January 11, 2016
Take Action Now and Help Defeat a Proposed Tax Increase on Premium Cigars in the City of Chicago

Mayor Rahm Emanuel
You would think that Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel would have other far more pressing issues to occupy his time, than launching an attack on the Cigar Voters of Chicago.  

This week, Mayor Emanuel will introduce to the Chicago City Council a proposal to increase the rate of taxation on cigars and other tobacco products in the city.

Specifically, the proposal calls for a 90-cent per cigar tax along with varying levels of taxation on other tobacco products.  The goal of the program is to drive up the cost of cigars and other tobacco products in order to raise $6 million in revenue to pay for his special interest project.

Such a dramatic and unprecedented proposal will result in driving sales of cigars to surrounding jurisdictions, out of state, and through other avenues, that will provide no financial benefit to the city.

Take action now, and contact the Chicago City Council and encourage them to reject the Mayor's proposal on increasing the tax on tobacco products in the City of Chicago.

To fill out the petition against the proposal, please click here.

For contact information for the Chicago City Council, please click here.


Every cigar consumer, retail tobacconist, and manufacturer of premium cigars is being threatened as never before, and CRA has been leading the fight against federal tyranny. With the issuance of proposed federal FDA regulations and a final rule forthcoming, you can show your support through membership or by making a special contribution to fund this unprecedented battle.

As CRA membership grows across the nation, our impact at all levels of legislature follows suit. Please help CRA by joining CRA today.
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