E-Newsletter          March 2016

In my time of teaching for over 30 years, there is no doubt that one of the most popular topics is that of "relationships." In a similarly long period of doing private sessions, once again, the topic of relationships is at the top of the list--not just partnerships but all forms of relationships. 
Having worked with celebrities and millionaires, I can say unequivocally that not all human beings struggle with financial issues. Working with people of all ages--many taking good care of their health--not all people struggle with health issues. But no matter how famous, wealthy, good-looking, or healthy, everyone seems to struggle (far too often) with relationships.
This is totally understandable, considering that all of our interactions with human beings end up as one type of relationship or another. But what is not understandable is why people allow themselves to remain so perplexed and dis-empowered around the topic. It's really not that complicated. If we have issues in our relationships, it's never an accident or coincidence. Instead, the roots of such issues lie in one of the following areas of our own unhealthiness or neglect, which means that to improve upon these areas increases our odds of having fulfilling relationships, and they are: 
*Having a strong and faithful connection to God
*Being a psychologically healthy human being
*Being a responsible human being
*Being committed to honest and clear communication with all people we meet
*Practicing the art of healthy affection and kindness
But again, people tend to remain perplexed by the unhealthy status of their relationships (which includes the status of not having a relationship). Men, all-too-often, prefer ignoring their relationship issues until it's too late to repair them. Women, all-too-often, run around trying to find a solution to the relationship issues or instead, do the opposite and drop into a slump of despair that there is no solution for their current problems or that there is no chance of finding the healthy partner of their dreams. 
My advice to men is that if you are not willing to step up and meet your partners (male or female) at the level of their concern and together find a solution of how to joyously stay together or joyously part ways, then you should cut your partner loose and release them from the captivity of hope that they hold. To not do so ensures some very bad karma for keeping them hostage--literally or figuratively. 
My advice to women is that you must accept that even if there is a "dream partner" out there, they are a "dream" and not a reality. So stop dreaming. Get in your body and recognize what's not working and fix it or bid it farewell. Also, you need to know that it's far better to be alone, learning to take care of yourself than it is to fall prey to the ignorant words of your friends and family members who persist in trying to guilt you into finding a partner (and/or having children) or else it means you are less than a valuable and complete person. THEY ARE WRONG! 

To both men and women, I say, stop using other people as your excuse for being held back from moving forward on your spiritual path. And stop giving your relationships titles and roles that simply are not there. Don't expect romance from a friend; don't expect true partnership from a housemate; don't expect love and safety from people you assign to use you or be used; and don't refer to your relationship as a romantic partnership if you haven't been intimate for months or years. This only leads to more bad karma and bewilderment. Instead, be honest with yourself and each other.
And, stop fooling around and having affairs. Why lower yourself to being second on someone else's list of priorities? And why put yourself into the position of creating bad karma for the harm you are causing to all other people involved in the affairs? Instead, treat yourself with the same love and respect you would advise to anyone else you care about. I'm not saying that it's wrong to have more than one intimate friend but such is only healthy when there is a clear agreement around it between all parties involved.

There is simply NOTHING more important than your relationships with God and yourself, and your personal awakening. Nothing else matters because everything else is just a reflection of yourself and holds no real value other than facilitating our lessons. So learn your lessons faster and release everyone from playing their karmic roles, thus releasing everyone (including yourself) to a world of peace. Take responsibility for your release and the release of the world.
The bottom line is that it does you no good to eat right, do yoga, and try to become increasingly more prosperous if, in your heart, you continue to fail to recognize your value and bargain yourself away to others for the mere "hope" of getting something from them. 

If people truly love you, then the gifts they bring to the relationship should come easily, naturally, and often. If such is not the case, it's either because you don't believe you deserve it or it means that your partner is either incapable or unwilling to offer it. If this is the case, why sit around and wait for it? Isn't that a general description of insane behavior? 
Instead, create the love where you are, or walk away and create it for yourself. Chances are, before you know it, you will likely find that you can easily create at least as much love as your former unhealthy relationships offered and probably more. And although you will sometimes wonder if you are crazy for daring to make such a move, more often than not, you will ask yourself why you didn't make this move sooner

Love & Light,
Michael Mirdad

About Michael Mirdad: Michael Mirdad is a world-renowned spiritual teacher, healer, and author. He has worked as a healer and counselor for over 30 years and is the author of the best-selling books, The Seven Initiations on the Spiritual PathYou're Not Going Crazy...You're Just Waking Up! Healing the Heart & Soul,   An Introduction to Tantra and Sacred Sexuality and his newest book Creating Fulfilling RelationshipsHe has also been the Spiritual Leader at Unity of Sedona for nearly five years. Michael is respected as one of the finest and most diverse healers of our time and for his ability to share the deepest teachings in a clear, applicable manner. Explore his Awakening the Inner Christ online course  & upcoming workshops, or schedule a  private session.

Michael Mirdad's
 New Release!

One of today's most respected spiritual teachers, Michael Mirdad provides a profound yet easy to follow guide to understanding and applying the 12 primary concepts of A Course in Miracles. Michael has a gift for taking complex concepts and making them easy to understand and integrate. His latest book is no exception. Michael walks us through the Course's concepts such as Oneness vs. Separation, Love vs. Fear, God's Holy Spirit vs. the Ego, Reality vs. Illusion and so much more. Each chapter unfolds towards greater understanding with tips and strategies on how to apply each principle in our daily lives. This book will take you from confusion to clarity, from intellectual understanding to practical application, from drifting to a daily spiritual devotion. Click here to read some of the praise already presented for this book and also to PREORDER and be one of the first to receive a copy. 


