Primatics Video

Gocator 2400 - Out Measure the Competition
Inspect the smallest features at an unrivaled 6 Microns X resolution

The new Gocator 2400 Series 2-megapixel camera technology scans, detects and measures micro-features that the competition can't even see-all with a wide field of view and fast scan speeds that can easily handle production speed.

The highest resolution in the industry captures fine detail with more data points, allowing the Gocator 2410 to detect the smallest features that the competition misses-such as step height. Wider field of view also means Gocator 2400 sensors acquire more of the part in one scan, while it takes the competition multiple sensors or scans to perform the same operation.

New Robotiq Vision System for Universal Robots
Camera plug + play vision system

Robotiq wrist camera and vision system breaks down barriers to vision integration. Robotiq launches a new vision-guided pick and place solution for Universal Robots that can be setup on a shop floor in 5 minutes. No external PC is required to setup, program or run the Camera. Everything is done right from the robot user interface.
The compact camera design fits perfectly on the UR wrist and offers direct connectivity to the controller. Moreover, the Robotiq Camera's user friendly software is seamlessly embedded within Universal Robot's graphical user interface.

5-Minute Setup
Teach the workspace, then teach the object. You're done. No coding required.

Perfect fit for UR
Fits on all UR wrists and connects directly to the robot controller.
No external controller
No external PC required to setup, program or run Camera.

Primatics Custom Motion Solutions
Custom design for high performance complex machines

Custom Motion is used in a wide variety of commercial, industrial and academic tasks from inspection and assembly to material handling and dispensing. Many commercial and industrial projects require reduced time-to-market cycles while minimizing development and production costs. 

Motion products include linear and rotary positioning stages, motor drives and controls. While many standard products are versatile and can satisfy a variety of needs, sometimes the motion task is not efficiently solved with common catalog products. In these cases a Custom Motion solution is a viable alternative.

Primatics can meet your motion requirements for a specific application through features, performance & price.

In Position Technologies, Inc., 7403 West Boston Street, Chandler, AZ 85226 

IP Tech | 7403 West Boston Street | Chandler | AZ | 85226