June 2013 Top Logo
Let's make July Joyous!
With 2 FREE Classes. 

BYC July 2013
In the words of En Vogue: 'Free your mind and the rest will follow....'  
What better way to free your mind than with a spot of Bikram Yoga?
 Especially as we are adding 2 FREE classes to all
10 Class Cards bought between 1st - 31st of July 2013!
The Maths: 
12 classes for price of 10 (45 day expiry) - �110 = �9.17/class
12 classes for price of 10 (45 day expiry) Concession Rate - �99 = �8.25/class
12 classes for price of 10 (6 month expiry) - �120 = �10/Class
12 classes for price of 10 (6 month expiry) Concession Rate - �108 = �9/Class.

To buy online, please click 

The (not so) small print:

Ts & Cs apply. Offer excludes those on �40/�60 for 30 cards. 

Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers or discounts. 

Concession rates only available at the studio with valid ID.

Offer available until 31st July 2013.
 Online and in the studio.  Limited to 2 purchases per student.

Lets make 'Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days Of Summer' just a little less lazy :)

From Fed's mind to your eyes.


There are no good classes or bad classes. Only great classes.

You managed to do every single posture, working really hard? 

Great, you strengthened your body.

You managed to do almost every posture, but you had to sit down a few times, feeling dizzy, and you find balancing difficult? 

Great, you improved your stamina and took your practice to a new level.

You spent half the class thinking about the buses passing by on Chiswick High Road, constantly forcing yourself to bring your attention back into the room? 

Great, you strengthened your mind.

You had to sit down after Pranayama and didn't get up until the end of the class, feeling sick, with your mind screaming 'GET OUT OF HERE NOW!!!!!!!', but never leaving the room? 

Great, you strengthened your Spirit.

Have a great class!


BYC Accounts
How they work.
BYC Account Info 2013

If you don't want to bring cash with you for those little purchases of towels and coconut water, you can pop any amount on your account and we can deduct the price of these purchases, as and when you need them.


The way your account works: 

1/Put any amount of money on your account. We have a minimum card payment of �5.


2/When you purchase a product, please ask the receptionist to take the payment from your account.


Its as simple as that.


You can always check all your purchases and the balance of your account online.


Occasionally, if you need something you don't have the ready cash for, we allow your account to go into the minus. 

However, if your account goes below -�5, it will be frozen until it has been cleared.


Happy Shopping!

Meet Spud & Chick


Meet BYC!
Get to know your BYC teachers & staff a little better!


Each month we will be introducing a new member of BYC Staff.  We thought we would kick off with our familiar BYC mascots, whom many of you will recognise from their newsletter pictures. Some of you may have seen them atop the BYC 

fridge, watching over one and all... 

BYCers meet Spuddy & Chick.


Chick: BYC's Mascot The Chick


How did you first come to Bikram Yoga Chiswick?


Well, I was initially rescued from an infamous local Chaser of Paper and brought to BYC as a symbol of all things Spring. It was love at first sight: I fell for the staff and, according to them, they fell for me... So Spring turned to Summer and Summer moved to Winter and here we're 2 1/2 yrs later.... 


What's your favourite Bikram Yoga Posture?


Thats a toughy... I'd have to say spine twist as its a natural stance for me.


What do you like to do in your spare time? 


Dressing up! I am a master of disguise and love nothing more then creating new personas.  I've been The Easter bunny, Olympachick, Cupichick, Santachick.... The staff at BYC love getting inventive with me!


What's your least favourite Bikram Posture?


COBRA! Chicks and Cobras are not good friends - even in yoga!




Spuddy:     BYC Mascot Spuddy  


Spuddy, what are you?


I'm a Potato... Well a 'Novelty Couch Potato' to be specific.  I am Man's Best Buddy.  I hold your remote, your beer and your munchies, as well as being a hand warmer and a pillow... What can I say... I'm good! Of course, at BYC I am not really being fully utilised to my maximum potential, what with the lack of beer, remote and hand warming needs... But what is a potato, if not adaptable? 


How did you first come to Bikram Yoga Chiswick?


I was working hard raising money for Rwanda in another BYC... Bikram Yoga Cork, when I was gifted to BYC.  A short plane journey later (I did not get a seat to myself, which, I have to say, I did find a tad rude... but, as far as leg room goes, I can't see what you are all complaining about!). I loved Ireland, but it was at Bikram Yoga Chiswick that I met my BFF Chick... Who'd have thought a Potato and a Chick could be best friends... Bikram Yoga - it's amazing!


What's your favourite posture?


Half Tortoise. I think I do it pretty well and, you know, I think I look quite like a tortoise!


What's your least favourite Bikram posture?


Standing Bow... This is a particularly difficult posture for me. But everyone has a posture they find tough, so I just do the best I can every day, following the correct alignment. One day, standing splits will be mine! I believe! 

As Nature Intended
A Big Thank You to the guys at As Nature Intended: Once a month they have been donating lovely organic apples for your delectation. 
As well as an eclectic mix of magazines. 
Keep an eye out in store for a special BYC offer.

Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value. 
-Albert Einstein
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Bikram Yoga Chiswick                  bikramyogachiswick@me.com                     020 8995 9955