House Keeping
It is Spring after all...
Just a little reminder of a few BYC do's & don'ts
- Please keep us up to date with all and any changes in your medical health from injuries to surgery. Minor to major.
- Please always leave the studio room via reception, to enable our staff to take care of you.
- Please do not leave your belongings here on purpose. We simply do not have the space to store your toiletries/mats/clothing. All lost/left properly will be kept for two weeks before going to charity.
- Please do not park in the forecourt at anytime night or day. Do not double park on Essex Place.
- During our busy evening classes, if mats have been laid out for class please do not remove them.
Do not worry if there are spare mats our staff will pick them up before class starts.
- Please be aware the studio opens 30 mins before each class and shuts 30 mins after class.
Monday to Thursday 6:15pm & 8:15pm we open the doors 45 mins before class, however we still shut 30 mins after class has finished.
- Enjoy! Its only yoga!
If you would like more information on BYC Etiquette its all available on or website.