Feb Newsletter Top 2013

'May you live every day of your life' -  Jonathan Swift

Due to popular demand, April's offer is staying 
for a dance around the maypole....!
�300 for 3 months unlimited yoga.
The maths.... 
3 x One Month Unlimited = �420. Total saving �120. 
3 Month Autopay �130/month totalling �390: Total saving �90

Offer available until 31st May 2013. Online and in the studio.

To buy online, please click 

The (not so) small print:
This offer can not be used in conjunction with any other discount or offer.
Concession not applicable. One purchase per student.

Bank Holiday Time Table
Bank Holiday Timetable
Then there were two!
Monday 6th May: 
10am, 12pm, 3pm & 6.15pm 
Monday 27th May:
10am, 12pm, 3pm & 6.15pm  

Helen Currie Image
Ask Helen
The fountain of  yoga.....

Dear H,
I am confused about hydration. 
How much should I be drinking before class?
Thank you, F

Dear F,
This is an incredibly important question, because hydration is key to Bikram Yoga! And life, for that matter.

The key to hydration lies in water & salt.... Yes, salt. 

Hydration isn't about guzzling a litre of water right before class starts. Having a belly full of water is likely to make class feel even more challenging. Ideally, we should all be drinking at least 2 litres of pure water every day. That's why all BYC teachers advise you to sip small amounts of water during class and to do your main hydrating throughout the day.

And of course, water alone does not equal hydration. We also require the right balance of electrolytes, which can be found in rock salt, sea salt or Himalayan salt.  
When you exercise heavily, you lose electrolytes in your sweat, particularly sodium and potassium. These electrolytes must be replaced to keep the electrolyte concentrations of your body fluids constant. To help you do this, you could perhaps add a pinch of Himalayan salt to your water (with a squeeze of lemon juice for taste).  Coconut water, Emergen-C or Nuun, all sold at BYC reception, also do the job nicely.
Why do we not sell or advice you to drink cold water in class? Just think, you are doing all this work to try to warm yourself up. If you hit your stomach with a blast of cold/ice water your body gets confused... Hot? Cold? Whats happening? 
Room-temperature water is easier for your body to assimilate than cold water. Our bodies have to use valuable energy to warm the water to absorb it, so, drink room temperature water and, instead, use all your energy for your postures!
Water really is the stuff of life: it transports nutrients, hormones and other important molecules to where they are needed in the body. Did you know that we are 75% water and that the human brain is 85 % water (explains a lot of post Bikram happenings, if you ask me!). Medical research has found that when our bodies are dehydrated over a long time, it can develop symptoms of diseases such as asthma, diabetes, arthritis, obesity, Alzheimer's, high blood pressure, migraine and many others. If we drank enough water daily, according to the experts, many cases of these debilitating diseases could be prevented or even cured!  Water for thought, huh!?

From Fed's mind to your eyes.

As our yoga practice evolves, we come to realise that there's not much we can control in a Bikram class. We can't control the heat. Or the humidity. Or the brightness. Or the length of the postures. Or the teacher. It can be quite frustrating, but that's kind of the point. We're obliged to try and cope with whatever 'external reality' - or is it just a dream - we have to face in the room. 

With whatever circumstances we find ourselves in. 

Leaving our frustration at the door.

The goal is to become more adaptable: to reach that point where we become virtually untouchable. It's just us, our mind and our body. And our breath.


Because, of course, there is at least one thing we can control in a Bikram class: our breath. It takes time and practice to coach ourselves to breathe in and out through the nose, but that's all part of the class. I'd say the most important part. Because when we do manage to control our mind and bring attention to our breath, our focus shifts inwardly, rather than outwardly. And we discover a place of acceptance. Which is constant. It never changes. And it's always with us, because it belongs to us, or - perhaps - it is us.


And once we get there, there's no need for us to look for the coolest or the hottest spot; for the first or third row; for the middle or the sides of the room. We can finally just do our yoga.


And we can give out a huge breath of relief. Through our nose. 


Knowledge is Power! 

We have come across one or two interesting articles of late and wanted to share these interesting tidbits with you wonderful people:
We all new sweating was good for us.  It cleanses the system but did you know it also contents natural antibiotics that kill dangerous germs.... CLICK HERE TO READ MORE

Bikram Yoga Testimonial...
Herniated Disc - Dealing with Lower Back Injuries.

Sara may not be a BYCer, but she is a dedicated Bikram Yogi and her story of  'personal recovery from debilitating pain from herniated discs through the practice of Bikram Yoga' is truly inspirational.


'This yoga gave me back my life. In the depths of my pain, I remember sitting in the car with my husband outside one of our favorite restaurants just crying. I was in so much pain, I couldn't even imagine enduring the suffering of a nice, romantic dinner.....' CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE.


We would love to hear & share your Bikram Yoga Journey.
Email us at bikramyogachiswick@me.com

Yoga Asana Championship 2013
2013 UK National Yoga Asana Championships 

A massive congratulations to everyone who took part in the recent UK Yoga Asana Championships and especially to our inspirational BYC teachers Heidi, Nicola and Alex.

A Big Thank You to the guys at Sweaty Betty who are offering all BYC members a 10%  discount in their Chiswick store. Just show your BYC barcode to claim.

An optimist is the human personification of spring.
Susan J. Bissonette
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Bikram Yoga Chiswick                  bikramyogachiswick@me.com                     020 8995 9955