From Feds mind to your eyes
A New Year. Another great opportunity for change. If we want it. Or need it.
A good time to make some resolutions. Which last for a whole two weeks.
Why?? Why?!?!?!
Bikram yoga has taught me two very important things (amongst many):
1. Change does happen.
2. Sometimes, it can be bloody hard work.
It's funny how easy it is for us to accept that our body has changed for the worse and, yet, so hard to believe it can change again for the better. This is the first realisation we have to come to terms with. And it's sometimes counterintuitive, as, unfortunately, we're so used to hearing people say to us:
'No. You will never be able to do that.'
But it's nonsense.
If you have a moment, have a look at this and prepare to be amazed:
I truly believe we could ask our body to do anything and, if we kept at it, it would eventually do it. One of the lines of the Dialogue for Triangle Pose says: 'You're going to touch the ceiling pretty soon', referring to how much we should stretch our 'right arm' up. And I personally believe that - depending on what your idea of 'pretty soon' is... - we would eventually touch it, if given unlimited time and the will to persevere.
But it's going to take a lot of effort. And patience. And sometimes it's going to hurt (remember: never 'no pain, no gain', rather ' no stretching or compressing discomfort or ache...no gain').
But it's ok. Because that's the way it's supposed to be. It means you're already changing. It means you're learning something new and that's already worth the labour.
On the final week of my teacher training, somebody asked Bikram:
'Boss, can you explain to us exactly what the benefits are of locking the knee?'
Bikram was silent. He scanned the room with wide, incredulous eyes for a few seconds, then replied:
'Benefits? Benefits?!?!?! What benefits?!?! JUST LOCK THE F******G KNEE!!!'
If I had heard that reply before going to training, I would have been appalled by it. But spending nine weeks with the man had the effect of basically installing a Google Translate directly into my brain: I understood exactly what he meant.
Here's the official translation:
'My dear child, there are so many physical and medical benefits to locking the knee, it would take me a week to list them all to you and we're supposed to be finished by tomorrow afternoon. But it's ok, because you have a lifetime to discover them in first person and, also, you'll meet plenty of other teachers who will be more than happy to help you in your journey. However, realise this: locking the knee is the most difficult thing (after listening) that I ask my students to do in my class. If you can do that, the main benefit is....that you can do it. You've overcome your obstacle. You've won against the odds. And, even more importantly, you've learned how to do something that you couldn't do before. Now let's watch Hrithik Roshan's latest movie.'
I know, right? What a guy. And Bikram is not too bad either.