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A Warm Welcome to Mairin Smit... We are thrilled to welcome Mairin Smit as the new Program Coordinator of Theatre Ontario. Mairin is a passionate arts administrator and theatre director. With a multi-disciplinary background in theatre and dance, she has a diverse perspective on the arts world and the life of an artist today.
Mairin starts at Theatre Ontario on August 12.
Read more about Mairin Smit on the Theatre Ontario website
...And a Fond Farewell to Tim Chapman It is with 'sweet sorrow' that we bid a fond farewell to Tim Chapman, who has retired after seven amazing years as Theatre Ontario's Professional Theatre Coordinator.
Read our farewell to Tim on the Theatre Ontario Blog
Workshops for Emerging Playwrights and Emerging Plays with Lindsay Price Sometimes the hardest step in the playwriting process is the first. Where do I find inspiration? How do I develop an idea? What if my idea fizzles out halfway through? "Playwriting: Ideas to First Draft" takes you from the idea stage to confidently writing a first draft, and runs September 14 in Toronto. Read more about Theatre Ontario's Playwriting: Ideas to First Draft workshop
Plays are not written in the first draft. Plays come to life in rewrites. But re-write how? What if we don't know how to move our work forward? What if we don't know how to critique our own work? What if we aren't sure how to process feedback from others? "Playwriting: How to Self-Edit and Critique" offers tools and techniques for playwrights who have a play "under construction", and runs September 15 in Toronto. Read more about Theatre Ontario's Playwriting: How to Self-Edit and Critique workshop
Ontario's Theatres Adapt to the New Marketing Reality In our conversations with theatre companies, the challenges of engaging with audiences comes up over and over again. Theatres find it hard to focus, hard to prioritize, hard to measure results of specific activities.
Brandon Moore writes about how Ontario theatres are adapting to the new reality on the Theatre Ontario Blog
Improve Your Chances of Success with a Creative Grant Proposal
Change the grant-writing nightmare to a positive creative experience. In this practical workshop for individuals and theatre organizations, you'll learn how to build a strong artistic/vision statement and bring your concept to the page.
Join us on September 9 at 4:00pm in Toronto for "Proposal Writing: Creative Approaches to Creative Proposals" with Denise Bolduc - just in time for the Canada Council Grants deadline.
Read more about Theatre Ontario's Proposal Writing workshop |
Honouring Ontario's Arts Innovators and the Legacy of Sandy Tulloch When Sandy Tulloch retired as Executive Director of Theatre Ontario, her legacy was honoured with the creation of the Sandra Tulloch Award for Innovation in Arts and Culture, recognizing leadership, initiative, and service that has contributed to the development and strengthening of arts and culture in Ontario through innovative and practical initiatives.
Theatre Ontario is thrilled to announce that the award will be sustained through the sponsorship of Marinucci & Company, Chartered Accountants.
Read more about the Sandra Tulloch Award for Innovation in Arts and Culture on the Theatre Ontario website
Community Theatre Conversations Save-the-dates for our upcoming Community Theatre Discussion Forums, as we share and identify opportunities to work collectively to provide services and support such as advocacy, training, resources, and facilitation to our member community theatres.
- Oshawa on September 12
- Sault Ste. Marie on September 28
- Merrickville on November 9
Read more about Theatre Ontario's Community Theatre Discussion Forums
Espanola Little Theatre is Still "Looking" With six Theatre Ontario Festival awards in hand - including the Elsie for Outstanding Production - Espanola Little Theatre's production of Looking is now touring to Gore Bay (Gore Bay Community Hall on August 16) and Parry Sound (Stockey Centre for the Performing Arts on August 18.) These will be the fifth and sixth venues for this production. (Do you remember the first four? Brandon Moore wrote about it on the Theatre Ontario Blog before Festival.)
Save the dates of May 14 to May 18 for Theatre Ontario Festival 2014 in Sarnia. Festival is a showcase of outstanding community theatre productions, a classroom for passionate, dedicated community theatre artists, a celebration of excellence in community theatre, and a destination bringing together theatre lovers from across the province. Read more about Theatre Ontario Festival
Welcome to Our Newest Board Member We are thrilled to welcome Betsy Chaly to our Board of Directors at Theatre Ontario. Betsy is a bilingual marketing and communications professional with over fifteen years of experience in a variety of industries, including media, arts, telecom, government, and education. Currently, she is the Vice President of Communications & Marketing at Indspire.
