BYC's Christmas Gift to you
�50 OFF Yearly Unlimited Membership 
Our Yearly Unlimited Membership
usually costs �950, but,
for the month of December,
we are offering it to all our students for �900!
Thats works out at just �75/Month
for unlimited Bikram Yoga!
This offer can be purchased at the studio or online between 1st and 31st December 2012.
As with all our class cards, this card will not start until you activate it. (All class cards must be activated within the time you have bought, so this one can be activated up to a year after you've purchased it!) Therefore, if you currently have a class card to use up, you can still purchase this, without loosing any time. Hoorah!
Please note this offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other discounts or offers.
Maximum 1 purchase per student.
Terms and conditions apply.
Got friends in need of an end-of-year boost?
December can be hectic! Help your loved ones find their zen this Christmas by letting them know about this fantastic deal.....
All new students who purchase our Introductory Offer �40 for 30 consecutive days ONLINE,
between 1st and 31st December 2012, will receive 38 days for the price of 30!
Yes, we know our maths looks a little funny: 3 days to make up for our Christmas/New Year closures and 5 extra days free, just to spread some Christmas joy!
From Monday 17th December-Wednesday 2nd Jan �40 for 30 cards will be valid in ALL classes.
Please see the Timetable below, or check out the website/BYC FB page for Christmas and New Year opening times.
All �40 for 38 cards must be activated between 1st-31st December 2012.
Only available to students who have never done the �40/30
or �30/30 Introductory Offers before.
One purchase per student.
Online Only.
Terms and conditions apply.
Christmas Prezzie Time
Stuck for Christmas present ideas?
Well, look no further...
Give the gift of health & vitality in the form of a BYC Gift Voucher, available online or in studio.
You can choose any monetary amount you wish to give, from as little as �5....
In Studio:
Other Perfect Present Ideas For the Yogi in your life...
A Special Limited Edition 10th Anniversary BYC Grip Towel.
(Available in Red, Purple, Orange & blue)
Or a Wet Kit Bag?
We also stock Bikram Books, CDs & Rajashree's Pregnancy Serious on DVD...

10 years of BYC, then. Wow. Time flies in Bikram's 'Torture Chamber'. I've been lucky enough to be part of this wonderful studio from very early on. Not from the beginning, mind you. I started my yoga practice on 1st October 2003. Almost exactly a year after the studio had opened. It took Kat 4 months to convince me to go with her (she had started in June):
- Fed, it's amazing. I'm sure you'll love it. It's nothing like any other form of exercise! - Yes.. But I really don't think it's for me, Kat. I'll stick with the gym. I don't want to be healthy, I want to look good! - What does that even mean?? - It made more sense in my head.
And I guess it did, at the time. I had this idea that our bodies are very much like a house: it doesn't matter how bad the interior is, from the outside, the building can still look beautiful. Nonsense, of course, because if a house is neglected from the inside, it will 'eventually, or in the future' inevitably collapse. You might say I was foolish. I say I was Italian. And so it was only thanks to my wife's perseverance and a very tempting introductory offer (�10 for 10 consecutive days. Oh, how times have changed!), that I decided to give it a go. I remember only a few details of my first class: me arriving at the studio, feeling like I had entered a really weird place, where everybody seemed to be inexplicably happy; Kat setting the mats down for us (in the front row...!! I guess it was payback time, for all those weeks spent trying to convince me to go.) and the mirrors. I had never looked at myself for such a long time. And, as class started and I began to sweat profusely, drenching my slightly-too-tight-for-comfort grey vest, I kept looking at my face (now the colour of a ripe pomodoro) and I noticed that I too looked happy... Definitely not the 'Oh, yes!! I'm having the time of my life!!' kind of happy, but more like: 'I've got no idea what I'm doing, this is madness.. But.. I'm doing it!'. Kat was right: whatever it was that I was doing, it was something out of the ordinary. And I could 'feel' it was already working. After class, in the changing rooms, I looked at myself in the mirror again: I was still Italian, just a bit more dishevelled. But my eyes looked whiter, clearer and my skin had a definite glow. And I felt great. I realised, there and then, that I had just started tidying up my 'house'.
Some temporary goodbyes....
As yoga brings more strength, flexibility and harmony to our inner lives, our outer lives reflect these exciting changes and our journey takes us somewhere new.
For Adrian, this new beginning is on a mountainside in Northern Italy, where, for the next six months, he is going to be snowboarding, taking incredible photos and practising yoga in the crisp clean winter air. We wish him a happy and peaceful time and can't wait to hear his Italian, when he gets back in 6 months!
From January, Tim will be covering the Wednesday
evening 6.15pm and 8.15pm. Thanks Tim!
Heidi, after 9 years at BYC, is also off to pastures new. We will still be seeing her for cover classes when she's available though. Heidi has been such a valuable member of the team and once a BYCer always a BYCer, so we do hope that, as our door is always open, she'll keep finding her way back to us!
Heidi's last Friday 12pm class will take place on 28th December, we do hope to see you all there to bid her a fond farewell.
Congratulations to our Newly Graduated BYC Teachers....
9 weeks of Teacher Training over.
Welcome home to our new teachers Amy, Darielle, Rachel, Leanne & Kasia.
Please check out our timetable for classes they are teaching and come and support them!
Christmas Timetable
(subject to change please check our website for full and up-to-date information)
Mon 17th Dec
Tue 18th Dec
Wed 19th Dec
Thu 20th Dec
Fri 21st Dec
Sat 22nd Dec
Sun 23rd Dec
Mon 24rd Dec
Tue 25th Dec
Wed 26th Dec
| |
Thu 27th Dec
Fri 28th Dec
Sat 29th Dec
Sun 30th Dec
Mon 31st Dec
Tue 1st Jan
| |
Wed 2nd Jan
Timetable returns to normal as of the 3rd January.
Seeing as its Christmas, we couldn't think of a better way to wish you all an extremely Happy Christmas & a wondrous New Year than to Elf ourselves for your amusement....
Party Thank you
Thank you to everyone who came and helped us celebrate our 10th Birthday, BYC Style. Pictures are up on our Facebook page from the days & evenings festivities.
If you have any more, please email them to us bikramyogachiswick@me.com.
Have a truly wonderful Christmas.
See you in class soon.
With love and thanks
Helen, Kat, Fed, Francesca
and all the staff at BYC