Feb Newsletter Top 2013
Extending the Love
Give a little love. Get a little love. 
As a Valentines gift from BYC to you, 
we have extended the online discount prices 
untill the end of February 2013:


To buy online, click 

Two's company:  
Want to show your commitment (to your Yoga and to each other!) this February?  Why not purchase two Yearly Unlimited Memberships together, saving �100! 

During February, if you and your partner buy a Yearly Unlimited Membership (each), you'll pay �900 each (instead of �950), saving a total of �100! 

The small print:
�900 Yearly Unlimited offer only available for purchase at BYC. 
Neither offers can be used in conjunction with any other discount or offer.

Valentines Gift Card 2013
Who says you 
can't BY( C ) love?

Looking for the perfect Valentines gift for a loved one? Give the gift of strength, 
flexibility, health and happiness 
in the form of a BYC Gift Voucher.
Any amount from �5 can be purchased 
and offset against the recipients choice 
of class card.
For the Bikram Yogi in your life, there are also Grip Mat Towels and Bikram Books available in BYC reception. See below for discount on some beautiful yoga wear!
In Memory Of Sophiya Haque
Sophiya Haque
Valentine's Day in the memory of Sophiya.
January 2013 saw the passing of a much loved BYCer, Sophiya Haque.  
An actress who trained at Chiswick's Arts Educational, whose talents saw her taking on roles from Coronation Street to the West End and even Bollywood.
She was an incredibly warm, vibrant and vivacious lady, who always came to the studio with a smile on her beautiful face, bringing light to everyone around her.
To remember and celebrate Sophiya, this Valentine's Day we will be donating �1 to charity for everyone who wears something red in class.
We will have collection tins at reception and all donations will be going to a charity selected by Sophiya's partner, David.

From Fed's mind to your eyes.

Something's troubling me.

I've just been told the blinds we've ordered for the yoga room, won't be delivered for a while.

This is a big problem for me.

I really hope the sun will stop shining soon, so that I can resume my yoga practice. 


Helen Currie Image
Ask Helen
Got a Bikram based question? 
Helen is your lady...
From March 2013 we will be launching a new regular feature to our newsletters... 

Ask Helen.

If you have any burning Bikram Yoga related questions, 
send them through to Helen at askhelenhotyoga@icloud.com
Each month, she'll pick and answer one!

Yoga Clothing - TK Move
Beautiful yoga wear for all shapes and sizes.

TK Move are offering all BYC Customers 10% off every purchase of their new fitness range for women.

Enter BYC2013 at checkout to claim your discount.

Click Here to check out their new range.

A Few BIG Thank You's -  
BYC Tree  
Many of you have commented on our beautiful new studio art, inspired by all our students who come here to grow and created by Hellen at Primrose Place primroseplaceart.co.uk  
Yummy Valentine's Day Cupcakes are being catered by Kim, our receptionist & chef extraordinaire! kim.s@tiscali.co.uk.

"The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in"
- Morrie Schwarts
"If you would know strength and patience, welcome the company 
of trees. "
 - Hal Borland

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Bikram Yoga Chiswick                  bikramyogachiswick@me.com                     020 8995 9955