Read more about Betsy on the Theatre Ontario website
Playwright-in-Person Comes to Waterloo Join us on August 12 at 8:30pm in Waterloo for "Playwright-in-Person" with Maja Ardal. This free event features Maja reading excerpts from her plays You Fancy Yourself and The Cure For Everything.
Read more about Theatre Ontario's Playwright-in-Person
Funding Professional Theatre Mentorships Beginning August 12, we will be inviting applications for the October 1, 2013 deadline of our Professional Theatre Training Program (PTTP), funded by the Ontario Arts Council, an agency of the Government of Ontario. PTTP offers financial support for unique and flexible training with a chosen mentor in any theatrical discipline (except performance.) One can apply for professional development in his/her own discipline, or a "change of direction" in a career. To apply, applicants must have at least two years of professional experience following their formal education.
Read more about Theatre Ontario's Professional Theatre Training Program
What Would You Like to Ask an Agent? What does an agent do and why should you have one? Join us on September 30 in Toronto for "Ask An Agent: Everything You've Always Wanted To Know..." with Alicia Jeffery. This session covers the basics of the agent/performer relationship and some general business information.
Read more about Theatre Ontario's "Ask An Agent" workshop
So You Need Money for Your Project? You've got the ideas. You've got the passion. You've got the drive. What you're missing is the almighty dollar.
Grant writing and fundraising events are no longer your only option when it comes to finding money to get your project off the ground. Join us on October 7 in Ottawa for "Crowdfunding Basics: Tips for Artists and Arts Organizations" with Nancy Kenny, brought to you by Theatre Ontario and the Great Canadian Theatre Company.
Read more about Theatre Ontario's Crowdfunding Basics workshop
Looking at Our Communities from a Different Perspective
Theatre Ontario partnered with Cultural Pluralism in the Arts Movement Ontario (CPAMO) to present a panel discussion at our annual meeting in May.
What are your strategies for engaging with diverse communities?
Carol Beauchamp writes about the need to step back and take a different point of view on the Theatre Ontario Blog
The Revival of the Siminovitch Prize At first, it sounded too good to be true.
When a brand new Twitter account started reaching out to members of the theatre sector in May with the news that the Siminovitch Prize in Theatre was returning, there was good reason for skepticism. The media reports in 2012 seemed quite definitive that the Prize was ending.
Brandon Moore writes about the revival of the Siminovitch Prize on the Theatre Ontario Blog
Shaw Intern Director Applicants The Neil Munro Intern Directors Project at the Shaw Festival continues to be an extremely competitive director training opportunity - this year Theatre Ontario has received 68 applications from Canadians in six provinces (Ontario, Nova Scotia, Quebec, Manitoba, Alberta, and British Columbia), the United States, and the United Kingdom. The choice of the two Intern Directors for 2014 is expected to be announced by the end of September 2013.
Read more about the Neil Munro Intern Directors Project at the Shaw Festival on the Theatre Ontario website
Ontario Off Stage Our biweekly column Ontario Off Stage curates online theatre news and conversations from around the province and beyond. Highlights from the past month include:
- Why theatre?
- The role of Mississauga's Stage West Theatre in the theatrical ecosystem
- Crowdfunding by Ottawa artists
- The remarkable story of actor Ken Harrower
- Familiar faces among NOW Magazine's 10 Toronto Fringe artists to watch
- A new Ontario Fringe Festival
- Live Love Art... celebrating 50 years of provincial arts funding through the Ontario Arts Council
- Connecting playwrights and community theatres
- How can we invite technological change and not lose our way?
- Theatrical adaptations - movies to musicals, children's stories to stage
Read more about all these items in "Ontario Off Stage" on the Theatre Ontario Blog |
Catch up with News on Our Blog
The Theatre Ontario Blog is our home for news, announcements, analysis, and opinion curated and written by Theatre Ontario. You can sign up to receive blog posts via your favourite RSS reader, or follow by email, at www.theatreontario.blogspot.com
Missed an issue of Theatre Ontario Presents... ? Catch up in our archives.
Questions? Please contact Brandon Moore
Communications Coordinator, Theatre Ontario 416.408.4556 x.13 We acknowledge the support of the Ontario Arts Council (OAC), an agency of the Government of Ontario, which last year funded 1,681 individual artists and 1,125 organizations in 216 communities across Ontario for a total of $52.8 million.