High Performance Broadband Over Copper

May 2014
In This Issue:

New Webinar 

Light Reading and Actelis

Transforming The Economics Of Residential Broadband

Vist Our New WEB  

We have launched our new web site. Come to learn more about Actelis and how to leverage copper to gain more revenues, more customers and more competitive edge.


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EU Digital Agenda For Europe:

Objectives Achievable With VDSL2 and
Broadband Amplification 

The European Union's revised Digital Agenda for Europe stipulates the following service objectives by the year 2020:

  • 30 Mbps to all Europeans
  • 100 Mbps to 50% of European households

Can the lofty objective of getting 100 Mbps service to 50% of households really be achieved in the next 6.5 years?   This is an eventuality which even the European Commission itself has questioned recently, due to the high cost and logistical "red tape" associated with running fiber.


Click here to read more  

Copper Becomes As Accepted As Glass in Mature Markets

The Netherlands has one of the most advanced and mature broadband markets in the world, with customers having near universal access (over 95%) to a choice of fiber, cable, and copper-based solutions.    


So which of these technologies has won the "lion's share" of the broadband access business?


Click here to read more  
Maintaining Bandwidth over Copper in Changing Noise Environments Requires a Multi-faceted Approach 

Achieving high quality transmission with copper requires responding appropriately to various changes in the noise environment. These changes can be intermediate (caused by impulse noises or temperature), or they can be more permanent in nature (such as changes in noise introduced as other services are added to or removed from the binder).  


"Rate adaptive" capability allows modems to adjust their performance to ensure high reliability and service availability by lowering their bandwidth and increasing their SNR. This feature is widely implemented by EFM over Copper vendors.


 Click here to read more  
Achieving Service Differentiation With Advanced SLAs and Comprehensive OAM  

ITU-T Y.1564 is an essential tool used by carriers to increase their differentiation by offering higher service assurance and cost effective SLA validation.  


Implementation of Y.1564 within an Ethernet Access Device (EAD) enables generating and analyzing traffic to validate that internal or customer-facing KPI performance metrics such as throughput, frame loss, latency, and frame delay are continually being met.


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WiFi Is Better Than Chocolate

According to Light-Reading

SMEs are constantly looking for ways to draw more customers, increase sales per customer visit, generate growth and expand customer satisfaction. All of these can be successfully achieved by offering free WiFi to customers.


A recent LightReading article based on a new Comcast Business survey reaffirms that WiFi is an essential tool for SMEs for keeping their customers happy. It proven to be more effective than free candy,water, community bulletin boards, or magazines as agreed by more than 85% of entrepreneurs and small

business IT decision makers that have responded to the Comcast survey.  


See Light Reading Infographics 05/14/2014 


VDSL2 is Expanding Business
Ethernet Services

The Service Provider Challenge

Cloud computing, virtualization, and video applications are significantly boosting Small to Medium Business (SMBs) bandwidth requirements. Competition is targeting SMBs.

But Service Providers cannot reach the majority of SMBs cost effectively with  fiber.

They are seeking innovative solutions that can address these emerging service requirements, operationally "snap in" to existing networks mostly served by legacy T1s/E1s, to provide very high reliable bandwidth as well as complete market coverage with the lowest total cost of ownership.

Australia Comes To Grips With The Need For Copper And The Myth of Fiber-Centric Builds


Australia is one of those countries where regulators heavily lobbied by the fiber industry initially bought into the myth of the viability of "fiber everywhere," making fiber the central focus of the country's initial National Broadband Network (NBN) plans.


Being the world's largest government subsidized broadband project, the NGN is truly a "bellweather" worth watching. They have since learned a very valuable lesson that can be beneficial to operators and governments around the world.


According to the Strategic Review of the National Broadband Network, published in December 2013:


"This is not a question of fibre versus copper. The key issue is only how far fibre optics are pushed out into the network and whether they must reach into every home and every business or, whether existing copper infrastructure can be used for the last few hundred metres and in so doing save much time, inconvenience and many billions of dollars."


The Hon Malcolm Turnbull, MP
Minister of Communications


  Click to read more


LTE and Copper Joining Forces  
For Faster Broadband 
An Innovative Approach  

Service operators are struggling to find cost effective solutions to enable them to offer faster broadband to their residential and SME customers before losing business to competitors.  

FTTH/B cannot be justified everywhere.   

Moreover service providers worldwide indicate that although FTTH is a solution that they will continue to deploy it would not be THE solutions for the large BB deployments in the next years.

Service operators are looking to optimize utilization of their current broadband infrastructure in order to close the bandwidth gap and offer residential and SME customer's services that can cost effectively compete against the cable companies offering. A common target among fix line service operators is an offering of dedicated 100 Mbps downstream and significant upstream. 


We turn copper into a strategic asset!



Grow your customer base, service revenues, and profitability

with Actelis' high performance broadband over copper. 


Contact us at [email protected]