Each month we will be introducing a new member of the BYC team. Last month we met Spud & Chick, the BYC Mascots.... This Month - it's our reason for BYCing.... THE BOSS!
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Zooologist. (So she's half way there!)
What's your favourite/ least favourite Bikram Posture?
Least favourite - oh I have more then one - do I have to pick just one? Well, actually, I love them all because they all challenge me... sometimes I forget they are challenging in a good way but they really are! Stretching pose is my nemesis. My favourite is standing bow pulling... It clears my mind, gives me a beautiful burst of energy and it stretches my naughty hamstrings.
Whats your idea of a perfect day?
Hot sweaty, challenging yoga class, followed by a delicious cold coconut water, lunch with friends at the River Cafe, an afternoon with my three kids, and round off the day with a good movie with my hubby, wine and cake!
Describe yourself in 3 words?
I can't. (so we took the liberty: Absolutely. Fabulous. Boss.)
Favourite Food?
If you could have a Super Power - What would you choose?
Most embarassing moment while teaching?
There are so many... But to pick one... When i was teaching for another studio, I will not reveal wich one, a man came in naked with only a towel and a smile.... I will leave the rest to your imaginations...
Whats your guiltiest pleasure?
Tons of dark chocolate.
Best Bikram moment to date - personal or professional?
One of my favourite Bikram moments is meeting my friend, colleague and BYC teacher Syd, on our teacher training.