
March 18, 2014

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Ohio: No New Taxes On My Cigars
John Kasich (R-OH)
Ohio Governor John Kasich Continues War on Tobacco   


Ohio Governor John Kasich (R), and Representative Jeff McClain (R-87) have teamed up to continue the war on tobacco. Recently, Representative McClain introduced House Bill 472, which is intended to make "operating and other appropriations and to provide authorization and conditions for the operation of state programs" for the upcoming fiscal year.


Tucked away in the bill is a call to increase the rates of taxation on premium cigars.  The bill calls for an increase from the current taxation rate of 17 percent to 49 percent. This drastic increase is incredibly harmful and threatening to premium cigar enthusiasts and the small business premium cigar retail community in the state.  


Governor Kasich's endorsement of the proposal and desire to see the increase implemented within three months is alarming.  This must be stopped.  We cannot allow the representatives of Ohio to balance the budget and fund state programs on the backs of premium cigar consumers and the small business retailers.
Please take the time to fill-out the petition urging your local state representatives to vote NO on H.B. 472, or send a personal message to Governor John Kasich by calling or emailing him in opposition to new cigar taxes at 614.466.3555 or by clicking here.
 Stand Up For Cigar Liberty...No New Taxes, On My Cigars!  


In order to be successful in our fight to enjoy cigars without the threat of smoking bans and high taxation, CRA needs your help. Please consider partnering with CRA through two important methods:

Membership There is strength in numbers. The more members CRA has, the greater voice we have at all levels of legislature. Please help CRA by asking your fellow cigar enthusiasts to join CRA today! Membership starts as low as $35/year. 

Donate Our fight around the country is very expensive. We would like to ask all CRA members and cigar enthusiasts to consider making a donation to CRA in any amount you choose

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