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Thayer Birding Software

9048 Whimbrel Watch Ln, Unit #202

Naples, FL 34109





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Tell Your Friends About the New Version 7
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3,000 New Photos
Version 7 has over 6,500 color photos.



King Eider








American Avocet


Wood Duck

Rose-breasted Grosbeak



Wood Thrush



Painted Bunting





Harris's Hawk





Blackburnian Warbler



February 3, 2015
Version 7.0.3 - Free Update

Thayer Birding Software has released yet another free update for those of you that have version 7. You can get version 7.0.3 by opening your version 7 Birds of North America, clicking Help and then clicking Check for Updates.

Download and install the free update. Then Check for Updates a SECOND time. The second update is larger.

Version 7.0.3 corrects a problem when folks import Custom Lists from Birds of My State. The Custom Lists would appear to contain zero birds or they would not appear at all. This update should make the Custom Lists magically reappear! Also, the splash screen date was changed to 2015.

If you do not have your version 7 yet you can use the discount code LOYAL7 to save $5.00 if you owned a previous version. You pay just $44.95 for the Downloadable version or $58.95 for a copy loaded on an 8GB USB flash drive.

This amazing software features 985 species and includes 6,500 color photos, 1,500 sounds, 550 videos and 700 quizzes.

In addition, you can easily Filter to see just the birds from one state or province - or even one family. And the program even lets you import your own photos or photos from the internet. Now you can make quizzes on butterflies, wildflowers, birds of Costa Rica or anything!

New "Custom Quiz" How-to Video

We released two new Video Tutorials showing how to use the features in version 7. We strongly urge you to watch the video about Creating Custom Quizzes.

v7 - Using the Seven eViewer Icons

v7 - Creating Custom Quizzes

See all the Videos on our web site  

Great Backyard Bird Count

It is that special time of year again. Help the scientists at Cornell and Audubon take a "snapshot" of the birds. The dates are February 13-16th. Tell your friends!

Gold Edition Users - Request Free v7

If you own version 5.0 or 5.5 you must request your free copy of version 7 by December 31, 2015.
More details...

The Mac version 7 should be available in April 2015.

Version 7 Features

We would love to hear from you. Let us know what you think of the new version 7.0.3.

Good Birding,


Pete Thayer
Thayer Birding Software
Thayer Birding Software  | 239-596-1637  | 800-865-2473
  pete@thayerbirding.com  |   http://www.thayerbirding.com
9048 Whimbrel Watch Lane #202
Naples, FL 34109