Feb Newsletter Top 2013

Spring has sprung!
Well here's hoping...
BYC is doing its part to keep you warm this Spring, even if the weather isn't here yet!

This months deal......
�300 for 3 months unlimited yoga.

Offer available between 1st and 30th April 2013.

You can buy this splendid offer online or at the studio.

To buy online, click 

The (not so) small print:
This offer can not be used in conjunction with any other discount or offer.
Concession not applicable. One purchase per student.

House Keeping
It is Spring after all...
Just a little reminder of a few BYC do's & don'ts 
Spring Cleaning BYC
- Please keep us up to date with all and any changes in your medical health from injuries to surgery. Minor to major.
- Please always leave the studio room via reception, to enable our staff to take care of you.
- Please do not leave your belongings here on purpose. We simply do not have the space to store your toiletries/mats/clothing.  All lost/left properly will be kept for two weeks before going to charity. 
- Please do not park in the forecourt at anytime night or day. Do not double park on Essex Place.
- During our busy evening classes, if mats have been laid out for class please do not remove them.  
Do not worry if there are spare mats our staff will pick them up before class starts.
-  Please be aware the studio opens 30 mins before each class and shuts 30 mins after class.  
Monday to Thursday 6:15pm & 8:15pm we open the doors 45 mins before class, however we still shut 30 mins after class has finished. 
- Enjoy! Its only yoga!

If you would like more information on BYC Etiquette its all available on or website. 


Pop Up Sale - Saturday 20th April
Beautiful Yoga Clothes by Tk Move  

Pop this date in your diaries...
 20th April 8.30am-5.30pm
we are thrilled to be hosting a pop up sale
 for TK Move.  Timea, the designer of this gorgeous range, will be in all day to answer your questions.


From Fed's mind to your eyes.

When I was just a little girl (I remember that like it was yesterday), I asked my mother what should I do in order to learn how to write, as I was getting a bit bored of talking and not being able to put down in words how wonderful life was back then.

My mum said to me: "Well, darling, why don't you give it a go? Start with your name." So she wrote it down for me and asked me to copy it as neatly as I could.

Quite excited at the prospect of being able to write in just a couple of hours, I started working straight away..... to continue reading CLICK HERE 


AskHelen Helen Currie Image

Ask Helen
Got a Bikram based question? 
Helen is your lady...

Dear Helen,

I am Training to run the London Marathon this year and recently heard about Bikram Yoga from a friend.  I was wondering if you thought this was something i could take up during my training of if i should leave it for the time being - one challenge at a time?


Helens Answer:
Dear K

I really admire anyone who challenges themselves physically and mentally to run marathons. I believe you have to have a great passion for the sport because it is so tough. Obviously there are great fitness benefits from training for a marathon but also the body gets quite a pounding resulting in injuries such as CLICK HERE TO READ MORE.

If you have any burning Bikram Yoga related questions, 
send them through to Helen at askhelenhotyoga@icloud.com
Each month, she'll pick and answer one!

Bye Bye, Good Luck & Lots of BYC Love.
Its That Teacher Training Time Again!
We want to say good bye and good luck to 3 of our amazing BYCers.

Carolina, Frances & Lizzie are all off to Bikram Yoga Teacher Training this April.

We will see you in June, lovely ladies, when you are fully fledged Bikram Yoga Teachers!

Sending you off with lots & lots of BYC love. 

A little bit of Charity goes a long way...
GOSH aren't they lovely.

Many of you have commented on our beautiful new studio art, inspired by all our students who come here to grow.


Hellen at Primrose Place has created some prints, which we will be selling at the studio. 
�2 from each sale will be donated to Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH). 


This charity is very close to the heart of BYC's owner extraordinaire Helen Currie for their care & support of her eldest daughter.

We will also have a collection tin out for GOSH during the month of April.  


Prints available in 10x8 inches (�10) and 10x12 inches (�14).



As Nature Intended
A Big Thank You to the guys at As Nature Intended: Once a month they have been donating lovely organic apples for your delectation. 
As well as an electric mix of magazines. 
Keep an eye out in store for BYC offers coming soon. 
No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow ~ Proverb 
(we're counting on this one to come true sooner rather then later!)
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Bikram Yoga Chiswick                  bikramyogachiswick@me.com                     020 8995 9955