7- 60/20 June 2, 2013

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Periodic updates about issues and actions concerning New York City's Carriage Horses +
Coalition to Ban Horse-Drawn Carriages www.banhdc.org

Horses Without Carriages International www.horseswithoutcarriages.org

PLEASE FORWARD TO FRIENDS AND COLLEAGUES ** New study and article - Where have all the horses gone? ** our ad campaign ** HWCI demo ** hot weather and horses ** NYC mayoral race ** NYS Avella/Rosenthal bill - take action **

a minimum of 71 horses a year "disappear" with no accountability
Teddy with fan Since 2005 I have been analyzing and comparing lists of carriage horses, which I requested from the Department of Health (DoH) through the Freedom of Information Law. In the past 7 1/2 years a minimum of 529 horses did not have their license renewed. This is approximately 71 horses a year - about 1/3 of the horses on hand. There is nothing in NYC law to protect these horses or to make their owners accountable. They can bring them to auction or dump them with a third party -- or they can find a home for them when they are no longer useful. The DoH does not track the horses after their license is not renewed making it impossible to find out where they went.

This is very important information and we need to make our elected officials understand that. Are they supporting a trade where many of its horses go to auction and then slaughter? We have a right to know. Please click here for the 21 Page Report. This is the Summary Sheet. On this site - at the bottom, you will see links to these reports along with all the original reports (raw data) received from the Department of Health.

Some sad and poignant issues in our newsletter today, which is why I wanted Teddy's picture to be up front. I am Teddy's self proclaimed godmother. He is a former Boston carriage horse rescued by Central New England Equine Rescue several years ago and adopted by a wonderful woman named Sarah who boards him at CNEER so he can continue his strong horse friendship with Monty and the others in his herd. Look at his beautiful peaceful face. It was so hot in Massachusetts yesterday (as it was in NYC) but Teddy - braids and all - is enjoying the fan on his face and loving life. Teddy is a big boy at 2,400 pounds with hooves like pie plates. When he gallops - something he could not do as a carriage horse - the ground shakes under him. This is what we wish for all carriage horses. Freedom and a loving home. Photo by Sarah Avery.

an article by Elizabeth Forel in One Green Planet
I want to thank One Green Planet for their support since we began this campaign. They have published many of my articles and helped to get the truth out. The traditional media has just looked for a bloody accident - no interest in the political connections, overcharging, double shifting, violation of regulations that we see in this "industry." OGP has published what I have submitted. You can see my other articles click here. This is a link to the current article - Where Do All the Horses Go.

Please read it and share with your friends and politicians The carriage trade has been fairly successful in getting people to believe that if the business were shut down, all the horses would go to slaughter. But no one has ever exposed the fact that many horses are not accounted for right now. They have also convinced the media that they have a retirement home. And no one in the media has cared enough to dispute what they say - to talk about Intro 670 that would have protected the horses. . (read about that in the article)

Comments requested on the site - or you can Like through Facebook.

Ban horse-drawn carriages
blinders Our advertising campaign continues. Last week, we advertised in Metro on Tuesday. This next week, we are advertising in City and State on Monday - a government oriented paper -- and Ourtown; West Side Spirit and Downtown Ourtown on Thursday.

A heartfelt thank you to all of you who have already donated to this cause to be part of our advertising campaign. We plan to add more ads based on available funds. If you would like to contribute and help us to get the message out in more papers, please send us a donation via this link. Click here. Donations by PayPal or check are welcome. Depending on the size, the number of times an ad is run, and the newspaper, the cost has ranged from $350 to $700 per ad. We are all volunteer so every dollar donated goes back into the organization.

June 1, 2013
Swoosie and Roberto Stalwart activists came out in the sweltering heat yesterday to protest the horse-drawn carriage trade and to stand in solidarity with activists in other cities. Award winning actress and big supporter, Swoosie Kurtz, joined us at our event. She is a longtime supporter of the work done by the Coalition to Ban Horse-Drawn Carriages - and we also love her work. Currently she portrays Joyce Flynn on the hit CBS sitcom "Mike and Molly." Here she is pictured with Roberto. (pic by Mary Culpepper)

We had a great turnout. More about the conditions below. These are links to photos taken yesterday - in some cases you need access to Facebook.

carriage horses should not be working regardless of the law
The regulations in NYC governing the weather and carriage horses require that the horses be suspended when it turns 90 degrees. Humidity is not a factor. The ASPCA Humane Law Officer is officially designated to take the temperature with a special thermometer. If he determines that it is 90 degrees, he will order the drivers to take the horses out of service and go back to the stables.

Yesterday at the Horses Without Carriages International demo, the horses were suspended about one hour into the event. NYC's weather this time of year is generally humid as it was yesterday. There was only one officer. He must check the park to see that there are no stragglers - to make sure all the drivers go back to the stables. He then goes to the stables to see if the equipment is removed from the horses. This is not the honor system. Yesterday, some of the drivers continued to take rides illegally. This is a video by Roberto of one driver not being happy about being suspended. Carriage Driver Complains He is not Allowed to Have His Horse Out in 90 Degree weather.

If the drivers really cared about their horses, they would not send them out to work on a day like yesterday. The asphalt streets are very hot and horses do not do well in the heat - especially with high humidity. There is no shade on the hack line. So instead, it is a game they all play, pushing their horses to get another fare and waiting to have their business suspended. Then they return to their stables at the hottest part of the day - the furthest one is two miles away. This photo is by Mary Culpepper. The horse is the picture of misery, baking in the heat, weighed down my all that equipment - not free to even scratch an itch. He is also parked over a steam vent - but the drivers do not care. And he is unattended and untethered - an illegal and dangerous practice.

Every week, we address the most important media coverage in the NYC mayoral race. To see past newsletters, please check out our archives - click here.

We often look to the Facebook page of Defeat Christine Quinn for the latest news on the race. If you are on Facebook, please like this page.

Please make calls - Bill Numbers: S667 and A997 + Sign the petition
The only bill to support in the campaign to ban horse-drawn carriages in NYC is the Avella/Rosenthal bill in the State Legislature. It is a pure ban. There are no strings attached. This is a link to a petition we have on change. org. Please sign it if you have not done so already.

You can read the legislation by clicking on the bill numbers, S667 and A997 . Text in CAPS is new. Text with a strike through is deleted.

to support S667 and A997 - The horses need your help!
Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to make calls and write e-mails to state legislators. If you have not yet done this, please do it now. It does not have to be done at one time. The horses need your help.

All of the information we previously published on our newsletter is now on our web site under What You Can Do. Please read it and take action.

Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Google Blog & Flickr

Also check out Cafe Press to purchase CBHDC merchandise
igive Through a free registration with iGive, when you buy merchandise on line, your purchase will help us. There are over 700 stores that include such popular ones as Amazon.com, Staples, Best Buy and Barnes & Noble. Even Cafe Press is available if you purchase some of our merchandise. Click here to get started.

On iGive - the name of our organization is "The Coalition for NYC Animals, Inc." We also have three stores on Cafe Press with great t-shirts, bags, hats, mugs, mouse pads, etc. Purchasing this merchandise helps our organization. Click here.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead.

Thank you for caring about the horses, Elizabeth Forel - Coalition to Ban Horse-Drawn Carriages - a standing committee of The Coalition for New York City Animals, Inc.

Please DONATE to our campaign to ban the inhumane and unsafe carriage horse industry.