourites....
In case you can't quite make it out it says... "If you are not too long i will wait here for you all of me life'
Cards are �2.50. Prints start from �10.