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A is for an amazing August!
Time to get Hot & Sweaty!

 Please read the following with Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong's 
Summertime playing in your mind....  
Summertime - it's for holidays, ginger beer, festivals, sunbathing, ice-creams, reading, weekends away, BBQ's, beaches, camping, entertaining the kids, swimming, picnics and, of course, the serenity amongst all this joyful madness.... your yoga practise.  With such hectic Summer schedules, you can rely on your yoga practise to restore that sense of well-being and calm to your August.
 Who knows what the heady days of summer will bring, so, 
to make time for your body and mind, for the month of August only, we will be cutting the price of our Drop Ins.
Drops In - from �15 to �12 
Concession Drop In - from �12 to �10. 

The (not so) small print:

Ts & Cs apply. 

Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers or discounts. 

Concession rates only available at the studio with valid ID.

Offer available until 31st August 2013.
 In studio only.  Limited to 1 purchase per person per visit.

From Fed's mind to your eyes.

Name one thing you improved in your last class. Say it outloud. Do it after every class.

That's the direction of your journey.




Helen Currie Image


Meet BYC!
Get to know your BYC teachers & team a little better!


Each month we will be introducing a new member of the BYC team.  Last month we met Spud & Chick, the BYC Mascots.... This Month - it's our reason for BYCing.... THE BOSS!




As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?


Zooologist. (So she's half way there!)

What's your favourite/ least favourite Bikram Posture?
Least favourite - oh I have more then one - do I have to pick just one? Well, actually, I love them all because they all challenge me... sometimes I forget they are challenging in a good way but they really are! Stretching pose is my nemesis. My favourite is standing bow pulling... It clears my mind, gives me a beautiful burst of energy and it stretches my naughty hamstrings.
Whats your idea of a perfect day?
Hot sweaty, challenging yoga class, followed by a delicious cold coconut water, lunch with friends at the River Cafe, an afternoon with my three kids, and round off the day with a good movie with my hubby, wine and cake!
Describe yourself in 3 words? 
I can't. (so we took the liberty: Absolutely. Fabulous. Boss.)
Favourite Food?
If you could have a Super Power - What would you choose?
Most embarassing moment while teaching?
There are so many... But to pick one...  When i was teaching for another studio, I will not reveal wich one, a man came in naked with only a towel and a smile.... I will leave the rest to your imaginations...
Whats your guiltiest pleasure?
Tons of dark chocolate.
Best Bikram moment to date - personal or professional?
One of my favourite Bikram moments is meeting my friend, colleague and BYC teacher Syd, on our teacher training. 


Lawrence BYC Testimonial
Never Say Never
BYCer Lawrence shares his Bikram journey

Following a motorcycle accident in 1986, my left arm was partially paralysed, through nerve damage (the radial nerve had been severed in the upper arm). There were extensive multiple fractures to the upper arm, wrist and elbow.
The elbow initially had no available movement but, following surgery, it could be bent and straightened to a very limited extent. Following surgery to my wrist, I had limited motion with this also.

I had intensive treatment and made a recovery from the nerve damage, surprising the specialists at St Thomas' hospital. I gradually recovered from the paralysis but, until my last class, I have generally excused myself from trying to place my hands in the desired position for the Locust posture and had come to regard this as 'impossible'.
Something made me want to go for it during my last class and I was thrilled to be able to do the pose, albeit imperfectly (there was a bit of scrunching around under my body as my hand/wrist tried to comply). But the arm went straight enough to go under my body and I could feel its strength, which allowed the other to join, and experience itself fully! My legs felt like they floated into the air. It meant such a lot to me, spiritually, physically and emotionally.

So, I guess if I were to write something to encourage other students to never say never, it would go something like this:

'Through the inspirational encouragement of an excellent teacher who made the time to give me individual attention and support, I experienced a number of breakthroughs, including new-found flexibility and strength in an arm severely damaged in a motorcycle accident many years ago. I am very grateful to Bikram Chiswick and its wonderful teachers.'


We are all on our own Bikram journey, but it's a road we travel together, so, if you want to share your story with us, we would love to hear from you. 
Please email us at bikramyogachiswick@me.com

Thank you all and have wonderful summertimes.
We look forward to seeing you in class soon.
and the entire Team at BYC

A Big Thank You to the guys at Sweat Betty.  
They are offering all BYC customers 10% in their Chiswick Store. Just show your BYC Barcode.

"Summer afternoon - summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language." - Henry James 
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Bikram Yoga Chiswick                  bikramyogachiswick@me.com                     020 8995 9955