Feb Newsletter Top 2013
Happy Easter from BYC,
Spuddy and the BYC Easter Bunny Chick.....
Easter Bunny Chick  
2 FREE classes with all 10 class cards bought from 
1st-31st of March online and at BYC.


Concession Rates:
12 Class Card 45 days - �99
12 Class Card 6 Months - �108

To buy online, click 

One for your Mum!
Bring your mum to practise with you on Mothering Sunday 10th March 2013
and she gets her class totally FREE
Please arrive in plenty of time to sign up for this offer at BYC reception.

The (not so) small print:
Neither offers can be used in conjunction with any other discount or offer. 
12 Class Card offer does not include any cards purchased using �40 for 30 20% discount.

Easter  Timetable 2013

Easter Time Table
For Easter Egg Guilt Minimisation

Good Friday 29th March - 10am, 12pm & 3pm

Easter Saturday 30th March -  9am, 11am & 3pm
Easter Sunday 31st March - 9am, 11am
Easter Monday 1st April - 10am, 12pm, 3pm & 6.15pm 

From Fed's mind to your eyes.
The Unicorn

(from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

The Unicorn is a legendary animal from European folklore, that resembles a white horse with a large, pointed and spiralling leg protruding from its body, and sometimes a goat's beard and cloven hooves. Unicorns are not found in Greek mythology, but rather in accounts of natural history, for Greek writers of natural history were convinced of the reality of the unicorn, which they located in India.
It was commonly described as an extremely wild woodland creature, a symbol of purity and grace, which could only be captured by a virgin. 

AskHelen Helen Currie Image

Ask Helen
Got a Bikram based question? 
Helen is your lady...

Hi Helen
I'm expecting a baby in June this year but will be having a planned 
C-section. I'm really missing my yoga sessions at BYC and I'm keen to return for both my physical and emotional well being. 
How soon after a C-section delivery would it be ok to return if all goes well with the op & recovery?
Many thanks,

Helens Answer:
Dear A,
I myself have had a C-section. Firstly, I found taking Arnica before and after the operation to be very helpful...... CLICK HERE TO READ MORE.

If you have any burning Bikram Yoga related questions, 
send them through to Helen at askhelenhotyoga@icloud.com
Each month, she'll pick and answer one!

Sweaty Betty Chiswick - 10% OFF
BYC Customers Perks

Sweaty Betty Chiswick are offering all Bikram Yoga Chiswick members 10% off in their Chiswick store. 
To claim this fantastic discount, simply present your BYC Barcode.

Raw Treats
Raw Bobon
Yummy, yummy, yummy - trust us! 

One of our fabulous and very clever BYCers is creating yummy treats, using only RAW ingredients!!! 
Delicious and good for you!!!

To get your hands on some of this tasty goodness, 
head to The Food Market Chiswick on the 
24th March 10am-2pm 
or email Iren at chocolate@rawbonbon.com 
The Thank You's -  

BYC Tree
Many of you have commented on our beautiful new studio art, inspired by all our students who come here to grow and created by Hellen at Primrose Place.  primroseplaceart.co.uk  

Sophiya Haque
Valentine's Day in memory of Sophiya raised �300 for  Pratham UK. 
Thank you to everyone who came to class and to those who donated. 
Thank you to everyone who came to class and to those who donated to

"Too many people are thinking the grass is greener on the other side of the fence, when they ought to just water the grass they are standing on." - Amar Daves

"Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there." - Will Rogers

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Bikram Yoga Chiswick                  bikramyogachiswick@me.com                     020 8995 9955