8 / 04 - February 2, 2014

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Periodic updates about issues and actions concerning New York City's Carriage Horses +
Coalition to Ban Horse-Drawn Carriages www.banhdc.org

Horses Without Carriages International www.horseswithoutcarriages.org


interview on the carriage horse debate
Please see this live debate - via skype - The Great Carriage Horse Debate. It involves Donny Moss, Lee Siegel/Writer and Eva Hughes from the carriage trade. Donny Moss did a great job getting the issues out there. This is a must see.

Donny is the director and film maker of Blinders: the Truth Behind the Tradition. You may purchase or rent this on Amazon. Click Here. (photo by Mary Culpepper)

drivers concerned about jobs.
Borough carriage drivers fear for jobs - January 31, 2014. This article covers the job issue and interviewed NYS Senator Tony Avella and carriage driver Steve Malone. This is an excerpt from the article : State Sen. Tony Avella (D-Bayside) has been one of the strongest proponents of the legislation, dating back to his time in the City Council when he proposed a ban of his own in 2009. Avella cited several concerns with the business, such as overworked horses and owners not following regulations. He also said there is a "serious safety issue" involved with having the horses so close to Manhattan's busy streets. "Why do we allow them in Midtown traffic anymore?" Avella said. "It's sort of crazy. The two don't mix. There's a reason horse and buggies don't exist anymore."

Avella goes on to say: Avella said he is aware some of the drivers who would be affected by the ban live in his district and has agreed to work with business owners to come up with alternatives to help them keep their jobs. He has suggested converting carriages into motorized cars that would operate without horses and said medallions could be transferred at a "very minor cost." De Blasio has proposed using electric cars, but Avella and Malone said it would not work in the long run because of the cost. Avella said he is not opposed to discussing other options but said the fact of the matter is that the industry as it exists is outdated


  • Susan Davis from Queens: So because approx 200 people have job insecurity we should continue an unnecessary safety hazard, and unnecessary cruelty to horses? Absurd, who has had more notice to find work than these people, who? DeBlasio stated over 6 months ago that the ban is coming, so right now technically they've had at least 6 months to find other employment. When I had to find employment for which I had no skills (Ian McKeever you are hardly the only one), I had less than 2 weeks notice! There will always be car accidents, but we NEED cars in NYC, horses are not needed, so any accident with a horse is an unnecessary accident. These horses need daily pasture, daily turnout and they are deprived of it! Just because someone isn't standing over them with a whip doesn't mean it's not cruel. The NYC environment is horrendously cruel to horses.
  • Valerie from Long Island: When one is in denial about the realty of the circumstances, one could justify just about any form of cruelty, especially when it comes to animals because they are, as a matter of course, objectified. Like sows confined in gestation crates. Or elephants performing in circuses. And so on. Most people have limited knowledge of and actual experience with the species they are objectifying and so, they simply ride on the backs of others who do the same. This disconnect just perpetuates the paradigm that animals are ours to subjugate. Spend some time with animals and stop quoting a bunch of regulations that are rarely observed and have nothing to do with the hearts and spirit of a sentient being. It's time to move forward and practice compassion. Exploitation is the mark of an indulgent and cruel society.
  • Sharon from California: Turnout is a decompression time for herd animals that have spent hours confined and regimented to the same boring pattern day in and day out. It's a time to interact with others of their own species, sort out herd hierarchy, groom one another and reaffirm bonds. It becomes a mental health issue. Growing up on a ranch with show horses that were stabled except for training or showing (growing up in SoCal there is no set show season it happens all year), the mental stress was obvious in the horses that never or rarely experienced turnout or normal herd socialization. Naming ourselves the empirical species on this planet seems to have given us the right to force other species into unnatural patterns contrary toto their nature, and then argue and defend our right to do so.
(photo by Mary Culpepper)

new blog on the issue about a touchy subject.
ny times article 12-11 This is my new blog. I hope you will read it and understand the issue better. It is called NYC Carriage horses, land grab, antisemitism and lies. One does not have to be Jewish to recognize antisemitism - just the same as one does not have to be Black, Gay or anything else to recognize subtle discrimination. Yes, it is a very touchy subject but no one was addressing it so here I am. I have recognized this for some time now - that the argument about the real estate developer wanting the NYC stables as the real reason behind the ban campaign - is Code for antisemitism. I find it particularly interesting that the word "antisemitism" is not found in the spell check offered by Constant Contact, which provides the format for this newsletter.

The Coalition to Ban Horse-Drawn Carriages started the campaign to ban this inhumane and unsafe trade in 2006 -- but I had been working on this issue since 1989. The stables were the furthest thing from our minds. There would be no campaign if it were not for our activism. But as things developed and NY Class got involved, headed by a wealthy real estate developer, the carriage drivers' argument changed to "land grab"

Tuesday - February 18th
They are not carriage horses but they need help too. We are having a fund raiser to support Glen Venezio, a former New Yorker who feeds the homeless cats in Puerto Rico. There is a huge stray population there. Glen works with others to neuter the cats so they do not breed, but he takes it upon himself to feed them -- every day. Please come to the fund raiser on February 18th. It is $20 at the door and there is a two drink minimum plus a great comedy show MCd by Harris Bloom.

This is Harris' blog about Glen's cats. Click Here. If you are not able to attend, you may donate in a few ways. Glen buys his cat food at the Walmart's in Puerto Rico - he gets the money right away if you buy the card as per this link -- or you may donate by Paypal. I have been a fan for years. His e-mail address is sethspeaksnyc@gmail.com

by Heather Clemenceau
Myths, Half-Truths and Lies in the Commercial Carriage Industry - February 1, 2014 - Heather Clemenceau does her homework when it comes to the NYC carriage trade. Thanks, Heather for this thorough and accurate report.

Read below
We'd like to do more advertising - maybe billboards or more bus ads like we did last year, but we need a steady source of income. As you know, we are all volunteer and collect no salaries. All donations go into the organization for our expenses such as this newsletter, web site, copying, posters and advertising. The Coalition to Ban Horse-Drawn Carriages is teaming up with Earth and Animal Wellness, LLC They are helping us with fundraising and can also help you with animal friendly/kid friendly products that are less expensive than Walmart and made here in the U.S. If you want to know more, email Cindy Wines at cindy@Earthandanimalwellness.com or look up her Earth and Animal Wellness Blog.

Cindy is helping Orphan Acres in Idaho and Big Cat Rescue in Florida to earn money for the animals and their programs. She has always been interested in our cause and now she wants to help us. Please take the time to look around the site and get an understanding of how every time you shop on line for great products, 5% can go to us. Learn more by contacting Cindy Wines.

Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Google Blog & Flickr

Also check out Cafe Press to purchase CBHDC merchandise
igive Through a free registration with iGive, when you buy merchandise on line, your purchase will help us. There are over 700 stores that include such popular ones as Amazon.com, Staples, Best Buy and Barnes & Noble. Even Cafe Press is available if you purchase some of our merchandise. Click here to get started.

On iGive - the name of our organization is "The Coalition for NYC Animals, Inc." We also have three stores on Cafe Press with great t-shirts, bags, hats, mugs, mouse pads, etc. Purchasing this merchandise helps our organization. Click here.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead.

Thank you for caring about the horses, Elizabeth Forel - Coalition to Ban Horse-Drawn Carriages - a standing committee of The Coalition for New York City Animals, Inc.

Please DONATE to our campaign to ban the inhumane and unsafe carriage horse industry.