Upcoming tours include: Roanoke, Boston, Colorado, Dallas, and Atlanta. 

Roanoke, Virginia

Awakening Christ Consciousness
Date: Sunday, March 20, 2016
Time: 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Place: Unity of Roanoke Valley, 3300 Green Ridge Road, Roanoke, VA 24019
Cost: $35.00 ~ Phone: (540) 562-2200

An Evening of Miracles with Michael Mirdad 
Date: Monday, March 21, 2016
Time: 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Place: Unity of Roanoke Valley, 3300 Green Ridge Road, Roanoke, VA 24019
Cost: $20.00 ~ Phone: (540) 562-2200 

Facilitated by Michael Mirdad outstretched arms
Thursday, May 19th--Monday, May 23rd
You will never find a single event that offers so much! In this one workshop, you will discover how to get clearer guidance, develop healing skills, experience many amazing teachings and insights, love and trust yourself, create fulfilling relationships, and live a life that reflects your higher self in mind, body, and soul. Living Mastery is an advanced training for students and teachers of spirituality. Our Living Mastery Intensive teaches attendees how to manifest a spiritual, integrated, balanced, and prosperous life, as well as how to bring God and all spiritual learning into your daily life and activities. 
Location: Sedona AZ To register, call (360) 671-8349. For more information on the intensives go to: www.GrailProductions.com

Please note that effective immediately, the fee for Michael Mirdad's private sessions is now $120 for 45 minutesPlease click here for scheduling a session on our website or for more details. This is the first raise in session fees in nearly 20 years. We appreciate your understanding.


Relationships Part 1
This 4 lecture set includes:

This beautiful video collection on Relationships by Michael Mirdad covers: Love & Affection, What Love is and isn't,Soul Mates & Twin Souls, and Friendship.

Love: Affection
* The three primary expressions of love
* The three primary ways to express affection
* The healing power of affection
* How to balance love, desire, and passion

 Love: What It Is and Isn't
* Our true identity is Love
* Forgetting who we are leads to codependent relationships
* Knowing who we are creates healthy and holy relationships
* Real love vs. false love

Soul Mates & Twin Souls
* How to grow healthy relationships
* What are Soul Mates
* What are Twin Souls
* All relationships are destined to become Soul Mates

* Wisely choose your friends
* Taking an inventory of your friendships
* Why you might not have a lot of true friends
* Developing fulfilling friendships

To view our complete selection of DVD's, please visit our  online store.


Creating Fulfilling Relationships
Relationships are at the core of all that we experience in this world. Every thought, feeling, word, and action is motivated by our relationship with God, ourselves, and others. Not a typical book on relationships, this book is about making all relationships (not just partnerships) healthy and fulfilling. It's about being centered in our True Self, committing to self-healing, and sharing fulfilling relationships with others. The more we nurture and experience deep, authentic, fulfilling relationships, the happier we will be. Topics include: The Three Stages of Relationships; Developing a relationship with the Divine Masculine & Feminine;  Responsibility & Self-Awareness; Healthy Boundaries; Relation-ship vs. Relation-shit; Enhancing Communication; Intimacy & Affection; What is Love?; Soul Mates & Twin Souls.

Healing the Heart & Soul Healing bookcover
Healing the Heart & Soul offers the essential ingredients for personal, life transformation, as well as providing a deeper understanding as to why some people don't seem to heal. It also covers the roles of forgiveness, mirroring, and miracles in relation to healing. Then it shares the specific technique of the five-step, Soul-Level Healing Process that will, in nearly every case, uncover the "real" cause (or causes) hidden behind any particular challenge or problem (physical, emotional, mental, financial, and even within relationships), thus making room for true transformation and healing. Soul-Level Healing can be defined as "a two-part process of Emptying one's cup of faulty belief systems AND Refilling this cup with new, healthy, and loving belief systems."

You're Not Going Crazy...You're Just Waking Up! book11
In this book Michael Mirdad explains why the challenges in your life (and in your heart) may make you feel as though you're "going crazy." The Five Stages of the Soul Transformation Process guide you through such challenges (including the "dark night of the soul") and lead you to the "Light at the end of the tunnel," wherein you gain a new perspective of your life, yourself, and your purpose. The Soul Transformation Process includes: 1) Dismantling, 2) Emptiness, 3) Disorientation, 4) Re-building, and 5) A New Life. This process assists you in rising to new levels of spiritual mastery, wherein you become an active participant in Re-building a New Life, a life that resonates with your Highest Good and is described in A Course in Miracles as, "A future . . . without a trace of sorrow, and with joy that constantly increases."

Michael's books are now available on Amazon Kindle... 


Popular Sacred Sunday Services


* Conditional love vs. unconditional love
* The dangers of feeling "special"
* Healthy, unconditional love is rooted in the soul
* Unconditional love is to love as God loves
Other video titles include: Starting the Day with God, Prosperity and Abundance, Loving Self, and many more...

Dear Michael:
Thanks to you I've been seeing a guy now since last April. He's wonderful, loving, and attentive. I know that all the personal work I've done and our sessions together, have helped me open up and feel comfortable with Men-for the first time. It's amazing. This is my first long-term relationship with a man and it's going really well. Thanks so much for EVERYTHING. I can't tell you enough how much our work together has influenced my path. I think that I've called an amazing man into my life and I feel very lucky.

Website Table of Contents:

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This is the latest E-Newsletter from Grail Productions. It includes special announcements and a directory of important links. It is our hope that you find this information both informative and easy to browse; it's only a few pages in length and worth forwarding to all of your spiritually oriented friends. By the way, this E-Newsletter is sent to you with unconditional love and no "attachments."