Dear Wellness Consultant:

Please ensure that you add to your address book to ensure delivery. The most up to date information about ZeroPoint is in The CURRENT!
The VIBRANZ Citrus Silk Oil Vera is a Cosmonutriceutical solution with multiple applications. Citrus Silk Oil Vera consists of a combination of essential oils & extracts from plants and trees, which have been embedded with ZeroPoint technology. Citrus Silk contains Aloe Vera, Jojoba Oil, Orange Oil, Lemon Oil, Argan Oil, Sea Buckthorn, and Almond Dulse. Citrus Silk is a First to Market, completely organic, anti-aging product that restores cellular balance from the inside out - and it shows! 100% Certified Organic - Fair Trade when available

  • Safe for all ages from infant to elderly
  • 24/7 EMF/ELF Protection
  • Balances Left and Right Brain
  • Balances Chakras (energy centers of the body)
  • Promotes sense of well being
  • Relieves sore muscles
  • Eases nervous tension and stress
  • Natural anti-inflammatory
  • Stimulates lymphatic system
  • Supports immune functions
  • Balances the spine
  • Improves skin texture and elasticity
  • Supports collagen formation

Citrus Silk Oil Vera

Citrus Silk Oil Vera
The wonderful results we have all been experiencing need to be shared! ZeroPoint tools have so many uses you may have never considered.


 If you have a FAILED SmartShop, you DO NOT need to reprogram it for a future date anymore. Follow the steps below:

1.     Please log into your account and go to My Orders. There you will find a list of your orders.

2.     Next to the failed order you will find a blue button that says "Pay".. Click on it and follow the regular steps to complete your order and charge it immediately.
  1. If you receive a SmartShop email stating your order has been declined, please follow these steps:
    • Log into your account
    • Go to My Orders or Click Here
    • Next to the FAILED order, Click on the Blue button that says PAY
    • Review your order and follow the steps to enter your credit card information and process the order immediately.
Adding products to SmartShop
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  • Select the product from the drop down list you wish to purchase with SmartShop. Once you select your product the BV will auto calculate as you select the quantity you wish to purchase.
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  • If you need more than one product, click on the blue plus sign and add as many products as you need.
Setup of SmartShop Order
  • Active:     means you have a pending order for this month.
  • Pause:     means you don't want this order this month but may make it active in the future.
  • Cancel:    means this Smartshop order will be removed from the system and will not run again
Click to view larger image

  • Choose to Activate, Pause or Cancel your SmartShop at anytime. Only those orders set to "Active" will automatically process on the Ship Date you choose on the next field.
Click to view larger image

  • Choose the Ship Date you want your order to be processed on.
  • Changes in SmartShop dates and/or setting up a new SmartShop needs to be done a minimum of 48 hours before they are to run. For example, if you are setting up a SmartShop and it is the 6th of November, the earliest shipping date you can choose is the 8th so the system has time to run the normal cycle and then re-set with your order.
Billing and Shipping Information
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  • Fill out the billing information that coincides with the credit card you wish to use. You will be able to edit this information at any time.
Click to view larger image

  • If you will be shipping to a different address, check the box labeled "SHIP TO A DIFFERENT ADDRESS?"ill out the shipping information. You will be able to edit this information at any time.
Credit Card Information
Click to view larger image

  • Fill out the credit card information . You will be able to edit this information at any time.
Editing Your SmartShop
Click to view larger image

  • View a list of your SmartShop orders and be able to edit
  • You can edit anything you wish on a SmartShop order. 
  • It is very important to keep in mind that the deadline to  make any changes is 12am EST.

We are always trying to improve our level of professionalism with regard to our Customer Service. If you call looking for assistance and are forwarded to our voicemail center, please ensure to leave a message with your name, telephone number and email and the reason why you called so we can get back to you as quickly as possible. We appreciate your help with this.
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Still need some help?
Click on the Chat With Us button located on the bottom right of our site.
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Pass It On! 

We encourage you to forward this information to your downline and others who are part of the ZeroPoint family as we strive to improve the way we get the word out to more and more people and in a timely manner. Thanks!


1. Visit your Site URL (found in the email entitled "New Site Invitation and Credentials")

2. Click the Login link on the upper right side of the page to log into your back office
3. Look under the Resources menu item to see the Compensation Plan, Training Calls & Videos and much more!
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