

To be inspired in today's world is challenging; most of it is pretty much a mess. How to stay inspired in the light of the mess, is the question. I feel really good when I can share INSPIRATION with you...not something to 'do', but some inspiring way to 'be'.

I am a problem solver personality; that comes from years of being the oldest of four children, a single mom, and a healthcare practitioner... I'm basically a 'do-er'. Lately I've tried balancing my 'doing' with 'being' and BEING (happy, healthy, abundant, loving, etc) and I've find that much more fun!.

So I say "small bites" like eating the proverbial elephant (smile). Every day I ask myself to be more aware of balancing the doing and being. That means sometimes I just have to stop what I'm doing and be still...take a breath and notice the moment. Sounds so simple, and yet may be our biggest challenges as human 'beings'.

My challenge to you is to INSPIRE yourself daily with your ability to BE in the world; be gently, be funny, BE a human BEING! Start with little bites, little moments of being and breathing in the magic of the possibilites of that very moment, because in a blink, its gone! You are in charge and its easy to get hooked on this joy juice!

You can start right now...close your eyes, take a breath, relax your body and just notice the moment you are in. See how deliciously you can stretch that moment into another breath, and another. Have fun in your discoveries!


In the Light of Love & Spirit~ Amber & Sid 

          lemsisA spark lies sleeping in each one of us;

together we reignite the fire

of the Divine Feminine and liberate our many

dimensions to honor, empower,

Goddess, Priestess, Mother, Daughter, and Healer within. 



A SACRED prophecy was given to Dr. Amber Wolf to share with women everywhere: to reawaken the Circles of Healing that women practiced many lifetimes ago in Lemuria, Atlantis, and the Pleiades and beyond. She has been entrusted with the ancient knowledge of 7 Levels of Initiation in the Sisterhood of the New Lemuria, and continues to receive revealing transmissions of love and guidance from the Heart of the Divine Cosmos.


Don't miss this opportunity to share Lemurian Sisterhood Initiations through rituals, meditations, channeling, and exercises. We will create an Altar to the Divine Feminine that serves as an energetic vortex for our prayers and intentions. We devote this day to recovering our place in the Sacred Circle as we immerse ourselves in soul nourishment.





We have been guided to significant portals of Feminine Power for
these sacred events~
Heal your/the collective karmic consciousness of thousands of souls who have been through the energetic gateways in this areas! 
(you know who you are!)  
SALEM, MA  starhouse
Sept. 7 FREE  Introduction to the Sacred Circle
Sept. 8, Initiation Seminar, $75  Register here
Sept 22, 2012 11:30 am-5 pm $75, StarHouse,
3476 Sunshine Canyon, Boulder, CO 
or call Rubi Hendricks 970-389-4200








    The StarHouse is a temple designed and built with the principles of Sacred Geometry at its core. Constructed in 1990, it is 12-sided, perfectly 

aligned to the four directions.  



  UP COMING Lemurian Sisterhood Initiation Seminars 


Tucson, AZ, Oct 27, Kryon Host, Marilyn Phillips,  welcomes the  Sisterhood to Arizona. Register here  or call Marilyn at 530-663-1864

Argentina & Chile from Nov 15 - 30, "The 6 City Tour", with our wonderful host, Barbara Partarrieu lemuria

AND MAUI! YES, DEAR SISTERS! We begin the Lemurian Choir Event with a SACRED CIRCLE by the sea of LEMURIA, on 12/18/12! Stayed tuned for registration details~



Areas for 2013 include: Seattle, Maryland/Philly, Mt. Shasta/Florida/Michigan


If you think you would like to host a 2013 Seminar, please contact Rubi Hendricks

or 970-389-4200. 


For more information and register for the events through the
Lemurian Sisterhood website at


...and since we are talking schedules here...guess what?! The next Kryon DISCOVERY SERIES will be June 2013 at beautiful and energetically amazing MT. SHASTA, CA!! If you've always wanted to come to
DISCOVERY this is the year!!
The link is now live at : DISCOVERY MT SHASTA 2013 
OK, now I get to brag!!My wonderful kiddo is growing into his journalistic shoes! This summer he created an internet publishing company AND published his first book; a novella that is a true coming of age story for him. So am I proud? You bet! All we ever want for our kids is their happiness, and watching him unfold his writing passion is such a blessing. Here's a link, if you're curious:Orion's Story
Thank you again, dear ones for the blessings you bring to our lives through your healing. And for all your kindnesses. We are happily enjoying our new office and look forward to sharing the space with you!
Dr. Sid and Dr. Amber Wolf
Phoenix Healing Center
610 Terry Street
Longmont, CO
80540   303-774-9525

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