
Dear Patients, Family and Friends~ 

It has been one amazing year for us, with a promise of the energy of 2012 moving us right along! For those who follow us on Facebook, you have seen the images of Discovery in Florida, and 11.11.11 in Argentina; what wonderful events! This was the BEST Discovery ever - something was happening with the building of the energy of this/these events as this year comes to a close. And the 11.11.11 event in Rosario, Argentina was more than we could have imagined! We were in El Theratro Circulo (The Circular Theater), built in 1904 and held 650 people. Our treatment rooms were the dressing rooms, accessed by a back stair; every time we went up or down, Sid would sing verses from the Phantom of the Opera, including the Phantom's diabolical laugh! I know we were all connected to the Family throughout the world celebrating this important Portal.snowangel


Meanwhile, the time is ticking away towards 2012, as many begin to contemplate our New Year's Resolutions (or Revolutions, as I like to call them). Have you given any thought to how you'll take better care of yourself next year? I'm talking the whole package - what's good for the body, the mind and the soul? For the BODY you might want to check out Its a good place to start making a list, a list for you...and for inspiration, just remember my often said reminder, "if you don't do it for you, who will?".

Please check out our 'EXCITING NEWS' below, and have a happy, healthy and safe Holiday Season.

Your Friends~*~*~*Sid and Amber  

LEE CARROLL and KRYON in BOULDER, CO JAN. 14, 2012kryon
This will be the FIRST U.S. EVENT for Kryon in 2012! 
We are at the Boulder Marriott again this year and online registration is recommended to guarantee a seat. 
Yes, Dr. Todd is attending also!  More information is at: or call us at 303-774-9525 for info or questions. 


The other EXCITING event in the works is the Lemurian Choir Rehearsal

May 5,6 2012,  Boulder Marriott, with Dr. Todd Ovoaitys, hosted by Amber, organized by Rhonda Lynn (Lee's US and Canada organizer) and registration by our dear Rubi Hendricks. Stay tuned for details, and also check the  website: Lemurian Choir for updates and the whole enchilada of information about this life changing Hawaiian event, December 21, today, gone to Maui!


Yes, we manifested the sale; how about that (in this economy!). So now we m.o.v.e ~ yes, after 10 glorious years, we are actually leaving Prospect, but not going far...we found a wonderful place in Old Town Longmont, about 10 minutes north of our Prospect office, at 610 Terry Street. Its a beautiful 100 year old house, rebuilt by the housepixarchitect/owner and as sweet as could be. Its much smaller and all on one floor, with a beautiful yard, big trees and a front porch swing for lazy summer sunsets. We were a little upset when we couldn't find office space in Prospect; there's been a plethora of it for years, but we are hoping that by the end of our Terry St lease (1 year) that we will be back there...we'll see. Meanwhile, we'll begin seeing patients at the NEW OFFICE as of January 3, 2012. There's tons on on street parking (its a boulevard compared to Tenacity Drive!), a huge bank parking lot one door away, and 5 spaces that access the back door/alley side. Its a lovely, quiet neighborhood with several residences and small businesses in old houses, like us! I'll send you all more specific directions closer to the opening date. Meanwhile, thank you to all my Sisterhood of the Packing Boxes for your help! Your 'many hands' have helped make the process almost fun - and thank goodness for my hot tub! 
...and as if that weren't enough...stay tuned for the adventures of the Sisterhood of the NEW Lemuria...
Many Blessings,s a
Dr Sid and Dr Amber Wolf
as of 1/1/2012
610 Terry Street
Longmont, CO  80501 303-774-9525